View Full Version : microsoft outlook 2007 question

Warren Lake
11-06-2021, 9:07 PM
one function of outlook and other emails you can search and find all emails from one human. Last week looking I found I had emails back to aug 2020. Last night I look again and all that came up were to May 2021 even though I typed in exactly the same. Even with the last week look to Aug 2020 there should have been more before that but put that aside one week I look and a ton are not there???

I emailed the provider exec office and will hear back in the week. Am I missing a button or something somewhere, how can what was there not be there on the search last week? 10 months not showing up?? at least according to what I saw last week. Even since last night I copied all to a folder and when I do the search now there are likely five or so not in the search but are in the folder I copied over to.

Since this post I had a thought and it was go to the main emails dont do a search and see whtn the email was set up., went back to 2018. Then looked for the person and all the emails are there. Thats nice yet doing the search function today anyway only went back to may 2021 for that person and more last week.

What could cause that? Emails not gone from inbox all are there yet search stopping way way short and shorter since last week. I paid my bill :)

Warren Lake
11-08-2021, 11:23 AM
read last night on google there is a thing called indexing and it needs attention when the search function is not working properly First post had too many steps for a non computer guy. Second read going into trouble shoot and find indexing but from what I could see it started into scanning then bailed. Ill look for a computer guy that knows and understand outlook. I need stuff archived as well and dont have time or the right brain to learn this stuff.

Curt Harms
11-09-2021, 9:14 AM
Outlook 2007 has been out of support for several years, I think 2017 was the last supported year? I hope you can find someone to help.

Warren Lake
11-09-2021, 12:02 PM
thanks I did ask a very bright computer guy and he said ouitlook is complicated. He has some windows thing and he said he has issues with the search function in that. People on the net that follow the first troubleshoot thing said it worked great. Its just too much for me at the moment and with computers there is always the fear and if I press something wrong it causes some other grief. Simple for a guy who knows this stuff inside and out. Its frustrating though as i need the emails seperate, at least they are still in the inbox. He said in his case since its not searching consistently he prints the emails.

Curt Harms
11-11-2021, 9:52 AM
There's a reason the Outlook is sometimes called Lookout!! I've never dealt with Outlook, always used Thunderbird as an email client. The search function in Thunderbird isn't its strong suit either though it does work ... mostly. Where Outlook has the advantage over Thunderbird is the calendaring function. I don't need to coordinate meetings etc. with others so that is not missed.

Warren Lake
11-11-2021, 9:59 AM
last night it locked me out, happened in the past you do five or six steps it scans itself and repairs itself. got to one question about replace or not once repair was pressed wish I took a photo as I did not know which one to press, one said replace and I pressed it then was worried but it did its thing then was fine and opened up right away. I dont need the calendar like you said but then I live without one and should be using one

The search function worked different after that but did not go all the way again to find all. There is also a thing when I find emails that it will print most but I get to a point and it just stops every email after that will not print, no idea will see if there is info later today.