View Full Version : 10” CBN wheels, are they out there?

David Zor
11-03-2021, 7:50 AM
I’m looking at picking up an older american made grinder locally that has 10” wheels. Does anyone have a good source for 10” cbn wheels? The 10” wheels built for the Tormek system will not work in this application. The grinder is 1800rpm and one of the few made that is that large and single phase.

thanks in advance for any advice.

Eugene Dixon
11-03-2021, 10:16 AM
Talk to Ken Rizza at Woodturners Wonders. If he doesn't stock them, I believe he can get them. IIRC, Reed Gray knows of a source as well.

Reed Gray
11-03-2021, 11:46 AM
Dave Schweitzer had some 60 grit 10 inch wheels on one of his grinders when he owned D Way, so they are out there. I don't know if they are stock or not. You will probably have to look around. I don't think any of them are made in the US any more.

robo hippy

Chance Raser
11-05-2021, 10:16 AM
D-way has them. i have the 10" 180. Love it.


Kevin Jenness
11-05-2021, 12:26 PM
You might consider using 8" wheels if the grinder shields don't preclude it. You would save money and have a slower, cooler cut. I run 6" cbn wheels on an 1100 rpm grinder and they take off material as fast as I need.

David Zor
11-06-2021, 10:20 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions fellas.

Earl McLain
11-07-2021, 7:20 AM
With 8” wheels being much more commonly used, I wonder if using a 10” at home might have you regrinding if you do a club demo or take class somewhere? I picked up a Sorby ProEdge when I started turning, but taking a few classes led me to adding 8” CBN for my bowl and spindle gouges so it’s less reworking for sessions away from home. Still use the ProEdge for several tools, knives, etc, so definitely not a waste. Maybe Chance Raser could add comment on his experience with that?