View Full Version : Whats going on with corel

Bert Kemp
10-31-2021, 3:01 PM
I'm trying to design a new knife sheath this morning and every tine I try to use the virtual delete tool corel just disappears. Just gone screen goes back to my desk top . did this 3 times now any ideas x5 version:confused:

John Lifer
11-01-2021, 9:50 AM
Mystery delete :)
My x7 version will occasionally just either lock up when I'm doing something complicated or haven't saved (yes auto save on) recently, or it will just end program like yours.
I've usually had to shut down my PC and turn it back on. Restart doesn't always eliminate the problem. Hope this help..... you ain't the only one.

Bert Kemp
11-01-2021, 10:20 AM
Its a mystery for sure John. I copied my design and put it on the laptop and corel works ok on it, but I hate designing on the laptop, much prefer the PC with the large monitor.
Think I'm gonna try uninstall and reinstall corel on the PC when I have time.

Tony Lenkic
11-01-2021, 11:24 AM

Try holding F8 key on startup. This will force Corel as new install.

Bert Kemp
11-01-2021, 3:05 PM

Try holding F8 key on startup. This will force Corel as new install.

Start up of corel or from a reboot off computer?

vic casware
11-01-2021, 7:24 PM
i have had the same issue for the last couple of years with X5, I press print and poof it's gone
no warning just disappears, can happen 2 or 3 times in the day then not again for 3 months
it is very weird indeed.
I have the same version on 3 computers but this issue only happens on the desktop attached to my Fusion Pro
which funnily enough the same thing happens with the Job Manager, it opens then instantly crashes, can do it a few times
then not again for weeks or months.

Kev Williams
11-02-2021, 4:00 PM
I've just come to the conclusion that Corel is full of bugs. My weird thing lately is the Corel on my XP computer, is if I change the table size, then all the guidelines disappear. They're still actually there, they just don't show up. And nothing will snap to them. But I can move them...If I accidentally move a preset line, I get a warning. I can add guidelines and THEY show up fine, which is needed if I need to snap to them, which is like, all the time...

I'd just reload the program, but then all my presets and defaults will be gone...

Bert Kemp
11-03-2021, 1:02 AM
I find it really hard to learn software and I spent so much time learning the little bit of corel that trying to learn something new at this stage, well you know not gonna happen I do like Inkscapes raster to vector tho. If I need to convert a raster I'll use inkscape then transfer it to corel.The bugs incorel make it a challenge for sure.

Mike Null
11-03-2021, 3:01 PM
Have you tried the repair option in the Windows control panel?

Bert Kemp
11-03-2021, 9:19 PM
Have you tried the repair option in the Windows control panel?

I just tried that per your suggestion No Joy:(

Mike Null
11-04-2021, 1:17 PM
Mine can get bogged down if I have too much going on. I do a lot of print merge and that seems to be a memory hog so it can lock up the program and cause a few other problems as well. I typically have several programs open at once so I am familiar with some of the Corel quirks.

Bert Kemp
11-04-2021, 3:23 PM
Mine can get bogged down if I have too much going on. I do a lot of print merge and that seems to be a memory hog so it can lock up the program and cause a few other problems as well. I typically have several programs open at once so I am familiar with some of the Corel quirks.

I most generally work on one thing at a time but I still have all the quirks LOL :rolleyes:

Mike Null
11-05-2021, 11:21 AM
Misery loves company--last night I was working on some new name tag designs and the only thing I had open besides Corel was my email. With just that one file Corel crashed.

Kev Williams
11-07-2021, 2:09 PM
I wish I knew how memory in computers worked, so I'd have an idea why it is memory seems to 'stack up' against itself, or some 'virtual wall', until a program just quits running...

WAAYYY back in 1982 when I got my first ever computer, it just happened to be connected to my first computerized engraver ever, the first of two New Hermes Concept 2000's... the computer was (still is, still have the thing!) an Apple IIe, with 64k ram. It was so fast it only took mere seconds to draw a circle from plot file! ;) --anyway-- I became engrossed in "basic" computing language, got magazines with simple basic programs to write myself- my favorite back then was a fireplace with moving flame. Took near a whole day and it used all 64,000 available keystrokes to write it, it was pretty cool...

--anyway-- :D

back in those days I was also more than a little intrigued with gambling- Craps mostly- the odds, and what was considered the best betting strategies. I ended up writing my own program that would play Craps all by itself, 3 'hands' per pass, with bets automatically increasing or decreasing with wins or losses. It worked great! Did what I wanted it to, I would let it run while I was working.

The problem was, the program would stop cold after about 20 minutes leaving an "Out of Memory" error in the screen... I never did figure out a way to fix that problem. I copied the program to an Atari home computer a few years later, it did the same thing.

The irony is, after all these years, COREL DOES EXACTLY THE SAME THING. If I leave it running indefinitely, hibernating at night, etc, Corel WILL eventually just shut down, leaving the useless 2-choice message to either 'shut down, search for a solution, then restart Corel', or simply 'shut down and restart Corel'-- anything I was doing, gone, kaput, kablooie. ONLY if Corel has done an automatic backup of one or more jobs running do I get lucky. I can leave it on a LONNNGG time on my XP, but that's because I rarely add more jobs. But it eventually crashes too, even if it takes many days. But on my Win7pro (THIS one, my 'main' computer), If I'm busy with new jobs I HAVE to remember to save them all, close and restart Corel just to 'unload' the memory so I don't lose work...

And it's not just Corel. THIS computer, and my other Win7's as of late, have ALL become glacial-speed slugs. Not sure what the main culprit is, it may not even be memory, (but I have an idea, see below) but what I CANNOT figure out, nor can any of the computer 'geeks' I know that have sat at this thing, is:

EVEN with NO other programs running, with literally ZERO CPU usage, and only 20% AT MOST of available system memory in use, if this computer has been not rebooted for several hours, I cannot watch a video without the audio and/or the video breaking up, BADLY. I have a video on Youtube that shows this! Doesn't matter the source of the video either, online or from any of my own sources, it'll do the same thing! :mad:

-How can this computer, with TWO Xeon 3.16ghz processors with 4-cores each, 32gigs of ram, an SSD drive, running Win7 Professional, with NO other programs running, NOT be able to cleanly play a stupid video!!?? -I have a CMD program I found online, that when ran will -supposedly- totally shut down every memory-using running program and/or process, then flush the memory, leaving you with a 'clean' computer without re-booting. Whether it actually flushes the memory I'm not sure, but running it doesn't help the video issue whatsoever...

--I've been told by a 'geek' customer (he programs servers for a major University) that Microsoft is still updating Win7 computers 'in the background', for "security purposes", and MS admits these 'updates' are causing the computers to run slower. IMO and experience, 'slower' is a gross understatement.

SO, what my rant here is driving at, is that my best guess is that the goofy crap Corel (and other programs to be sure) does to drive us nuts is likely just a symptom of a much bigger disease...

Bert Kemp
11-07-2021, 11:49 PM
So why does corel run ok on my laptop thats not connected to the internet but crashes on my PC that is connected:confused::eek::mad: