View Full Version : Buying old tools

Jacob s white
10-28-2021, 3:20 PM
I saw this on Craigslist and have been looking for auger bits is this a good deal or at least a reasonable purchase and not a rip off ?

Jim Koepke
10-28-2021, 3:31 PM
Hi Jacob, it has been a long time since my days of buying and sometimes selling tools.

My way of gauging the prices of tools was to check with completed sales on ebay. There are likely other sites to check on used tool prices.

A quick look at current auctions makes that look like a decent price if the bits are all in good shape.

Over the years a few sets of auger bits have been assembled for use in my shop. The least expensive was purchased on ebay for $20 that is similar to the one to which you linked. It had a corner brace instead of the one in your Craigslist post.

My most expensive one was a Russel Jennings set of bits, a bit more than the Irwin set.

There is an old post of mine on using auger bits > https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?131238 < You will need to become a contributor to see the images, a good investment for $6.


steven c newman
10-28-2021, 5:53 PM
A little rich for me....but they don't look all that bad....all depends on the cutting ends of the bits, condition of the "snail" threads...how sharp are they.

There are a few boxes floating around, where someone had made 2 notches, one on either side of the latch....as sometimes, you can fit the brace into the box.....wrist handle would then stick up out of the box...and you carried the set by that handle....

4th bit from the right...looks a little out of place...longer than it's neighbors....IF you go to see the bits, check them for straightness......the skinny ones are bad about getting a little bent...

Maybe offer $50 for the set, with the brace.

Eric Rathhaus
10-28-2021, 6:06 PM
Price is always relative. You may find cheaper ones looking around but time shopping is time out of the shop. To me, if it's an item I need in good condition and under $100, I feel like the the possible savings amortized over the use of the tool suggests it's better to buy now.

I agree with Steven about buying used ones. The two most important things to know are the condition of the snail threads and ensuring that the bits are straight. You can sharpen the cutting edges pretty easily with the right file.

Stephen Rosenthal
10-28-2021, 6:25 PM
They look to be hardly used, but photos can be deceiving. Carefully inspect them. If they’re in good shape buy it. Doesn’t hurt to offer less, but by today’s prices, that’s a pretty good deal.

Mel Fulks
10-28-2021, 7:09 PM
I prefer the “double twist” bits, but if you need something right now “ be sure you are right,then go ahead”
Dave Crockett

Jacob s white
10-28-2021, 7:29 PM
Thanks everyone for all the information

William Fretwell
10-28-2021, 9:51 PM
I have a similar set with two cutters and the same drill but in better condition. Some of the drills look OK others a bit rusty at the tip. I think I you could do better for the same money. It really comes down to how much use will they really get. That drill style does give a well guided hole with lots of control. You will have to sharpen the cutters of course and clean up the drill with oxalic acid.

Luke Dupont
10-28-2021, 10:48 PM
A complete set of bits in that good of condition are pretty rare.
And that's a very nice brace too.

I've always struggled putting together a full set of bits to go with my brace that cover all sizes AND are in good condition. I'm always ending up buying a bunch of bits, half of which are unusable, a quarter of which are able to be sharpened and restored but are the wrong sizes to fill the missing gaps in my collection, and another quarter which actually are both "good" and "needed".

I wind up buying such mixed bags multiple times before putting together a full set of reliable bits, and taking quite a long time to restore them.

I'd snag that up in a heart beat.

Steve Tripp
10-29-2021, 7:05 AM
I'd also grab that set. The bits appear to be in good/very good shape. The brace is nice. Most definitely.

Matt Riegerix
10-31-2021, 9:10 AM
Looks like a deal compared to recent Ebay prices.