View Full Version : Now I know

Gordon Achterhof
01-14-2006, 7:14 PM
Why you guys all turn wet wood. Got a 6X6X2 block of cherry that must have been cut back around the civil war or before. Hard is not the word for it. Anyway, started my first bowl today. Not progressing too fast. I found that the Jet 1236 that I have is or was too close to the floor and killed my back. Time out to put a chunk of 4X4 under the feet and that made it much better but the damage was already done. Had to quit and go back to the heating pad.

The second pic is one of the reasons that it takes me longer than normal to get something done.


Bernie Weishapl
01-14-2006, 7:19 PM
Oh yea, sneaking up on them turkeys huh?:eek:

Gordon Achterhof
01-14-2006, 7:48 PM
Ya Bernie. Think that I am going to turn some drumsticks. There are four toms in that bunch.


Mark Cothren
01-14-2006, 7:54 PM
Hey, you can't just sneak in a shot of birds this close to turkey season like that! Man, you'll have me awake all night... :D

That Cherry may be hard, but I bet it smells good, eh?

Jim Becker
01-14-2006, 10:30 PM
Looks like a great start.

"My" turkeys haven't been coming around as much anymore. There is a new development across the way that has totally distrupted their former travel patterns. Bums me out...I alway have enjoyed watching them up close right outside my shop windows as they feed on the seed we put out for them.

Andy Hoyt
01-14-2006, 10:39 PM
Looks like a great start.

"My" turkeys haven't been coming around as much anymore. There is a new development across the way that has totally distrupted their former travel patterns. Bums me out...I alway have enjoyed watching them up close right outside my shop windows as they feed on the seed we put out for them.
Here ya go Jim. Right out my shop one day last week. They're all yours.

Carole Valentine
01-14-2006, 10:48 PM
Know what you mean about the turkeys! I have a flock that hangs around and roosts in my backyard woods. I really enjoy watching them. We never had turkeys here when I was growing up, but 10 years or so ago they introduced some and the population has exploded.

Dennis Peacock
01-14-2006, 10:48 PM
Hey Gordon......

It that cherry wood is that hard? Might try turning one of those turkeys you got hanging around the yard there. :D :p :D

Michael Stafford
01-15-2006, 6:38 AM
Gordon, when I first started turning I was turning on a Shopsmith that came up to my waist. I thought I would not be able to stand up the next morning, my back was so sore. Get that lathe adjusted on blocks of wood or something that raises the spindle height to elbow level or a little higher. You won't regret it and your work will improve.

Jim Dunn
01-15-2006, 9:11 AM
I can hardly wait to try some green wood. My wife even wants to see me turn some thing that produces loooooooooong chips. Most everything I've been turning is so dry it produces powder rather than chips.
If you look closely at the avatars you'll see a whole bunch more turkeys:)


Chris Barton
01-15-2006, 9:18 AM
I have turkeys in my back yard too. Around these parts we call them our neighbors...