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View Full Version : Does anyone recognize the make or model of this jointer?

Cody Goodwin
10-19-2021, 3:28 PM
466684The person selling says that this has been painted and does not have a data plate on it (The Arner is apparently an old shop name). The only information given is that it is possibly from Spain and the motor data plate does appear to be in Spanish but that could be a replacement motor. I have scoured google with no results.
Jointer is a 12 inch parallelogram straight knife. Thank you to all for any help you can give. I am looking to purchase this but don't want to if i can not source replacement parts.

Brian Runau
10-19-2021, 5:03 PM
If you can identify the motor mfg contact them and see if they can point you to the jointer mfg

Cody Goodwin
10-19-2021, 5:30 PM
I'll give it a shot. Thank you.

Andrew Hughes
10-19-2021, 6:00 PM
What replacement parts could there be?
It doesn’t look like a gibbed knife head maybe it’s a tersa knife.
If the tables are flat it’s big plus in my check list.
Good Luck

Patrick Kane
10-19-2021, 8:03 PM
Well this is interesting. I’ve looked at so many used machine listings, that it’s always a treat when I don’t recognize one. I can honestly say I’ve never seen another jointer with a fence design like that. It’s unique in that regard. Do you have a close up photo of the cutterhead? There’s absolutely no machine plate with a model number on it? I have a less mysterious jointer, but still no manufacturer plate anywhere on the machine.

Not knowing the maker wouldn’t be enough to have me pass on the machine if the price is right. Especially if that is a Tersa head.

Cody Goodwin
10-19-2021, 8:22 PM
Yeah, I've gone through a whole lot of images looking for that fence and cabinet style and haven't found anything. It's an odd one for sure.

Phillip Mitchell
10-19-2021, 8:29 PM
I have never seen that machine, but the fence and tables look pretty similar to an Italian jointer/planer combo machine I used a lot at the shop where I apprenticed. The brand was Steton, which is pretty rare to see imported to the US, but plenty of them in the EU. I actually have a Steton 500mm bandsaw and really like it.

Anyway, looks like a great and stout machine and I wouldn’t let lack of manufacturer support get in the way of a potentially good deal. What’s the asking price? Can you push some wood through it first to check it out? Check the tables for flatness and make sure castings aren’t cracked, pieces aren’t missing, but I’d probably go for it if it was close and reasonably priced. As others have said, a Tersa / Terminus head is a real plus in my book.

Tom Levy
10-19-2021, 9:09 PM
Odd duck euro machine you say? Something not seen before? I’m actually in the same boat and for now I’m happy I pulled the trigger, but it’ll be interesting whenever I need to get a part for it.

Mine is badged Inca, but it’s label says made in Italy. It’s a jointer/planer and the model is Inca 3000. It is listed in at least one late 90s catalog. Doesn’t have cast iron tables, they are some anodized aluminum that’s pretty hard. Mine actually came with the manual and a follow up set of docs from Garrett wade, where it must have been purchased. I tried to contact Garrett wade a few times to ask questions, but they never responded. I talked to eagle tools and they indicated that just a couple prototype machines made it to the US, but Inca never shipped production models. Apparently it was featured at some late 90s wood working show and I’m guessing the prior owner purchased it there.

its 400mm tersa head with 4 blades. Jointing and planing both work, tables are fairly tricky to try and level. I’m not a machine expert and im sure others could do a better job, but it’s flat enough to work. Paperwork indicates that it came without a motor, so it must have been added here in the US. Haven’t opened it up to see what is in there, but it came with a 15 amp 220 plug, so guessing 3hp. I’ll try to post pics below.

Tom Levy
10-19-2021, 9:14 PM

Brian Holcombe
10-19-2021, 9:48 PM
Looks very decent! Planed tables and looks pretty stout.

Kevin Jenness
10-19-2021, 10:47 PM
I wouldn't worry about replacement parts if the tables are flat and the head runs true and smooth. There's a lot of good old iron in service from defunct manufacturers.

Brad Chenoweth
10-20-2021, 7:52 AM
That is indeed a rare machine in the US. You should show it over on the Inca owners group. They would really enjoy seeing it!

Mike Kees
10-20-2021, 10:24 AM
That jointer looks like a real good one. As long as everything is flat and no broken castings there really is nothing to worry about parts wise. Bearings and electrical are available from many sources. These older machines will outlive all of us.

Erik Loza
10-20-2021, 11:36 AM
Definitely Italian, though I haven't seen this particular one before. Appears to be a regular straight-knife head, not Tersa. There is no knife access hole in the sheet metal around the cutterblock arbor.
