View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
10-18-2021, 12:29 PM
18 Oct 2021

It's been a good and busy week for me. Working on the queen size bed frame for my #2 son as well as a couple of cutting boards and trying to get a handle on things at the new day job. Played bass guitar at church yesterday and am schedule to play again this week. I'm already getting requests to play for various Christmas services but my choice this year is to not over-schedule myself like I have done in the past!!
A coming project I have in the shop is to make 4-legged kids stools for a customer of mine that I made stools for backup in 2003! Now I gotta remember what all I did to make them....almost 20 years ago now. :)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
10-18-2021, 3:51 PM
I can see you are smiling with how things are going, Dennis...and that's good. :)

This past week was a mish-mash, but I got a couple of simple nightstands built for our guest room and they are ready for finishing. I also got pretty much the rest of the stuff in the upstairs of the old shop building sorted and there is only a little more left to physically move. I do need to unload a bunch of turing stock that's beyond my ability to store and use in reasonable time--will be trying to get local folks interested and will figure out how I want to handle that soon. Made a quick but effective crosscut sled for the cabinet saw and restored my leg tapering jig for use on the same as it had been converted to work on the slider in the old shop. Oh...this birdhouse needed a new roof. :) Yes, those are 'shrooms growing on it. LOL


Chris Tolbert
10-18-2021, 10:51 PM
A little bit of this and that…fairly new at using planes….set up a sharpening station on a free piece of granite and had a go at my plane irons. They’re sharper than they were but not scary sharp…more practice needed…. Picked up a #4 Stanley and cleaned it up…not pretty, but functional. Did some practice re-sawing…the cut came out terrible, but after going at it with the plane, the surface was level and I got that shiny finish that I’ve only seen on the internet, so I’m proud of that.

Paul F Franklin
10-19-2021, 8:07 AM
Didn't get a lot done on the kitchen last week; we were traveling the beginning part of the week and had social obligations over the weekend. I did get some of the sheetrock taping started and also removed all the shoe and baseboard molding in three hallways in preparation for a buddy coming today to help me pull up all the old flooring.