View Full Version : Wood source near Gatlinburg, TN

Greg McClurg
10-16-2021, 10:09 AM
I will be in Gatlinburg the first week of November and am looking for a source of some turning wood near there; maple, cherry, bradford pear, etc. I live in SW Colorado and basically only have access to aspen and pine. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


John K Jordan
10-16-2021, 11:46 AM
You want to buy from a dealer or are you looking for an individual with a supply?

Jefferies Wood Works in Seymour often has a good supply of turning blanks but they are not cheap. Might call and see what they have now. They are south of Knoxville towards Sevierville/Gatlinburg. (And closed on mondays, I think.)

Big question, what sizes are you looking for?

I have a huge stock of mostly smaller blanks (since I prefer to turn spindles and other smaller things) and would gladly give you some local cherry, bradford pear, sassafrass, maple, etcj, maybe even a piece of dogwood. I have some trees down (red oak, poplar) and could cut some bigger stuff - but second big question: are you driving or flying?

Problem is I’m not in Gatlinburg so it might be a bit of a road trip - I’m just north of Knoxville near Clinton if you want to look it up. Send me a PM or email if interested.

There are some club members who live close to Gatlinburg but I have no idea of their stock or willingness to part with some. We could try sending out an email to the membership but time is getting short!


Greg McClurg
10-16-2021, 2:18 PM
Thanks John for your information and offer. I'm driving and looking more for a bit larger pieces that mostly haven't even been cut up yet. Not sure if there are any arborists that might have something, or if there is anyone that might have some pieces of tree laying around. I am willing to pay a reasonable price for pieces.

Chris A Lawrence
10-16-2021, 6:21 PM
Make sure you check your states laws on bringing non kiln dried wood into the state. Some states are pretty strict to keep from bringing invasive bugs with the wood.

John K Jordan
10-16-2021, 7:20 PM
Thanks John for your information and offer. I'm driving and looking more for a bit larger pieces that mostly haven't even been cut up yet. Not sure if there are any arborists that might have something, or if there is anyone that might have some pieces of tree laying around. I am willing to pay a reasonable price for pieces.

You still didn't say what sizes are acceptable.

As I wrote, I have logs on the ground, red oak and poplar at least. Probably 18-24"+. (The oak tree was about 32 at the base - a friend got some big chunks and turned a cowboy had from one.)
I do plan to remove a few trees but probably won't have time till December.

I don't think I have any larger cherry down at the moment that's still in log form but I have one that needs to come down at some point if you want to cut it down then cut some up to haul off. No bradford pear trees. Have persimmon, sassafras (standing dead and live), hickory, maples. Have a good sized walnut on another property I'm clearing. I do have a big part of a large cherry that a friend wanted but he never came and got it - don't know the condition (it's off the ground) but I could ask if ever plans on getting it. I also don't remember the diameter and haven't measured the diameter of the trees that need to come down. Again, when you "a bit larger pieces" it doesn't tell me much.

I don't sell wood but will give some away if someone else brings a chainsaw and cuts it. When I'm clearing most of what I cut gets burned in a pit. Doesn't take much wood to fill a pretty hefty vehicle or trailer. The guy who got the big red oak could only haul one 28" round at a time in his truck, split into two halves.
I can lift chunks and log sections up to 2000 lbs easily to load.

What about Eastern Red Cedar? I think I have several short ERC logs waiting by my sawmill. (I saw into 4/4 and use it for farm buildings.) Don't remember the diameters. The stuff is often well worth turning (in my opinion):

At the moment I personally don't know anyone who has logs. Our turning club sends out emails when informed that wood is available - perhaps the right email will come at the right time, who knows. You can probably look up tree services and arborists in the area and give them a call before you travel. The problem with those guys is you have to be there at the right time since they usually don't leave logs laying around at the job. The local small sawmills also often have piles of logs and may be willing to sell one you could cut into big pieces. Sometimes the Arrowmont craft school in downtown Gatlinburg has excess wood in log form, maybe give them a call - you might get lucky. A couple of years ago a friend hauled a trailer load from there and I cut it up on my sawmill, mostly into turning chunks and 3-4" thick slabs.

Greg McClurg
10-16-2021, 8:01 PM
Thanks for all this information John. I'm actually attending a class at Arrowmont so that seems to be who I should contact first.

John K Jordan
10-17-2021, 9:16 PM
Thanks for all this information John. I'm actually attending a class at Arrowmont so that seems to be who I should contact first.

Even though it's fairly close I've only been to Arrowmont a couple of times, once to attend a demo and another time to teach a private 1-day class. Nice place and nice people, great rooms and food and great shop too. I won certificate to attend Arrowmont or elsewhere but unfortunately I don't think I'll have time to attend. John C Campbell is another great place not far from here - I've attended a couple of classes there and assisted with teaching another. If you haven't been to JCC I can highly recommend it - the campus nestled in the hills is beautiful. I have a free class there too I'll probably have to skip. :(

Don Frank
10-19-2021, 8:44 AM
Greg, I am few miles north of Kansas city and you'll probably be driving within 20 miles of me on your way back. I have a sawmill and can cut whatever thickness you want on each side of the pith so you have two flat sides to work with. I have big walnut, big birch, locust, hackberry, big ash and spaulted ash, oak, elm, big sycamore and a few others here in log form. I don't think there is any problem moving green wood across state lines as long as the bark is not on. I could get whatever you wanted cut and sealed before you head back. Just pm me if you want to talk.

John K Jordan
10-19-2021, 12:34 PM
Greg, I am few miles north of Kansas city and you'll probably be driving within 20 miles of me on your way back. I have a sawmill and can cut whatever thickness you want on each side of the pith so you have two flat sides to work with. I have big walnut, big birch, locust, hackberry, big ash and spaulted ash, oak, elm, big sycamore and a few others here in log form. I don't think there is any problem moving green wood across state lines as long as the bark is not on. I could get whatever you wanted cut and sealed before you head back. Just pm me if you want to talk.

THIS sounds like a great deal for you Greg!!

No trees to fell and blanks of any size with two flats. Can't be beat! Worth driving out of the way if necessary.


Greg McClurg
10-21-2021, 11:43 AM
Thanks Don, I pm'd you.