View Full Version : Dungeon Shop Reruns, Computer Desk Project

steven c newman
09-22-2021, 11:08 AM
I had outgrown my old desk....needed better drawer space. Went out and picked up a good supply of Ash lumber....and some 1x Pine boards....needed a plan, besides the one in me head....Single Brain Cell Sketch Up.....then try out a few paper sketches..
needed something a wee bit better than this, though..
getting there...
Might be able to work from this one...need 3 such "panels" one for each side of the drawer unit, and the third as a "leg" for the other end of the knee hole...

Lumber supply...at least the Ash parts..
Might be enough...the Pine will be for the insides of the drawers....sides and backs. So far, the "plan" is to build the 3 side panels.....then connect them into the drawer unit, and the knee hole unit...then see about the top.....once that is done, I will see about a "hutch"....have a lot of parts to get milled down,,
Have a few slabs to cut down..
As those 3 side panels will be a Frame & Raised Panel sort of thing.....Raised panels done with a few hand planes, at that. With the "inside" of the raised panel flush with the frame.

Means I need 12 blanks milled down to close to the sizes I need..
One more to go.....cross cut for length, ripped and jointed for width, and picked for the best grain...
At least on the sides that will show. :rolleyes:

This MIGHT take a few episodes....as this isn't Norm's New Yankee Workshop....anyone feel like following along?:confused:

Thomas Wilson
09-22-2021, 2:44 PM
I had outgrown my old desk....needed better drawer space. Went out and picked up a good supply of Ash lumber....and some 1x Pine boards....needed a plan, besides the one in me head....Single Brain Cell Sketch Up.....then try out a few paper sketches..
needed something a wee bit better than this, though..
getting there...
Might be able to work from this one...need 3 such "panels" one for each side of the drawer unit, and the third as a "leg" for the other end of the knee hole...

Lumber supply...at least the Ash parts..
Might be enough...the Pine will be for the insides of the drawers....sides and backs. So far, the "plan" is to build the 3 side panels.....then connect them into the drawer unit, and the knee hole unit...then see about the top.....once that is done, I will see about a "hutch"....have a lot of parts to get milled down,,
Have a few slabs to cut down..
As those 3 side panels will be a Frame & Raised Panel sort of thing.....Raised panels done with a few hand planes, at that. With the "inside" of the raised panel flush with the frame.

Means I need 12 blanks milled down to close to the sizes I need..
One more to go.....cross cut for length, ripped and jointed for width, and picked for the best grain...
At least on the sides that will show. :rolleyes:

This MIGHT take a few episodes....as this isn't Norm's New Yankee Workshop....anyone feel like following along?:confused:

Wouldn’t miss it.

steven c newman
09-23-2021, 4:11 PM
Well, first I needed to move a few planks to the shop....
Select through the stack...looking for those panels...and avoiding some places...
Junky wood like this, or knotty stuff...
I try to cut around such defects. Have 12 panels to get trimmed to final size...rough edges jointed off...flattened a bit IF needed. Can let these sit a day, or two...more planks get ripped for width...
Need 6 stiles.....nd a bunch of rails to go between them

15 rails...there was a problem...some were 3/4" thick, some were almost 4/4" thick...
Set the rip fence to match the 3/4" thickness...and run the thicker ones through...
Stiles and rails...all need to be square on the ends, rails need to all match for length...as do the stiles. IF I have a bunch to do, I just gang them up into a "bundle", and run them through in one pass to square an end, flip the ganged up mass around, and trim them all to the correct length t the same time.
Stiles, because they were so long, I needed to clamp the bundle to the mitre gauge...Had to watch where the bundles 2 clamps went....both to clear the miter guage, and give me a spot to clamp the bundle to the mitre gauge..
Stay tuned..next time, we mill some tenons, and plough some grooves...LOTS of grooves...:D

steven c newman
09-23-2021, 4:41 PM
All squared away?

Do the easy ones first...stiles need a single groove...pick the edge that you DON'T want to see again...set up in the jig according to the direction of the grain..
One down, 5 to go....then clamp all 6 together, and set up to work on the rails.
As a couple wanted to bow a bit...used the others to control things, for now...want them as straight as can be, later. The groove is to house the raised panels....I will need to also chop a mortise where each rails attaches...For now? reset the jig, and run a bunch of grooves in the rails.....the "top" and "bottom" rail will get a single groove, the others will get 2 grooves, one on each edge...as they will be holding onto 2 panels, instead of just one....
These are next....groove is 1/4" deep...then add in another 1/4" to sit into a mortise = 1/2" tenons on each end...Many ways to do this...today was the tablesaw's turn..
Tenon cutter....Set up to cut a centered tenon...only have 30 of these to do....
Whew...I think that will do for today....mortises can wait a day....need to start raising panels....as I need to know where the mortises need to be. I'll chop a mortise for the top rail..then use a raised panel to mark out where the next rail needs to be....Once one stile is done ( in theory..) I can mark out the rest of the stiles for their mortises....I hope. I also have a special Mortising Jig..
Allows me to clamp a part to the top of the bench, to where it will not move while I be a chopping away....

So, next episode? We be raising a few panels....with a few hand planes....
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
09-24-2021, 11:13 AM
Ok, so...raise a panel, with hand planes. yes they did make those wood bodied planes that can raise a panel...hard to find one these days. Router/shaper cutter can also do the job....I don't have a shaper ( no room) and most panel raisers seem to be a bit too big for my use.....so..will use a method by Paul Sellers....adapted to fit my shop, and not worry about filming it...same layout steps, though....

Select a panel, chose which face you want to show, other face can be scroungy as all get out, as only a drawer will see it.
Draw a couple stop lines...
1/4" down from the face, and usually 1 to 1-1/2" back from the edge....these are where the bevel STOPS at. I do both ends first..
#4 smooth plane, going at a diagonal to the grain. looking for a nice flat, smooth bevel....not worried too much about any tearout at the edge...as the next step will take care of that...
This time around, I only worry about the top stop line...have a better way to tell when I am done. A #5 jack because of the longer sole. I hold the plane at the angle of the bevel, and just plane away the waste..
I stop when the end bevel and the edge bevel meet at a 45 degree corner. Turn the board around, and complete the other side. Now, since I want the inside to be flush with the stiles and rails ( drawer guides?)

I need a rebate milled around the edges...
However you want to mill these....long grain edge were done with a Stanley #45....

Again, end grain first...with a spur to help...retract the spur..
Until the rebates match....have 12 panels to do like this...might take a while...
Stay tuned. Be sure to test fit each as you go...

Scott Clausen
09-24-2021, 12:55 PM
Yeah if it was New Yankee work shop it would be a stack of wood and then a desk "and that's how you build a desk".

steven c newman
09-25-2021, 5:24 PM
Ok..need a mortise for the tenons to go into...start at the top of a stile.
this is the mortise for the top rail....rest of the stiles will follow along...I hope...Not worried about a haunched tenon, here...top will be covered, and the one down at the bottom....meh...main thing is the top and bottom rails only have one groove milled, and that goes towards a panel..
Only have to chop down below the groove in the stile about a 1/4" or so...get this one fitted..grab a panel, and lay out the next rail's location..
And right on down the stile...Transfer the layout lines across the others stiles as you go..
Plan leaves a bit at the bottom, to form a foot.
When all fitted out.( takes awhile...)

Set this aside, and chop the mortises for the other side of the panel...
Or You could have ganged them up...IF you feel lucky. Anyway, this is what they SHOULD look like when ready for glue and clamps...
Then work on the other 2 side panels....and get all 3 glued up...we have a lot more stuff to do...
IF you want, You can stop at just 2 side panels, for now.....as we need to rebate for a 1/4" plywood back, and web frames for the 4 drawers. Plan is to get the drawer unit done first..and base the rest off of that...
Stay tuned...BTW: I went ahead and glued up that 3rd side panel....want to see which ones looked best, and have them as the outside faces....the worst of the 3 will be inside the knee hole, with the drawers beside it..2nd best will be the leg unit, that the knee hole unit sits on.

Next exciting episode? Web Frames...stay tuned.

steven c newman
09-26-2021, 12:09 PM
Once out of the clamps, and the 2 sides of the drawer unit have been chosen...around in back, I need this milled. A rebate to house the plywood back. How you make it is up to you...have used a electric router, a Stanely No. 78 and the Stanley 45...needs to be wide enough so I can glue and screw the back on. And, deep enough so the back is flush with the edge..
More noodles being made...no, they are not "see-through" shavings...as I wanted to get both rebates done that day...set as thick as I could get, and still shove that plane along..
Something like this will do nicely. This sets how far back the web-frames will go...I also need to know how thick the face frame parts will be. somewhere around 3/4" thick, I think.
Basic web-frame. This is what the drawers will be riding on. Mortise and tenon at the corners...add a couple brads, to hold until the glue dries...Need 5 such frames built. Wood used was Pine, ripped to about 1" wide.
There are a couple items needed done to these..
Web-frames will get installed via 2 screws. Nice to predrill the holes first, and counter sink them a bit. Screws go into the rails in the sides of the drawer unit. Leave a little rail sticking above the frames, for the drawers to rub against on the way in.
This is called a kicker, it keeps drawers from tipping down, when you pull them out too far. These go on the underside of 4 of the frames...bottom frame has no need for one.
So, that be enough for one day. 5 web-frames are milled, and assembled..and waiting on glue to dry...

Next up? Mill the 5 parts for a "face frame"...would be a start. But, the main task will be to glue and screw 5 web-frames in place on 2 side panels,,,,may need a lot of room on the bench, and not a little bit of cussing. BTW: when assembling those frames...use a square to make sure they are square.

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
09-28-2021, 7:37 PM
Top of the bench cleared off? You are going to need as much room as you can get..
Might as well sand the inside down first, won't be able to in a little bit. Both sides done? Ok
This is the location for each web frame....bottom of the frame flush with the bottom edge of a rail....bead of glue on the web frame, and 2 screws to attach each frame...
First frame installed. Nice if the side panel is laying down. Also, use a large square across the side panel, to check that the frame is square to the edge....
Note: bottom web-frame does not have a kicker. Also, all kickers are to the underside of the web-frames...get all 5 frames installed to this side...and prepare to rotate..
And repeat...spot/bead on each frame. Once assembled..
It could stand up on it's own 4 feet....but, lay it down on it's front. You'll need a pre-cut 1/4" plywood panel for the back of the case. Mark along the rebate where the frames are..as one screw will be installed into the frames. Use the plywood back to make sure the case is square. Glue and screws. Run down one rebated edge...check for square...clamp to pull into square IF need be..then screw the other side down to the case...and then it can come off the bench..
And stand on the floor, and be moved to where I can work some more on it....
These are the parts some call a face frame. They get glued to the front of the webframes....ripped to allow for the kickers, top one will be a bit taller, as well as the bottom one...

That will be in the next episode...stay tuned..:D

James Pallas
09-29-2021, 5:59 AM
I remember that project Steven. Good one.

steven c newman
09-30-2021, 9:50 AM
"Face Frames"...Not really a frame...just goes where one would expect...Top piece at the top, connects by way of half dovetails to the sides...
The rest get glued to the front of the webframes...goal is to be flush where a drawer will slide in, yet cover the kicker under the web frame...
There has to be room at the top, to allow for these corner brackets. As these are used to attach the top of the desk to this drawer unit. 2 up front, and 2 in back. They get attached to the webframe.

Next up? I need 2 web-frames....to connect this drawer unit to the leg panel...
But, this has to hold 2 drawers, side by side.
More details. I remember I used Ash for the front of the frames. Center divider sits in a dado into the bottom frame. Corner brackets are a bit different...
Tenons fit into the groove in the stiles....and a screw attached to a rail...
Tenon glued in place, and a screw and glue for the other end. Only need these at the top frame's corners. Bottom frame is attached to the sides by other means...

However, the corner brackets are added after the double web-frame is attached to the drawer unit. That pilot hole is for a screw to go through the frame, and into either the drawer unit or the leg panel...Discovered I only needed the corner blocks out at the leg end. Had to make sure the screw for the corner bracket missed the other screw's location...
Leg unit laying on the bench, so I could attach the frames to it.

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
09-30-2021, 10:08 AM
Time to attach the leg unit to the drawer unit....brackets were needed, because I had to adjust the bottom frame until it was straight. Used a block of wood that would be the right height as the drawer fronts..
There is a back to the double frame unit....a board was sized to fit between the two frames...divider was set in to allow for it....board was sized to THAT spot...and glued to the frames...The metal brackets?
Even had a Stanley part number....needed pilot holes for the screws, and a bit of wax. Time to attach to the drawer unit...needed clamps to pull things into alignment, and then the metal brackets..
Top frame used the holes through the frame's end...into the side of the drawer unit....had all this up where I could work on it...
Between the drawer unit and the leg unit, around in back...there is a plank to keep the leg from spreading out....during any moves that will be coming up...
Also acts as a "Foot Rest" for my big feet. It took 2 people to sit this thing down onto the floor ( needed my tablesaw back, after all)
It got walked over to the bench...where I could finish up the brackets that will attach the top with....They will need drilled for slots so the screws can move with the top.
All assembled...waiting on a top and 6 drawers. Next episode? Will be that top....

Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
10-03-2021, 11:15 AM
A top for this desk....begins as a glue up...Need a stack of 1x6 planks, cut roughly to length...
Trim the worst areas off...
Until 5 decent blanks were stacked up...as such, these would yield too wide of a top....was able to rip some bad areas along the edges, like this one..
Did not feel I need that knot in the middle of a BIG panel....Snapped a cut line...
Circular saw to make the rips.....
Stanley No. 8, Type 7 to joint the edges...some needed a wee bit more than others...
Fit the size of the plane to the size of the work...need to have straight edges in order to get a glued up panel...
Went along, and test fit the boards for best fit, and to tell me about any gaps....3 done, had 2 more to do...
And, when all 5 boards can sit like this, with no gaps, and NO glue....

Stay tuned...a glue up is next...

steven c newman
10-03-2021, 11:41 AM
Right...a glue up...after the last edge had been jointed and no gaps seen....started to stack the other 4 boards on the last one....trying for best figure..wasn't too concerned about a bow here or there..Bead of glue, moosh things around until it "sticks" and on to the next...pipe clamps and cauls as I went....seemed to work out better than laying flat (almost) on the tablesaw...panel was longer than the tablesaw was wide, anyway
cauls and c clamps to pull things flat as I could....hand planes will correct later..
And let this sit a day or two.......

Clamps came off, slowly. Hopefully nothing moved.....ends were a tad wavy, and needed to be squared up....panel is to big to do that on the tablesaw, so...
Cross cut jig for the circular saw....Mark a line to cut to...mark a second line to set the fence to....difference is the distance between the edge of the saw's foot plate, and the blade of the saw....to where I can at least split the cut line. Each end of the panel is now squared up....which leaves the underside and topside to flatten...
Glue joints scraped down...dried glue won't hurt this N0.70....
Stanley No. 5-1/2, Type17 Jumbo Jack to flatten the underside...does not need to be "pretty" just needs to be flat...flip the top over..
Jumbo at work....top is clamped down so I am not chasing it across the shop..
Getting closer.....Sanders also helped out....
"Front" corners were cut to a rounded profile, hate a sharp corner into my hip. Almost done...sanded to 100 grit
Stash the desk and the smoothed, flat top out of the way....had a lot of drawer parts to mill..that will be up next...

Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
10-06-2021, 3:37 PM
Well, trying to sit at the desk and do a blog.....left hip is causing even trouble, I could not even finish rehab today on the Right knee...just too much OW factor. On a scale of 0-10, what would I rate the steady level of pain at? 12. painkillers making things a bit "foggy".....Will try to update this blog.

Started with the 4 full sized drawers first....will then go about the 2 skinny ones once the first 4 are done....Need some Ash for the drawer fronts..
Arranged for grain patterns, made slightly oversized....will fine tune the fit, later...

half blind dovetails? While I am sure there are more "Proper" ways to do these....and more than a few blogs/videos....I came up with one I can live with, for now...
Involves a hand held router....drawer front gets clamped into the vise. Goal here is the base hits the benchtop, at the same time the bit reaches the baseline. If it doesn't go quite to the baseline, that's fine, I can always square up and clean up the sockets to the baseline...
Note: wear either a full face mask, or at least a good pair of googles. You will be looking straight down at the work, YOU set the spacings by eyeball. Then clean things up with a chisel..
However, first I need grooves to house the plywood bottom milled....as one tail needs to line up with that groove...
Since I didn't want the groove to show...
Then the router can have at it....there is a "stop line" right at the top of the jaw of the vise....this is how far down the entire router travels.....takes a bit of layout work, to get the space just right...about a 1/16" short of the Baseline....then the chisel to square things up. I think I went ahead and routered all 8 ends...As for the grooves..
Stanley #45 needed a jig, to hold each panel still, long enough for a groove to appear....Once the sides (Pine) were milled for size...I could re-use this jig and add a groove to them..will be important after a bit..

Trying to remember whether I cut the tails next, or a dado to house the back of the drawers...
Anyway...both will happen in the next episode...

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
10-07-2021, 9:23 PM
Nothing all that hard to do. Trace around the pins, mark which will be the waste side of the lines...a bandsaw to make a few cuts...the more of the line I leave, the tighter the joints will be. Chisel to remove the waste, then a dry fit...
Looks good enough to me..

Now, about the dados...
I figured this might come in rather handy...for 8 dados
You can use a chisel to clean the floor of the dado...but, I'd wait until those pilot holes are drilled. The back corner is cut at an angle...called a "Starter Bevel"
I also counter sink the pilot holes...
To keep the heads of the screws out of the way.
4 of these will be backs for the drawers. need trimmed for length, trimmed for height above the groove. Want it flush with the top of the drawer side, while resting on the drawer's plywood bottom.
Cut the 1/4" plywood to size...slide all the parts together with a bit of glue as needed...the screws holding the sides to the backs also act as clamps...all I should need is 2 or 3 clamps at the front corners...let sit overnight...since they can't just sit on my bench...found a better way..

I can just sit them up on the drawer fronts on top of the desk's top.

Next up, besides the other 2 drawers? Need to remove the clamps, plane and sand the drawers clean, and get them to slide into their new homes....using just a single finger..

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
10-09-2021, 9:34 AM
Time to remove some clamps, and get the other 2 drawers clamped up....meanwhile..back at the bench..
#2 drawer needed a couple extra clamps...to pull the drawer front in tight...
Drawer #1 needed a little off the top...and..
At the front corners...and along the sides...
we have ways..keep sliding drawers in until they do indeed fit...
1st 2 fitted...wait on glue to dry, work on the next 2 the same way...

Until the 4 main drawers are fitted. Didn't want to close them up all the way...without a way to pull them back out. left a tiny bit sticking out.
Need parts milled for the 2 skinny drawers....
2 Ash fronts, 4 Pine sides, 2 Pine backs....had to make sure they all fit into the openings..
So, stay tuned for the Skinny on the Skinny Drawers....I even found some handles that MIGHT just work...:D

steven c newman
10-10-2021, 9:26 AM
"Skinny Drawers"? No, not skinny jeans....the 2 drawers that will be over my legs.....
They both have to fit in there....rather a bit shallow, not meant to hold all that much....so.
Edges were jointed until they all would slide into place....Backs needed to be a bit skinnier, to allow the bottom panel room.
same as the "main" drawers...pins milled..

trimmed up with a chisel. Traced around the pins to lay out the tails....saw and chop the tails to fit...

Stanley 45 to plough the grooves for the plywood bottom. Then a bit of assembly work...

One done...while this was in the clamps, build the other drawer.....once first drawer came back out, there will be the usual clean up going on....but, for now..
It can sit here overnight....at least it does fit.....there was a slight problem later on.....came time to slide the drawer all the way in...couldn't...seems the bolts holding the top to the case were sticking down a bit too low ( washer under the bolts head) but a small notch where that bolt head hit the back of the drawer solved that.

Both Skinny Drawers are done?
Ah yes..handles....Old Sideboard needed new, improved...NOT RUSTY , handles, so....Took the old handles to the shop..
..wire wheel to clean them back to bare metal...then a few coats of silver paint..

Stay tuned....

steven c newman
10-10-2021, 9:44 AM
Hmm...Photos have a mind of their own, it would seem....and this site won't let me FIX/EDIT to what I intended?

Assembly was pretty straight forward...just a drawer..
Then stash in it's new home...
Making sure it does indeed fit....was a problem with the back being a tad too wide...re-cut the back for a better fit...along with a trim to the bottom panel. Both were about a saw kerf too big.

Handles? Before the clean up...
And after a couple coats of silver....

Ovals for the main drawers, rounds for the skinny drawers....and..after a coat of stain?

Hmmm....which leaves building a hutch to hold the Computer stuff....that will be in the next episode....

( what is with this "Attached Thumbnails" BS?)And the photos in this post? edit 3 times, STILL NOT SHOWING UP?

steven c newman
10-11-2021, 12:18 PM
That business ( Funny Business?) with posting photos......especially when I am sure when this build thread was first seen on this site, those photos did NOT have any issues. Anyway, I'll try again, and see what happens...keep yer fingers crossed..

Hutch. Needed a shelf system to sit the Monitor and Mainframe on....and maybe stash away some bills behind a door...and maybe a top shelf to stash lamps and other doo-dads...so...
I had a Live Edge plank I could keep for that Top Shelf.....the rest can be a bit narrower...Needed 4 uprights, a couple middle shelves. And a few shelves for inside the door cabinet...
Something like this. I don't usually make a habit of drawing up a paper plan...as they usually wind up getting changed somewhere along the way...."Plan" is more of a Guide-line.....Hauled a few more 1 x 6 Ash planks to the shop...have a bit of saw work to do...
Old Hutch...Main Frame sitting on top shelf, Monitor just sitting on the top of the desk..keyboard was even sitting on the front leg of the Monitor....not a very good set up..

Cuts & Fits....maybe a dry fit?
4 uprights, and a few shelves...LOTS of dados to do....
All are Stopped Dados...Guide fence and a router...
Used a chisel to square the closed end up...
I think that will do for now....where 2 dados wind up in almost the same spot,,,one on either face of an upright....I had to off set them a bit. Mainframe does sit on it's own little shelf,,,gap under that shelf for cables, if need be...or an external hard drive. When this Hutch was done....I found out the Monitor was a 1/8" too tall to sit on the shelf....to where it would also sit under the top shelf....

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-12-2021, 3:08 PM
Hmmm...offset dados?
Where 2 shelves meet....have to off set just a bit, otherwise won't be much left in the divider....Bracket is to attach the hutch to the desk.
Shelves in the cubby holes were a bit thick,,,,was out of thin plywood by now, and didn't feel like doing any resaws...so..
They wound up being 3/4" thick...seems there was a problem between the "plans" and "Existing"....
Missed it by that much, Chief.....went back cut new longer shelves....could not just move the uprights....dados were already done for them...Had enough "shelf stock" I could just recut new ones..
Dry fitted, again. other 2 shelves were also checked to make sure they were the right length....almost time to spread some glue...
Stage 1, assemble the cubby...add a plywood back to keep it square...

On the other end...Shelf for the tower to sit on, glued to the 2 uprights. Then to the top shelf....slip the monitor shelf in place between the tower and cubby units...
Tower unit does not get a plywood back....wanted the air flow instead. After the glue had cured for a day or 2.....went back and re-inforced all the dado joints with screws....Glue is nice, but there is too good of a chance someone will come along and try to lift the desk by this hutch's top shelf.....

Then sand things smooth, and see how it looks, sit on the desk...
Will wait a day or so.....while I build a door for the cubby.....then stain and varnish all at once. desk was already done....can always set something on the desk while the stain and varnish are getting the brush-off.

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
10-14-2021, 9:19 AM
So...I need a door to cover the cubbies...might have a few scraps laying around...
Some Mortise and tenon corner joints....mill a slot for a plywood panel...
5 piece of wood, a few cauls to keep things flat while the glue dries...test fit afterwards..
Stained, hardware...
Then varnish...a couple coats....almost Moving Day....will need some help to get this thing upstairs...
Old desk desk, to leave, sent out to the curb...where it sat for LESS than a day,BTW...
New Desk. Brought the desk up ( minus the hutch and all the drawers) assembled it, and took it for a test drive..
Well, what do you know...my fat body fits! Have since added a front "porch" to the Monitor Shelf, to get the monitor off the desk top.

Well...not too bad of a Project? :confused: Currently? I have returned to the shop, on a limited basis....knee decides when I quit for the day.....working on a Jewelry Box with Fancy Corners. Will start that "Build-along" after a bit....:cool:

Stay tuned....:D