View Full Version : Glueing over old Contact Cement

Chester Staley
09-20-2021, 5:14 PM
I had to remove old Formica from a bathroom counter top and have to install new Formica. I have two choices. Both are difficult since the cabinet cannot to moved away from the walls and is triangular in shape. 1. Use contact cement and new Formica by cutting it to shape and laying it without being able to trim edges will be a big challenge. 2. Install the new Formica on a sheet of 1/4" plywood and then glue to the old contact cement covered counter top. Are there any glues that will adhere to the old contact cement and allow slight positioning of new Formica or plywood or will I have to sand the entire counter top down to bare wood?

johnny means
09-20-2021, 10:46 PM
Just scribe the new sheet and stick it with contact cement.