View Full Version : First Post - Hand Made Tools

Tom Cooney
01-13-2006, 1:52 PM
Hey Gang,

Well I've been lurking for a while and figured it was time to finally make a post. :eek: I just noticed that a while is almost three years...

I like to make tools. Having a pack of young ones running around the house provides a convenient excuse for delaying most of the large furniture SWMBO wants. I've put together a list of tools I want to make (or already have made) to populate a hand tool "tool box". Did I miss anything?

Have Already Made
90 degree shooting board
45 degree shooting board
Marking guage - cutting
Marking guage - pencil
Marking gauge - pin
Small square
Medium square
Marking knife
Block plane
Jack plane
Jointer plane
Router plane
1/4 inch morticing chisel

Need to Make
Case squaring sticks
Large square
Winding sticks
Marking gauge - morticing
Dovetail saw - brass back, rip filed
Tenon saw - brass back, cross cut filed
Dovetail markers
Bow saw - coping
Shoulder plane
Molding planes - hollows and rounds
Paring chisels
Additional sizes of morticing chisels
A tool cabinet to hold it all
A portable tote to lug stuff

Jim Dunn
01-13-2006, 1:59 PM
Tom welcome to the Creek. I hate to inform you but as you probably already know those tools are just figments of your imagination till you post pics. Don't want Tyler, the picture policeman, to get on ya right off the bat.:)


Mike Wenzloff
01-13-2006, 2:17 PM

Not really. But I always thought the graphic was cute <g>.

A hearty Welcome, Tom!

It is nice to make one's own tools. I also believe it teaches many woodworking skills that can be applied to the tuit list of furniture and such.

While I believe you about the tools you've made, pictures will be great. I like seeing homemade tools more so than bought ones in some ways. As for the list, you've made many of the essential tools--marking/measuring and ones to work the wood.

The Yet to Make list seems a nice compliment to what you've already made. I would say, keep going the way you are. As you make more furniture and such, anything else you need will make itself evident.

Take care, Mike

Tyler Howell
01-13-2006, 2:32 PM
Stop right there Tom, :mad:
My name is Tyler from the picture police. You have unlawfully entered this site with a claim to have made these Neander tools without visual evidence that they exist!!!!!!!
Please exit the forum and return with pix suitable for gloating!!!!!:mad:
Did I scare you:rolleyes: :D ??
Just testing my bad cop voice. Welcome to the Creek. Great bunch of folks here. Just ask them they'll tell you.
I would love to see your work. Just started a new Neander class last night.
Welcome and post some Pix.;)

Bob Noles
01-13-2006, 2:59 PM

Welcome to SMC. Don't pay attention to Tyler... he is an SMC imposter although his tactics do sometimes get results :p As for Mike, ask to see some of his in trade. He claims to be making some, but his evidence has been lacking some as well. :D

From the looks of your list, you have been busy and will be staying busy for some time yet. Be sure to set aside some time to come back and post with us.

Lars Thomas
01-13-2006, 3:01 PM
Mike, I love the graphic! That's a classic! Lars

Mike Wenzloff
01-13-2006, 4:11 PM

Welcome to SMC. Don't pay attention to Tyler... he is an SMC imposter although his tactics do sometimes get results :p As for Mike, ask to see some of his in trade. He claims to be making some, but his evidence has been lacking some as well. :D

From the looks of your list, you have been busy and will be staying busy for some time yet. Be sure to set aside some time to come back and post with us.
Yeah, yeah...got caught with me pants down. Here's one that shipped out Wednesday. It was purchased by a magazine editor which will remain nameless for now.

It's a half back, Bubinga handle, 10 ppi cross cut, 20 1/2" blade. Have one more we did at the same time just like it. It needs a home, though.


Any more, though, will need to be out of Tom's thread. I'll start a new thread with some more once I can get pictures processed.

Take care, Mike
who will await pictures from Tom semi-patiently :)

Frank Chaffee
01-13-2006, 4:41 PM
Impressive first post!!! Many of us are looking forward to seeing pics of the tools you have made.


Welcome to SMC. Don't pay attention to Tyler...

Please don’t listen to this guy Bob; he has a respectable photo to post ratio, so he has never incurred Tyler’s wrath.

Myself on the other hand… Well I recently received a very strongly worded email from Tyler (Pic Policer from you don’t wanna know where), instructing me to pic post up or ship out!!! Well at first I didn’t think much of it as while I am not too good a swimmer I have kept my head above the water long enuf so far. I even survived a few out tides on more than one continent w/o more injury than superficial abrasions.

But then I checked his SMC Profile!!!, can’t be too careful these days, right? Well Tom, does “Air Traffic Systems Manager” mean anything to you? Dude, this guy has contacts above, and if what he referred to as “ship[ping] out”, is to be done from an airplane, then I suggest we both get with the program.

Welcome Tom,

Steve Clardy
01-13-2006, 4:50 PM
Stop right there Tom, :mad:
My name is Tyler from the picture police. You have unlawfully entered this site with a claim to have made these Neander tools without visual evidence that they exist!!!!!!!
Please exit the forum and return with pix suitable for gloating!!!!!:mad:
Did I scare you:rolleyes: :D ??
Just testing my bad cop voice. Welcome to the Creek. Great bunch of folks here. Just ask them they'll tell you.
I would love to see your work. Just started a new Neander class last night.
Welcome and post some Pix.;)

I see yer on the job Tyler. No goofing off from now on.;)

Steve Clardy
01-13-2006, 4:51 PM
Welcome Tom!!

Steve Clardy
01-13-2006, 4:52 PM
Yeah, yeah...got caught with me pants down. Here's one that shipped out Wednesday. It was purchased by a magazine editor which will remain nameless for now.

It's a half back, Bubinga handle, 10 ppi cross cut, 20 1/2" blade. Have one more we did at the same time just like it. It needs a home, though.


Any more, though, will need to be out of Tom's thread. I'll start a new thread with some more once I can get pictures processed.

Take care, Mike
who will await pictures from Tom semi-patiently :)

THats one fine looking saw Mike!!

Doug Shepard
01-13-2006, 6:13 PM
Stop right there Tom, :mad:
My name is Tyler from the picture police. You have unlawfully entered this site with a claim to have made these Neander tools without visual evidence that they exist!!!!!!!
Please exit the forum and return with pix suitable for gloating!!!!!:mad:
Did I scare you:rolleyes: :D ??
Just testing my bad cop voice. Welcome to the Creek. Great bunch of folks here. Just ask them they'll tell you.
I would love to see your work. Just started a new Neander class last night.
Welcome and post some Pix.;)

Welcome to the Creek. I'm willing to bet if you bribe this bad cop with a few doughnuts, he might just let you off with a warning.:D

Jim Dunn
01-13-2006, 6:14 PM
Me thinks Tyler has had his share of doughnuts, that's why he's all about pictures.

Tom Cooney
01-13-2006, 9:20 PM
:p Weather permitting I'll take some pictures over the weekend and figure out how to post them.

Mike Wenzloff
01-13-2006, 9:31 PM
Great! Thanks, Tom.

Can't wait. Take care, Mike

Derek Cohen
01-13-2006, 10:32 PM
Hi Mike (and my apologies Tom since this is really your thread)

I must compliment you on the lines of your saw. The curves are just beautifully shaped and arranged. There was clearly a great effort on your part to get the lines to flow - the matching curves on the tote and rear of the blade, the flow from the inside front of the tote through the rear of the blade, etc. Well done indeed!

Kind regards from Perth


Bob Oehler
01-14-2006, 12:54 AM
Welcome to the creek.
The folks here are realy serious about thier pics. I will be posting some of a box I made for my brother.

Enjoy your stay and In the words of JD Clampet
Yall come back now

take care
Bob Oehler

Jeff Borges
01-14-2006, 12:56 AM

LMAO @ mike.. funny graphic.. Tom, welcome...

I am interested in making some shooting boards..(course that just means I'll "need" a shooting plane)...lol .. did you use plans? or come up with a method of your own..as the others have said.. can't wait for pics
