View Full Version : Wonder if anyone else is experience this in their area? Distilled water shortage?

Clark Pace
09-17-2021, 10:57 PM
I have gone to 3 different grocery stores including WM. And none of them have distilled water? Anyone else noticed this? Other options besides distilled water?

Dave Mills
09-17-2021, 11:17 PM
Just one datapoint, but here in N. Calif we haven't been able to get distilled water for years. The folks in the store just look at me like I'm an alien if I ask for it (which I haven't done in a long time)

Ralph Boumenot
09-18-2021, 6:39 AM
Where I live (RI) I get my distilled water at the drugstore.

Dan Bundy
09-18-2021, 6:51 AM
Here in Central KY the stocks have been low at both Walmart and Kroger, but I've been able to get it. I only need it every couple of months or so (CPAP) and I just got a new one last week, so it may be harder to find the next time I need it.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-18-2021, 8:29 AM
We are able to get it here at grocery stores in central Idaho.

Bert Kemp
09-18-2021, 8:38 AM
I go to the glacier water machine and get my water there regular filtered tap water is fine

Paul F Franklin
09-18-2021, 10:12 AM
It became unavailable at the start of the pandemic, but I haven't had any trouble getting it lately at the grocery.

Home Depots around here used to carry the big 5 gallon bottles (the kind used with water cooler/dispensers) of distilled water, in addition to the "spring water" varieties. We don't have our dispenser anymore so I haven't looked in a while, but might be another place to check.

John Lifer
09-21-2021, 9:58 AM
Walmart here have had some lately, not big stock, but it's there. Pharmacy is probably best location to look for it. Dollar General had some also.

John Lifer
09-21-2021, 10:00 AM
Oh, speaking of water. I checked my level inside my CW5000 the other day. Cap on tight, zero leaks, but I was a half gallon short of full. Cap might not be completely sealed, but it had been 3 years since I filled it up originally. Check your level..... At least once in a while.