View Full Version : Reruns, from the Dungeon Woodshop, part 2

steven c newman
09-12-2021, 10:07 AM
A Poplar box....

Grabbed a few "project boards" from Lowes....I think they were either 3/8" or 1/2" thick. had to sort through a few, both for how the grain showed up, and avoid the cupped ones...
Goal was to have the grain "flow" around the outside of the box....and see what size box I could make.....was between the large projects, and wanted to "putter around" a bit...
Had some fancy plywood panels....to use as a bottom and a panel for the lid.....
Wanted all sides to be the same width...so they were jointed.
Ends were also squared up...better to dovetail the corners with.....
Right off the saw....:D

Was some debate as to whether I would use through dovetails, or...box joints at the corners...
In the end, the fingers won out.....
Stay tuned, I need to sort through 2 Poplar Box projects, as I also did try the dovetail version...
Seems I had enough "Project Boards" for both...:rolleyes:

steven c newman
09-12-2021, 10:48 PM
Going to try to keep this with the Finger joint version....well, at least try....seemed to recall I made both, one after the other....just can't remember which was first....anyway..here we go..

Got the 4 sides all set and ready to go...clamped a pair into the bench vise...
Mainly the long sides...spring clamp to keep the pair still, while I mark them up a bit....Intend to at least saw these the same way..spacer for marking out the fingers...
Is rather simple...it is the same chisel I will be chopping out the waste with....
About like this....carry the lines down the faces,,,to how thin the matching part will be....knife the line as a stop line...
And, mark which space is to be the waste one....then have a seat, and do a bit of saw work...
Nice to be sitting down on the job? As for chopping out the waste..I do one side piece at a time..clamped down so it won't bounce around too much..
Chop about half way down, leave a bit to support the ends of the waste...flip the board over....
And start popping out the waste...using that knife line. Be careful....as them little squares like to fly straight back at you....VOE. Also, be sure you mark which is the inside, which is the top and bottom...these are easy to get turned around...and then you wonder why a corner doesn't fit...

usually right when I lay the 2 side by side like this....Next up? Need to trace each finger on the the end pieces....we have a bit more sawing to do..

Stay tuned....:D

steven c newman
09-13-2021, 12:40 PM
Ends needed done, to match the sides...
I worked on one corner at a time....marked each as to #1 up to #4.....checking for fit as I went round the corners...
I used the side's fingers to lay out the matching ones on the end panels....cut and chop them on the waste side on the lines....the more line I leave, the better the fit...
All four corners done...make sure it sits nicely on a flat surface...

grooves be next.....3 grooves are needed on the inside faces....one for the bottom panel, one for the lid's panel....and one to make the dust seal...tool of choice?
While the top and bottom grooves can be the same set up....that one for the dust seal, need longer rods...and could have used the cam rest..
Do the first grooves all the way around...ends and sides. then re-do the jig to mill the dust seal groove. Decide how thick you want the lid, as the inside groove will be along the bottom edge of the lid...will save the outside,lower groove for when the box is glued up...
Then cut the plywood panels for the bottom and the top to size.....but, before any glue gets spread around and the clamps go on....mark the EXACT spot where the inside lid groove is....then do the glue up

Up to you, how grainy the top panel should look...and the bottom can be rather plain..
Cauls help when gluing up finger joints...keep checking that the box is square...and let it sit a day....

With the through dovetailed box, there was a FAT tail right where the groove for the seal was going....and the cut to free the lid, made a matched pair of half pins/tails...
Stay tuned...waiting on glue to dry....

steven c newman
09-14-2021, 10:32 AM
Letting the glue cure an extra day.....couldn't hurt. cleaned up the glue joints...
Have a bit of 1/4" x 1/4" Ash scrap...to plug the slots for the bottom and top grooves...plane to smooth things up a bit....time to cut the outside cut..
I thought this would work, to hold the box still.....it didn't....had to try some other way.....box wanted to "hop about"...
Hmmm, box does fit into the vise....we'll see how this goes...
As the other way wasn't quite right...
Short grooves....these outside grooves are to wind up just under the inside grooves...so a strip can fit inside the lid...
When done right, a utility knife can slice the two parts apart.....sometimes, the lip is too fat..we have ways..
Once around the block? goal here is to skim a hair off the lip, so the groove in the lid will fit down over it...

Like this. all that is left? Hardware and and a finish....and see about a dovetailed box to match....

Thomas Wilson
09-14-2021, 1:22 PM
I missed the original release of these projects. Good as new for me. Thanks.

steven c newman
09-15-2021, 2:38 PM
Hardware...once the lid will fit onto the dust seal...
I simply clamp the box into the vise...holds things better for add hinges..
Couple of bags of hardware
helps IF there is a pilot hole to help them tiny screws. I had a small nail, about the right size....
Locate where each screw will go...place the point in that spot....sharp hit with the mallet....instant pilot hole...a bit of candle wax on the threads...and a very small screwdriver..
One of these? Meh...I had better ones.
All hinged up...turn the box over, and install a latch of your choice...
And...IF you want handles on the ends...
can be done here, as well. The hardware for these boxes came from Hobby Lobby.

Then apply the finish of your choice...
Now...about that Dovetailed version? That will be in the next exciting episode..

Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
09-19-2021, 5:21 PM
Hmm, I picked another set of those "Fine" screwdrivers at a yard sale the other day....might test them out later, once the knee feels like a bit of shop time..

layout work for the other Poplar Box..as I built 2 boxes...one with box/finger joints, and this one with through dovetails....
Again, cut the 2 sides and 2 ends...arrange as to grain...and hide any defects to the inside...
Joint the edges, as you want all four sides to match each other.
Layout toys. Bevel gauge set to an angle that will look good...and then space the pins out...
Mark which will be the waste....that "fat" one is because that is where the lid will be cut from the box....wind up with "half pins", so when the lid is shut, it still looks like the rest of the dovetails..
Carry the lines all around, set to the thickness of the matching side.
Then make a bit of sawdust...then do a bit of chisel work...
Start in on the outside first, to prevent any blowouts...chop about half way down, leave a bit out on the edge, to support things..for when you flip the board over, and complete the chop from the inside face..
All cleaned up? Good. You will need a very sharp pencil ( I can SEE better than a knife line) and trace out the tails...
Stay tuned, for part 2..BRB

steven c newman
09-19-2021, 5:44 PM
Traced them out yet? Good. However you want to saw these...I use a bandsaw simply because I can see where I am cutting. I cut on the waste side of the lines, trying to leave most of the line...the more of the line I leave, the tighter the joint will be. I add a few extra cuts in the waste areas, to help remove the waste. same as before with the chisel. I have a scarp board underneath..
Chop from the show face in...then flip over, and complete the chops....should be about ready for that first dry fit..
Then working my way around from corner to corner....helps to mark out which corner parts go to which other parts...along with which is the inside face, and the "top" and "bottom" edges...don't want to cut things backwards, or upside down now...2nd corner?
Doesn't matter which direction I go...can go this way around, or the other way around...have one side done, or one end done...as long as all 4 corners get done..
All 4 done. Then set up to plow the grooves for the dust seal, the lid panel and the bottom panels..
And go and make a batch of noodles...
mark where the inside dust seal groove is, BEFORE you glue the box together...
Once it is out of the clamps, cut the dust seal groove. Should just need a sharp utility knife to split the lid from the box...clean up the fit between the 2...
Stay tuned...more to come...

steven c newman
09-19-2021, 5:52 PM
then...add a bit of hardware..
A latch, and some brass corner protectors...
Lid does need a set of hinges....
That way, the lid can be opened...hmm, wonder what to stash inside....
Maybe some handles, and some "Gunstock" stain...and a coat of varnish?
And the front?
Just a little box....maybe stash a bag of candy inside?

Thanks for looking in...

steven c newman
09-20-2021, 10:15 AM
Currently, my Archives show I built a Computer desk about this same time....maybe start another Re-Run Thread on that build? IF there is any interest...hmmm, considering that I am sitting at that desk right now...maybe do a bit about the shelf-extender I made for the Monitor to sit on?

Errands to run today...maybe this afternoon before I can start in on that?
BTW...that Dovetail box...seems I added a tray....since there seemed to be room for the tray's handle''
More leftovers...tray parts..
Set a couple blocks for the tray to sit on...
Just a simple little tray...nothing really complicated....Glue & Nail construction..
Hey, the lid even closes with the tray inside...

As for all them grooves, and trying to miss a tail..
One of the End pieces...
Trying to fit the plywood panels...sometimes I needed to joint an edge...
Jointing down the wavy cuts left by the bandsaw....