View Full Version : Seeking replacement DC Connector for Mirka Ceros

Steven Higgins
09-08-2021, 8:58 PM

I am seeking a replacement DC Connector for a Mirka Ceros - part number: MIN6512411. The Ceros was discontinued; it was superseded by the Deros. I've been down the normal paths. I contacted Mirka USA: they don't have one and said that I may be able to obtain one from the EU; however, all of the sites I've researched there do not ship to the U.S. (this is one of them: https://www.abrasives-online.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=220). I have reached out to a bunch of entities - including to those in the EU who note that they don't ship outside of the EU. No joy on all fronts to this point.

The connector is very similar to this Neutrik part: https://www.amazon.com/Neutrik-NL4FC-4-Pole-speakON-Connector/dp/B005EKMGO4/ref=pd_rhf_ee_s_pd_crcd_1/131-8106445-5875148?pd_rd_w=Nsmov&pf_rd_p=ecb2692f-0365-4eca-a102-58ef51a608ce&pf_rd_r=E7YSNEPC24VD3SP1425E&pd_rd_r=46841ad6-9de7-4e98-ad2b-53329c66461d&pd_rd_wg=WyGFX&pd_rd_i=B005EKMGO4&psc=1. But Neutrik makes several similar connectors and none of them appear to be specific to a DC application (I've written to them but have not received a reply yet).

I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas or faced a similar conundrum and managed to solve for it.

Thank you for any assistance you may be able to offer.

Best, Steven

Bernie Kopfer
09-09-2021, 11:37 AM
Wish I could be of more help but perhaps direct communication via phone or email may get the EU store to make a exception to their stated policy. But probably costly.

Richard Coers
09-09-2021, 12:01 PM
Will this work? https://www.acmetools.com/shop/tools/mirka-min6519411?feeds=shopping&cm_mmc=Google-_-PRODUCTFEED-_-Mirka-_-MIN6519411&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4eaJBhDMARIsANhrQABnQGhIEW6p7e15Z9iz VDmY5Vm0Rd2vUD-ZYkAGqR55g158dfwYm0QaAr0WEALw_wcB
Edit; Sorry I read DC as dust collector, never mind!

Paul F Franklin
09-09-2021, 12:06 PM
I'd be tempted to buy the amazon part and see if it fits; you could always return it if not. It sure looks similar. Failing that, perhaps there is a creeker in the UK that would be willing to obtain it and forward it on.

Mark Bolton
09-09-2021, 12:36 PM
A kid that worked for me is a band/music junkie and told me the connectors on our Ceros were the same as audio speaker connectors he sees all the time and had given me a Mouser link. They look the same as the Amazon.

https://www.mouser.com/new/neutrik/neutrik-speakon-connectors/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4eaJBhDMARIsANhrQAAJCb8Mae0jKBYGOM_ 5aefnuK1LN1qkkdaI5ZRKc-zSRT8r8UwVCFYaAjHcEALw_wcB

The Mouser page rates them at 50amps which is far more than anything the Ceros will run.