View Full Version : clear finish for basswood

Aaron Liebling
08-29-2021, 10:14 PM
My wife wanted a few very light tables for an art show she's doing and wanted them in basswood. I know it's not the greatest for a table due to the softness, but I think they will survive long enough for the show.

I'd like to add some kind of protective finish, but she loves the white color and doesn't want to change the texture/add any shine. I tried various vanishes and they all yellowed the wood.

Maybe a thin wipe on?

Phil Mueller
09-03-2021, 8:38 AM
No expert here, but have you tried one of the clear water based flat finishes?

By the way, I made an end table using basswood for the legs (best match for some northern white pine I had for the rest of the table). The basswood legs have held up very well.

Stan Calow
09-03-2021, 8:44 AM
How about lacquer? if the items are small enough, rattle can lacquer.

Jim Becker
09-03-2021, 9:03 AM
If you want the white color, do a test with a waterborne finish, such as Polycrylic, which is readily available and can even be brushed on. Wipe on is not recommended...spray, brush, roll, pad only. It will not yellow the wood. Any oil based product is going to have the warmer, amber color due to the nature of oil.

glenn bradley
09-03-2021, 9:23 AM
Minwax Polycrylic is also my go-to when I want white woods to stay white.

Aaron Liebling
09-05-2021, 11:52 AM
I had a sprayer I've never used yet. Sounds like the prefect time to try it out!