View Full Version : The Writing Desk

Phil Gaudio
08-28-2021, 10:47 AM
I have finally completed the Writing Desk. It took longer than I expected, as it usually does.

Highlights: I modified the original Christian Becksvoort design to make it slightly less Shaker and slightly more contemporary. The front, back and sides of the top have slight faired curves that I think kicks it up a notch in terms of overall appearance. I continued the curved theme by including a curve on the drawer front: not easy to see any of this in the photos, unfortunately. The black dot in the center of the drawer front is an ebony inlay: I included this design feature to match a similar design detail on the furnishings in the room where this will be housed. I made the top from two nice pieces of curly cherry that I was saving for just this project: it has lots of character, just the way I like it. Pinned mortise/tenon joints on the legs are regulation Shaker. The drawer frame is maple, and the scraps I scrounged for this ended up having a nice tiger stripe: a nice surprise each time you open the drawer, Drawer bottom is nearly clear eastern white pine. The goal was to build a desk that had a light look: not a fan of the traditional desks that have rows of drawers from top to floor on either end. I think this will fit well in the room it was designed for, and I look forward to the day when I can sit at this desk at write my last mortgage check!

Next project: a bed (shaker, of course). Stay tuned for more exciting developments!

https://i.postimg.cc/L6pjZJLd/IMG-3085.jpg (https://postimg.cc/LhxJc6xv)
https://i.postimg.cc/NjGTpZdp/IMG-3086.jpg (https://postimg.cc/WhKh4YLk)
https://i.postimg.cc/05mpQY6d/IMG-3087.jpg (https://postimg.cc/XXjZ1ykp)
https://i.postimg.cc/zvnWcNmP/IMG-3088.jpg (https://postimg.cc/7JZf5pZg)
https://i.postimg.cc/7Yn01qn5/IMG-3089.jpg (https://postimg.cc/xcqXnD7Q)
https://i.postimg.cc/bw6nMLM8/IMG-3090.jpg (https://postimg.cc/qN3g6c4Z)

Jim Koepke
08-28-2021, 10:55 AM
Nice looking desk Phil.


Jack Frederick
08-28-2021, 11:12 AM
Sweet and very well illuminated for the photos.

Joe Bailey
08-28-2021, 12:33 PM
That is beautiful -- very nice work.

Rob Luter
08-28-2021, 12:36 PM
Really nice job. I need to use some Cherry on a project.

jack dempsey
08-28-2021, 12:45 PM
Beautiful desk and inspiring as well.

Frederick Skelly
08-28-2021, 6:34 PM
Love it! Simple and beatiful.

Curt Putnam
08-28-2021, 8:30 PM
Another gallery worthy stunner! Well done sir!

Bill Carey
08-28-2021, 10:29 PM
Another winner Phil. Very nice work.

Christopher Charles
08-28-2021, 10:58 PM
Great work. I like the under bevel along the front and the wavy grain.

Kevin Adams
08-29-2021, 10:00 AM
Nice work, Phil, you must have hid the cherry from me last time I was over haha! How’d you create that bevel under the top, must have been a lot of band work. Your home is turning into a very special furniture gallery!

Thanks for sharing, take care.


Howard Pollack
08-29-2021, 11:05 AM
Very handsome work! Beautiful design and execution. Congratulations. -Howard

Phil Gaudio
08-29-2021, 11:50 AM
Thanks gents for the kind words! I have attached two more photos showing the table in its place of honor in what we call the addition (clever name for a room don't you think?). You can see the same black dot detail on the window rosette blocks (detail is also carried through with door/drawer pulls and even the design of the rug).

Bevels: the bevel on front/back was done with a 60° chamfer router bit. The very wide bevel under each end of the top (6 inches) was done with a low angle jack plane (very easy and very efficient).

Again: thanks much for all the great comments: much appreciated!

https://i.postimg.cc/254xw1j7/IMG-3094-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/wtjJxTm1)

https://i.postimg.cc/PqG4YWHq/IMG-3096-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Xr8d0ypM)

John Jardin
08-30-2021, 6:50 AM

Andrew Pitonyak
08-31-2021, 3:38 PM
Couple of thoughts:

Are you perhaps a professional Photographer? Guessing based on the lightening.
Wow, that is amazing wood and grain. Love how it flows.
Wow, really great work.
Is that a writing desk? (my ignorance shows through) I had no idea because I usually see people put this sort of thing in a foyer or something. That makes more sense now that you state it, however.

Very well done, appreciate the pics.

Phil Gaudio
08-31-2021, 5:49 PM
Thanks again for the kind words. I am not a professional photographer, but I did read an excellent article in FWW some time ago that was very helpful. Lighting is very important. As far as the title "writing desk" its my understanding that it is a desk that is essentially a table with one or more drawers through the apron, as opposed to a desk that has drawers flanking the kneehole on either side, from the desk top to the floor. I prefer this design: IMHO is has a lighter look and blends well with decor in the room it was designed for. It is amazing how an iphone can make anyone look like a pro photographer.

Todd Zucker
09-01-2021, 9:30 PM
Another beautiful piece, and beautifully photographed.

Gary Focht
09-01-2021, 10:57 PM
Phil, that is a great desk. Just lovely.

I built a version a year ago for my son who was heading off to graduate school. I had about two weeks to build it and had some poplar on hand. I didn’t have time to add the drawer, but the desk turned out pretty nice for a quick build with cheap wood.


Phil Gaudio
09-04-2021, 4:54 PM
Todd: Thanks!
Gary: Very nice. Two weeks: you beat me by a mile!

Von Bickley
09-04-2021, 7:28 PM
Looks like fine furniture to me. You can be proud of that one.

Phil Gaudio
09-06-2021, 3:11 PM
Looks like fine furniture to me. You can be proud of that one.

Von: Thank you Sir: greatly appreciated! Phil