View Full Version : S.O.P. for Ebay

Richard Hart
08-23-2021, 3:32 PM
Not doing well with Ebay planes:


#3 I picked up a few days ago... when I raised a stink, seller refunded the whole amount, didn't want to mess up feedback I guess.
Not to be deterred, I did the best fix I could figure out. Brazing and welding etc. I have no capability or access to.. so... you might not agree, but JB Weld to the rescue:


I scraped to bare metal, made sure of frog clearance and hope for the best. Errata: I also build custom flashlights, and I modded a Maglite with which I bonnded the head to the body with JB. Experimented with it... slammed the thing into the concrete, hit it with hammer and sacrificial chisel, everything. JB held up fine.

Back on topic: It was recommended to me to drill a small hole at the end of the crack so it wouldn't propagate further, so I did. Cleaned 'er up, lapped the sole and sharpened. Looks fine and cuts like crazy. (picture is oak, though, not a good test but it was in the wee hours.


Say good things! :) Took me 45 minutes to type... keyboard has a mind of its own. :eek:

Think I' ll go take a nap...

Kidding.. any opinions are welcome

Jim Koepke
08-23-2021, 4:53 PM
One of my favorite block planes bit the concrete when my hand couldn't hold on. It was repaired with JB Weld and is still one of my most beloved block planes.

If you haven't given feedback yet you might give them something like, "Seller handled (a) problem in a professional manner."

Some sellers know their wares, some are just buying what is at the yard sales and flea markets and putting it up for auction.

If it is someone who should know better, then maybe not such a glowing feedback. Maybe add 'an undisclosed' in the ( ).

There are some on ebay who try to sneak things by. They are not trying to create loyal customers.

Then there are honest sellers who want buyers to know what they are buying and want those buyers to come back for more.
