View Full Version : Raycus 30w fiber laser ezcad2 technical issues

08-18-2021, 4:11 PM
IVE HAD MY RAYCUS 30W FIBER LASER FOR A YEAR NOW AND EVERYTHING HAS BEEN FINE. BUT as of yesterday, the button that says Light(F1), SOMEHOW NOW SAYS RED(F1) and my preview red box or contour does not work, i can hear it turn on and it makes a sound but no redbox no nothing. is my excad software currupted? i have uninstalled the board on the laser and driver and then reinstalled software to no avail. the software i reinstalled was in a folder on my desktop.should i download another fresh version of ezced2÷ please if anyone can help i would appreciate it. ive tried f3 parameters and everything, nothing works

Kev Williams
08-19-2021, 12:32 PM
does the red light work when idle? If it doesn't come on at all (and it used to), could be the light's connection, or the red led itself is bad-

Ezcad can be weird- I have different folders of Ezcad programs to go with every different lens I use on my four fiber lasers. They're all the same program from the same flash drive, but for some reason, on only ONE of my fibers, and ONLY with my 420mm lens program, OCCASIONALLY but usually not, Ezcad loads with a different interface- The first time it happened I knew something wasn't right, and then I noticed some of the icon buttons were missing! How am I supposed to run this with missing icons? But when I got into it, I figured out that: Icon buttons that were missing were not usable in the current "state of operations"- as in, if everything is already grouped, the "group" button was gone, only the "ungroup" button was visible. And vice-versa if nothing is grouped, only the group button shows. It's actually a nice feature when you get used to it! But, THAT interface only happens about once every 4 program loads? No clue why this is? And one of the programs on the laptop for my 'ebay1' computer, I have the same 'red' or 'light' issue on the screen as you have, sometimes it says 'red', sometimes 'light'- ?? However, it doesn't affect my red light function...

If your program came on a flash drive, try running it straight from the drive and see if that

08-19-2021, 7:57 PM
does the red light work when idle? If it doesn't come on at all (and it used to), could be the light's connection, or the red led itself is bad-

Ezcad can be weird- I have different folders of Ezcad programs to go with every different lens I use on my four fiber lasers. They're all the same program from the same flash drive, but for some reason, on only ONE of my fibers, and ONLY with my 420mm lens program, OCCASIONALLY but usually not, Ezcad loads with a different interface- The first time it happened I knew something wasn't right, and then I noticed some of the icon buttons were missing! How am I supposed to run this with missing icons? But when I got into it, I figured out that: Icon buttons that were missing were not usable in the current "state of operations"- as in, if everything is already grouped, the "group" button was gone, only the "ungroup" button was visible. And vice-versa if nothing is grouped, only the group button shows. It's actually a nice feature when you get used to it! But, THAT interface only happens about once every 4 program loads? No clue why this is? And one of the programs on the laptop for my 'ebay1' computer, I have the same 'red' or 'light' issue on the screen as you have, sometimes it says 'red', sometimes 'light'- ?? However, it doesn't affect my red light function...

If your program came on a flash drive, try running it straight from the drive and see if that

hey thanks for the response,
so the red light is not on at all, idle etc. when i click the red i can sorta hear it turn on but no light. and the light but has continued to say red, and ive installed 5 different downloads. so maybe the red light connection is bad, but its freaking me out because it seems like the laser is sometimes not operating at full power and when i focus up and down, sometimes it seems les powerful, but i cannot do anything without being able to see where i am.with the light red box. it just seems like it has something to do with the software because it started happening when i was working with one particular file, and the pointer was working, then all of a sudden i hit the light button, and the box was bigger than my work area and i hadnt changed the size of the hatched vector at all. the size of the vector was about 45mm and then all of a sudden the red light box was 150mm and i had to reduce the vector to like 1 mm and the box still came up huge when i hit light, then it went out completely? im dumbfounded. but you may be right, it maybe saying red because there is no light anymore cus the connection is bad or the led, i ncan here the poiter start up and make noise but no light.

Kev Williams
08-19-2021, 10:33 PM
Before you go any farther, change your USB cable and see if it helps at all. I'd say 3 of every 10 USB cables, ports, hubs, etc, I've ever used, have failed. I don't trust them...
If that doesn't help, then:

Because Ezcad is a stand-alone program it's not "installed" on your computer. Any fresh copy from the original disk or flash drive should correct any software issues--

Therefore, I'm leaning towards a loose control board connection or bad control board...

try this: In your Ezcad folder is a file called CorFile2.exe, with Ezcad not running, start it--

Now, CorFile2 is a something for other than fiber lasers. What exactly I'm not sure, BUT it may troubleshoot your red light problem-

When you run it this is what you get-

Now, click on the 'F1 set laser param" button, you'll get this-

notice "fiber" isn't listed in the laser choices on top- no problem.
what to do is go to the bottom left, and change the 'power analog output' and 'frequency analog output' values to zero. Hit the okay button to return to the first menu.

put something on the laser table that's okay for the laser to hit in case it fires. My laser doesn't fire, but who knows? ;)

Now, you can click on the 'mark 9 points rectangle' button or the 'calibrate standard rectangle' button, which is my favorite because it draws for several seconds...

The whole point of this is, this program runs outside of Ezcad, and draws with the red light on by default, and this is all you're checking for, that your red light comes on while it draws rectangles.

If you get no red light, something's up with the light itself, a bad connection or bad board...