View Full Version : Lee Valley Customer Service-Great or What!

Allen Bookout
01-12-2006, 10:59 AM
I felt that I really needed an accurate straightedge so I did a search on this forum. I found that some here think that if you need an accurate straighedge that you are not much of a craftsman. I just cannot seem to eyeball .003 of an inch over a 50" span. I dicided that I would just chalk it up to old age instead of lack of ability and go ahead and get one from Lee Valley.

In any case, last night I ordered the 50" model from Lee Valley and added their 6 1/2" feeler gauge set. This morning I realized that I had intended to order some brass shims as well. So I checked my order and it was not shipped yet so I called customer service to see if I could get it added on to avoid the extra shipping charges. Customer service answered in perfect english (not Chineese or Indian) and told me that my shipment was already being packed. I told her my situation and she said "No problem, we will just add on to your same order. The shims will be shipped seperately with NO additional shipping charges.". IS THIS GREAT SERVICE OR WHAT!

From a new Lee Valley fan. Allen

Jarrod Nelson
01-12-2006, 1:59 PM
I did the exact same thing a couple weeks ago. Same results too. I'm impressed.

I also ordered a last minute Christmas item. According to their shipping schedule it would have come in a couple days late. Instead it came in a day early. I'm not sure what they did, but I'm giving credit to their customer service.

It's rare service like this that makes me a loyal customer for life.

Jory Hamblen
01-12-2006, 4:04 PM
I have to chime in here.
I also placed an order to LV, just before Christmas, and I received the order two days before Christmas.
This is quite an accomplishment since the Pony Express is still used in the mountains of Colorado.
Lee Valley has a customer for the duration in me.

Noel Hegan
01-12-2006, 6:08 PM
I'm chiming in too...
The patience and good nature of the staff on the order desks has to be mentioned. After doing an online order I changed my mind 4 or 5 times if I should include a particular item before I confirmed the shipping charges. Each time I sent an email changing my mind I was sure the poor person was going to mail me back and tell me to catch a grip of myself and be more decisive. But what did I get - "There's no problem with making an informed decision, take your time to make up your mind". Most companies these days would've ignored me or told me where to get off.


Jesse Cloud
01-12-2006, 6:30 PM
I am a total convert. What's really important to me is that when Lee Valley has something in their catalog, it is almost always in stock. If the web page says it is in stock, then it is. If its out of stock (usually brand new products with high demand) the web page gives an estimate of when it will be available and they meet their dates. I have been really frustrated lately with a couple of other suppliers who I like, but take your order then tell you, sorry its out of stock. They give you a date, then revise the date a couple of times and probably wind up cancelling your order. If I place an order with LV and they say it is in stock, I know it will be on my doorstep exactly one week later - not bad for crossing the border and coming to rural NM, but the main thing is that I can count on it. That means a lot when you need it for a project.
It has got to the point where if I hear about a product I need, my first thought is 'I wonder if LV carries it.'
Hope Rob Lee isn't watching this board, he might raise his prices if we keep this up :rolleyes:

John Bailey
01-12-2006, 7:18 PM
Same here!! I am already at the point of ordering from them first. I love value and they have great products at reasonable prices. Another thing I like is when they find a real bargain on something that is not of the highest quality, they tell you. They give you the info and let you decide. I also like when they put the Maple leaf on the Canadian products and the USA on the American products. Everything is up front, and again, they have great products.


Mike Henderson
01-12-2006, 7:40 PM
I had exactly the same situation. I ordered something on the weekend (via their web site) and then realized that I needed something else. I sent them an e-mail asking them to add the item to my order. On Monday, when they came back into the office, I received an e-mail response which was exactly the same - my order was already being packed but they would add the item to the order and ship it in a separate package at no extra charge.

Every time I've contacted LV support they've been wonderful. In case the LV people read this thread - "Thanks for your efforts. You do a great job!"


Frank Pellow
01-12-2006, 8:00 PM
not bad for crossing the border and coming to rural NM,
My understanding is that most of the items that are shipped within the USA do not have to cross the border on their way to you. I believe that Lee Valley has a warehouse in Ogdensburg, New York that is used to fill orders to be shipped to addresses within the USA.

By the way I agree that Lee Valley's service is great. And, for those of us lucky enough to have a store nearby :) , the staff is very knowledgeable, cheerful, and helpful.

Howie French
01-13-2006, 2:05 PM
Here's my Lee Valley story...

I placed an order over the internet at 9:30pm EST in the evening.
A couple of hours later I realized I wanted to add another item to
the order.

I was going to call them, but there phone ordering was closed by this time.
I sent an email around midnight asking if they could add the item to my order.

I received an email reply (not automated) stating they had added the item to my order.

I received this reply 3 minutes after I send my email.

Now that is service !

Rich Konopka
01-13-2006, 6:59 PM
I bought a feeler gauge from them a couple of years back and a few months after they sent me a small envelope with a replacement finger for one that was incorrectly stamped. Wow. I was impressed at their proactive customer service.