View Full Version : Mystery piece of hardware

Dave Mills
08-09-2021, 11:02 PM
While cleaning up by the bench I just found this little part, I'm wondering if anyone recognizes it. It's 1/2" long, 1/8" diameter steel, and does not look like it's been broken off something else. I didn't have any tools fall apart, but probably will the minute I toss this in the trash...



Ronald Blue
08-10-2021, 7:53 AM
I'd definitely hang on to it for a while. It looks like it is an alignment pin or something similar. With no knowledge of your tool inventory I can't even hazard a guess but with the vast wealth of knowledge and experience in here I'd be surprised if someone won't give you an exact identification of it. Good luck.

Dave Mills
08-10-2021, 9:19 AM
Thanks for the reply, Ronald. In the general vicinity and used recently is my drill press, a bunch of hand tools (planes, scrapers, files), and maybe notably my DeWalt ROS and 1/4" router. I'll scrutinize the DeWalt tools and see if I can spot anything.

Paul F Franklin
08-10-2021, 9:26 AM
Are there any holes in it, or is it just a solid piece?

Bill Dufour
08-10-2021, 10:22 AM
Looks to me like a pin that is pushed or pulled then locks into position in or out. Like on a miter saw to lock it down for transport. Pin to lock motor for blade change. Set angle to common ones and lock into pinhole on the gauge. Check your tablesaw mitre gauge.
Bill D

Dave Mills
08-10-2021, 10:54 AM
Are there any holes in it, or is it just a solid piece?

It has no holes in it, just the various grooves around the outside. And there aren't any marks on it like a set screw pushing into it.

Dave Mills
08-10-2021, 11:39 AM
Ah, found it. It's a part from the guts of a SawStop brake.


Thanks for the help, guys.