View Full Version : Dowel hinge on toolbox handle?

T.J. Mahaffey
01-11-2006, 11:10 PM
Fellow Galoots,

You may have followed my holiday thread about my daughter's cherry toolbox and tools gift. Well, that toolbox really needs a handle.

So, I figured the best way to attach a handle would be to:

1. Shape a handle a bit longer than the toolbox itself.
2. Shape two cherry pieces to attach to each end of the handle.
3. Then, bore a hole through these parts and into either end of the toolbox.
4. Lastly, use a dowel to fill the hole(s) and act as a hinge.

That being said, I have zero experience doing any of these things, so I could really use a bit of guidance on my thought process.

I thought a through-tenon for either end of the handle, into the end parts. This would be simply cut into each end piece with a chisel and allow the handle to pass through about 1/2" proud on either end. Then, just glue it in place. Is my thinking sound here?

As for the dowel hinges, should the dowel be glued into the toolbox itself and pivot in the handle holes? Or should it be glued into the handle holes and move within the toolbox holes themselves? Does it matter structurally? I can't think of a reason it would, but I'd really like a second opinion.

And finally, is a press-fit what I'm going for with the dowels when gluing them? Or do the dowels need to be grooved like I've seen discussed in other various contexts?

Any help you guys could provide would be appreciated greatly.
Here's a quick visual aid.


Jasper Homminga
01-13-2006, 7:52 AM

I have never made a handle for a box, but here are my thoughts non the less.
I don't see any problems with your ideas on the handle. As for the dowel I would put the dowel in the handle and have it pivot in the box. If the dowel ever breaks I expect it would be easier to get it out of the handle rather than the box. Also I would use a softer wood for the dowel than for the box, you want the wear on the dowel not on the box. As the dowel is going through the handle I don't think you need ribs.

Give us some pics when you're done,