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View Full Version : Rx for pickle juice??

Rick Potter
07-28-2021, 4:07 AM
Visited my Doctor and mentioned I sometimes have leg cramps or charley horses if I sit in front of the computer late at night for too long.

Told him I was wondering about deep vein thrombosis, and he said if it is night time or just when you get up it is usually leg cramps, and not thrombosis. He told me not to laugh, but studies show that a spoon full of pickle juice a day lessens the cramps. When asked sweet or dill, he didn't know.

I also asked if that is just another version on taking vinegar? He said there were studies on that too, and the pickle juice was the one that worked on leg cramps.

Anybody heard of this one??

PS: Believe it or don't, the dill pickle juice is easier to drink than the sweet. I have been doing it for two nights, and will report after a few weeks.

Doug Dawson
07-28-2021, 4:33 AM
Visited my Doctor and mentioned I sometimes have leg cramps or charley horses if I sit in front of the computer late at night for too long.

Told him I was wondering about deep vein thrombosis, and he said if it is night time or just when you get up it is usually leg cramps, and not thrombosis. He told me not to laugh, but studies show that a spoon full of pickle juice a day lessens the cramps. When asked sweet or dill, he didn't know.

I also asked if that is just another version on taking vinegar? He said there were studies on that too, and the pickle juice was the one that worked on leg cramps.

Anybody heard of this one??

PS: Believe it or don't, the dill pickle juice is easier to drink than the sweet. I have been doing it for two nights, and will report after a few weeks.
My wife claims that it works. Get a bad cramp, take a few slugs of the juice, and it goes away.

When I’ve spent an hour mowing the lawn, or digging a hole in the ground, slugging back an ice cold beer also helps. I don’t know if this is related.

Steve Eure
07-28-2021, 4:35 AM
My wife has been doing this for years with dill pickle juice. And yes, it works. Whenever we empty a jar of dill pickles, she makes me save the juice just for this reason. As the old saying goes; "Try it, you'll like it"!

Lee Schierer
07-28-2021, 7:24 AM
Or maybe just eat a pickle.

Alex Zeller
07-28-2021, 8:56 AM
They sell pickle juice in the supermarket right next to the pickles. The wife has been taking it for over a year now. I don't know if it's helped her but she likes pickles so drinking the juice seems natural to her.

Scott Clausen
07-28-2021, 10:00 AM
It dates back to a UF Gators coach having players with cramping issues drink pickle juice and Gator Aid was born. Not sure if it is the salt or something else in the juice that does it. Me I was adding magnesium citrate to my water and after several weeks it started working but I was running thirty miles a week at the time. Now I just keep my salt intake up to keep cramps away. I do have to be careful when stretching in bed still.

Stan Calow
07-28-2021, 10:12 AM
I thought the cure for leg cramps was potassium. Maybe pickle juice has a lot of potassium.

Erik Loza
07-28-2021, 10:26 AM
I thought the cure for leg cramps was potassium. Maybe pickle juice has a lot of potassium.

Potassium is part of it but it's mostly sodium to alleviate cramping, in my experience. I'm a cyclist and I sweat a LOT. To the point where drinking regular water or even electrolyte fizzy tabs does not help, because there is so much salt leaving your body during perspiration. I often drink pickle juice before or after rides (in addition to electrolyte water). For me, it really helps.


Bill Dufour
07-28-2021, 10:26 AM
My wife drinks it in the middle of the night if needed. There have been legitimate research studies that show it works for athletes. Not sure if that really correlates with night time cramps. Getting up and walking to the kitchen may be what is really working.
Bill D.


Jim Koepke
07-28-2021, 10:31 AM
Just asked Dr. Google > pickle juice for cramps

This led to > https://www.healthline.com/health/pickle-juice-for-cramps

Interesting stuff, will have to give it a try next time a cramp grabs me.


glenn bradley
07-28-2021, 10:36 AM
I thought the cure for leg cramps was potassium. Maybe pickle juice has a lot of potassium.

Some potassium but more sodium by volume.

Erik Loza
07-28-2021, 10:38 AM
On this same note, V8 Juice (the regular stuff, not low-sodium) is a good pre-ride drink for me. I often have half a can before the ride, then finish can afterward.


Lawrence Duckworth
07-29-2021, 7:33 AM
Vinegar has a very low PH so beware of the acidic risk.

This year I grew 3-4'x8' raised boxes of pickling pickles on trellises. I also have 3 yummy canning recipes for Kosher Dill Pickles....you get the picture, I love pickles!
3mo. ago I went to the Dr. about a nagging lingering cough I continue to put up with, long story short Acid reflux was diagnosed because of my high acidic diet or another way to put it, my low PH diet, guess who cant eat pickles anymore:mad:

Dan Hunkele
07-29-2021, 8:38 AM
When I get a cramp at night I get up and eat a teaspoon of yellow mustard. Not sure why it works but it does. Supposed to be old home remedy.

Bill Dufour
07-29-2021, 10:11 AM
I wonder if these home remedies for night time cramps are really just get up and walk to the kitchen then walk back to bed. Oh, while in the kitchen eat or drink a small amount of something odd to justify the walk. The walk will do you the good.
Same idea as most guys would not go on a long walk, wasting valuable time, but they will paly a round of golf and not feel embarrassed to walk in nature while doing something positive. Mark Twain said that golf was a good walk ruined.
Bill D

Jim Koepke
07-29-2021, 11:11 AM
Same idea as most guys would not go on a long walk, wasting valuable time, but they will paly a round of golf and not feel embarrassed to walk in nature while doing something positive. Mark Twain said that golf was a good walk ruined.

It was my luck to be one of the few people to make money on a golf course. Never played, my job was being the caddy.

It was a good walk and money to show for it.


Rick Potter
07-29-2021, 12:19 PM
Thanks for all the answers.

In my case, there was no exercise involved, just sitting a couple hours in front of the computer before bed. To make it worse, or better, it only happens intermittently like once a week.

I have been taking a spoonfull of dill pickle juice, and my pickles are running dry, so I will go to the market today and see if they have jars of juice.

Thanks again, and I will report after trying it for a while, a shot every evening.


Jim Koepke
07-29-2021, 2:03 PM
Thanks for all the answers.

In my case, there was no exercise involved, just sitting a couple hours in front of the computer before bed. To make it worse, or better, it only happens intermittently like once a week.

I have been taking a spoonfull of dill pickle juice, and my pickles are running dry, so I will go to the market today and see if they have jars of juice.

Thanks again, and I will report after trying it for a while, a shot every evening.


My first question is would the juice in a jar of olives have the same effect?

It also sounds like you are using this as a preventative, is that correct?

Would one type of pickle be more efficacious than another? (i.e. straight dill being better than Kosher or garlic pickles)

Maybe pickles should be on my next shopping list.

DAMHIK waking up to a leg cramp is no fun.


Ted Calver
07-29-2021, 4:36 PM
When the cramps come late at night after a day of sweating the pickle juice works for me. If there's no juice in the pickle jar the teaspoon of mustard works too. Dunno why, but I'm glad they work, those cramps can be painful.

Myk Rian
07-29-2021, 8:34 PM
My wife gave me a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar for leg cramps. It worked for me.

Lee DeRaud
07-29-2021, 9:11 PM
My first question is would the juice in a jar of olives have the same effect?
I'd love to believe that's true: I'm addicted to the Trader Joes garlic-stuffed olives, so there's always a jar in the fridge anyway.
Pickles, not so much.

Bruce Wrenn
07-29-2021, 9:31 PM
My wife gave me a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar for leg cramps. It worked for me.

Doctor put me on Magnesium for cramps. Two pills before bed time each night. Used to take calcium, till I finally figured out that my kidney stones were calcium. Recently had back spasm. Rubbed some Theraworx on it, and in a few moments pain was lessened. Two more days of twice a day, and pain was gone.Theraworx is a suspension of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) in water, along with aloe juice.

John K Jordan
07-29-2021, 10:47 PM
Or maybe just eat a pickle.

Or maybe some pickled beets, a favorite around here. We grow beets and pickle them, or just pickle store-bought beets when the garden is bare.

Lon Crosby
07-30-2021, 8:54 PM
Look up HotShot. Le g cramps like described are misbehaving nerves, not mineral imbalance. Taste on pickle juice resets nerves. Fascinating scientific story.

Jim Koepke
08-01-2021, 4:25 PM
Look up HotShot. > https://teamhotshot.com

Hmm, that looks like some of us would be trading leg cramps for heart burn. (ginger gives me heart burn)

Tried some pickle juice a few nights ago. Had a leg cramp the next morning. Maybe it isn't good as a preventive.

Bruce mentioned magnesium supplements. So far after taking them in the evening for two days there haven't been any morning cramps.


Bernie Kopfer
08-01-2021, 5:49 PM
I have used Hotshot for years. Just yesterday mid afternoon sitting too long at the computer and had a nasty cramp. Slugged down a Hotshot a a few minutes later total relief. The science is interesting behind it. Might cost a bit but I’ve had times in the middle of the night I’d burn a Franklin if it made the pain go away!

Rick Potter
08-02-2021, 2:50 AM
Just looked at the Hot Shot info.

Sounds like maybe I should just eat a Jalapeno pepper and wash it down with pickle juice.

I am trying pickle juice each day as a preventative. As I said this is not an every day, or even week occurrence with me, so it may take a while for evidence of results. I looked for dill pickle juice at the store today, but no luck, need to try another store.

Bill Dufour
08-02-2021, 11:47 AM
You can buy dry pickling spices and mix your own pickle juice. My BIL uses it as dry rub to roast a chicken.
Bill D

Michael Weber
08-04-2021, 9:48 PM
All you need? 462381

Lee DeRaud
08-04-2021, 10:38 PM
All you need? 462381
I like pickles.
I like milk.
But that's just...wrong.

Rick Potter
08-05-2021, 2:55 AM

lowell holmes
08-06-2021, 11:16 AM
I think I will eat one now.

Prashun Patel
08-06-2021, 11:47 AM
I didn't read that anyone suspected the vinegar (acetic acid) of playing a role in the cramps.

I've read some articles that claim that lemon juice/orange juice or citric acid tablets reduce the incidence of cramps.

We adjust the pH in soil to make it more prone to absorb nutrients.

Could it be the case that consuming salt in acidic liquid helps the muscles absorb it quicker? I have no idea. Am not a doctor or scientist. Do love pickles.

Mike Ontko
08-09-2021, 11:30 AM
On this same note, V8 Juice (the regular stuff, not low-sodium) is a good pre-ride drink for me. I often have half a can before the ride, then finish can afterward.



Thanks for posting this and your earlier comment regarding pickle "nectar" as I'll call it (I done a bit of hobby canning over the years :)). I've never made the connection to pickle juice but understand issues with cycling and staying hydrated. I've got a ready supply on hand in my pantry and will give it a try.

462627 462633

Erik Loza
08-10-2021, 9:09 AM
I have used Hotshot for years.... The science is interesting behind it...

I think they may be onto something with the whole "crazy nerves" thing. Something I have noticed is that if you haven't ridden in a while, then do some workout that involves really high cadence intervals, certain muscle groups still feel like they are going haywire with signals for a while afterward. It's difficult to explain but during that period, if I did something like flex my calves or hamstrings, "Pow", instant charley-horse. And it happens even if your hydration is good. So, I think there is an element of this that is not necessarily electrolyte levels. That being said, I have also cramped from being dehydrated. So, maybe two different factors going on? Bernie, thanks for the tip. I'm going to order some of that stuff.


Thanks for posting this and your earlier comment regarding pickle "nectar" as I'll call it (I done a bit of hobby canning over the years :)). I've never made the connection to pickle juice but understand issues with cycling and staying hydrated. I've got a ready supply on hand in my pantry and will give it a try.

462627 462633

Mike, send some of those to Austin :D


Warren Lake
08-10-2021, 10:25 AM
leg cramps are magnesium at least heard from several people

Acid reflux take a spoon of apple cidar vinegar. That works or take a spoon a day as preventative.

My mom had it for years and one spoon of apple cidar shut it down in a minute every time. I mentioned it to several doctors and they looked at me like I was nuts and not one of them cared enough to look it up and learn something they didnt know. Wanted her on some drug for it. Ive got that maybe once a year or twice and if it happens ive tested it myself and it works, took a minute maybe for it to stop.

Jim Koepke
09-06-2021, 10:59 AM
Reviving this thread to mention my own experience.

After reading this a bit of pickle juice was consumed before going to bed. It was slightly upsetting to my stomach. Still had leg cramps the next morning around 4:00 or 5:00am.

Scott Clausen mentioned a magnesium citrate suplement. Since we were getting groceries that day a bottle of magnesium citrate was purchased. Since taking a 400mg dose at night before bed or with my evening medications the only time my cramps have returned are the time the magnesium was forgotten.

There has still been a little numbness or feeling of pre-cramping in my legs in the morning but that is easily dispelled by wiggling my toes.

Thanks Scott,


Dave Lehnert
09-06-2021, 11:08 AM
We have a little Dairy Bar close by .Noticed the other day they have "Frozen pickle juice" on the menu

Jim Koepke
09-06-2021, 1:46 PM
We have a little Dairy Bar close by .Noticed the other day they have "Frozen pickle juice" on the menu

This made me think of a bar, Oleg's, that was in Berkeley many years ago.

They served a drink called a Pisco Sour advertised as being for the heartbroken. It may not have had pickle juice, but it tasted like it did.



Bill Dufour
09-06-2021, 9:02 PM
The joke thread has a picture of some Pickle milk for sale. I think it is called "pilk". I assume it is just pickle juice.
Bill D

Rick Potter
09-06-2021, 11:04 PM
I will also follow up, since starting the thread I have been taking a spoonful of PJ most nights, and have had several cramp starts while sitting at the computer, but I got up quickly and they stopped.

I have not had any wake me up at night, but that didn't happen often before, so that is a 'maybe' report.

I have not had any BIG cramps sitting at the computer.

I guess I am saying it seems to help me, but does not eliminate cramps. Not definitive, but it's all I got.

My doctor never said how much, how often or what time of day to take it. Next time I see him I will ask those questions.

Perry Hilbert Jr
09-07-2021, 3:52 PM
Five years ago, the doc told me to drink a pint of tonic water a day, the stuff with the quinine in it. And that helps alot. Mrs. wants me to leave the gin out of it though. Gotta put something in it. Tastes nasty. Some cramps are in general due to dehydration, some are due to lack of potassium, some due to lack of magnesium. I tried taking a magnesium supplement for a while. I do sometimes have a hydration problem. Mostly too much hydration. I can drink a gallon of ice tea, four diet sodas and a gallon of water in a days time. In winter, I often start with 2 pints of hot tea in the morning. (never started drinkiing coffee)