View Full Version : Theraworx and Back Spasms

Bruce Wrenn
07-22-2021, 9:29 PM
If you have ever had back spasms, you know how painful they can be. Right up there with kidney stones. I know, as I have had both, more than once. Two weeks ago, I had a back spasm. Heat and massage did little to relieve it. Remembering that back spasms are a form of cramps, I decided to try some Theraworx on it. Due to location, wife had to apply Theraworx. Within 30 minutes, some relief was taking place. Twice a day application (morning, and night) and two days later you wouldn't know i had ever had a back spasm. Now if they can just figure out something for kidney stones that you can rub on. , FYI, active ingredient in Theraworx is magnesium sulfate, AKA Epsom salts.

Brice Rogers
07-22-2021, 10:37 PM
When I get a back spasm, I sometimes try alternating hot and cold packs. The hot seems to work better. Getting a vigorous massage can also help IMHO.

I have also used a Transcutaneous Electro Nerve System (TENS). You can program it for intensity, frequency, pulse rate, etc. I think that sometimes at higher intensity that it will somewhat fatigue the offending muscle to encourage it to relax. I bought mine from a Chiropractor but the same one is available on eBay for a lot less.

Doug Garson
07-22-2021, 11:39 PM
Not a home remedy but maybe try dry needling to release the spasm. I had an ankle issue a while back, after five or six treatments with ultrasound, heat and TENS but no relief my Physiotherapist tried dry needling and there was instant improvement, after about three treatments the sharp pain I was experiencing was gone.

Ron Selzer
07-23-2021, 1:32 AM
Sombra, bought from Chiropractor or off of eBay for a lot less works great for me the last 25+ years

Michael Weber
07-23-2021, 9:22 AM
Googled Sombra. Its the shady side of a bull fighting ring among other things. Specify cream for better results:D