View Full Version : I will NEVER understand my wife

dennis thompson
07-22-2021, 7:41 AM
When we moved into our house it has a large laundry room but no cabinets so I built a couple which came out pretty nice and serve the purpose.
Ever since (about 5 years) my wife has said: " we need to buy some real cabinets because buyers want a really nice laundry room".
We have agreed that we have no intention of ever moving.
Anyway , yesterday a friend showed me a place that makes nice, ready to assemble cabinets.
My wife and I looked at them on line and found that we could get a really nice set of cabinets for a very reasonable price.
So she said to me "why don't you just build one more cabinet" !!!!!!!:eek:
I will NEVER understand my wife (who I've been married to for over 50 years):confused:

Malcolm Schweizer
07-22-2021, 8:01 AM
She’s reading this right now. It was nice knowing you.

Myk Rian
07-22-2021, 8:18 AM
You ain't ever going to figure a woman out, so don't even try.

David Lageman
07-22-2021, 8:34 AM
If you've been together for 50+ years, you're understanding her more than you're giving yourself credit for. I'm only at 40 years but I've learned to pick my battles!

Kevin Jenness
07-22-2021, 8:57 AM
​Age does not stale nor custom wither her infinite variety...

dennis thompson
07-22-2021, 9:29 AM
She’s reading this right now. It was nice knowing you.
The Virgin Islands look nice, do you have a spare room for rent?

Jim Koepke
07-22-2021, 9:54 AM
I'm only at 40 years but I've learned to pick my battles!

Your wife lets you choose?


Malcolm Schweizer
07-22-2021, 11:38 AM
The Virgin Islands look nice, do you have a spare room for rent?

She already messaged me and said you’d ask me that, and if I valued my life, I would say “no.”

David Lageman
07-22-2021, 12:12 PM
Your wife lets you choose?


Jim, she at least lets me think I'm choosing!!!

Alex Zeller
07-22-2021, 2:11 PM
There's a reason why they live longer than men. They are just better at screwing with our heads than us. My wife said she didn't like brown furniture for the deck. So I look for other colors (brown being the dominant color). Everything I found was too expensive or not the right color. After months of searching trying to please her she tells me she bought some, brown of course, because she knew I really wanted something new for the deck.

Wade Lippman
07-22-2021, 2:30 PM
I read a book by a Nobel Prize laureate. He said not to feel bad if you don't understand quantum mechanics. He doesn't, and thinks anyone who says they do is delusional.
The same could be said about women.

I have been married 34 years and have explained how thermostats work about twice a year. She has a MS; why can't she grasp a thermostat?

Bruce Wrenn
07-22-2021, 3:34 PM
I have been married 34 years and have explained how thermostats work about twice a year. She has a MS; why can't she grasp a thermostat? Doesn't it work like a gas pedal? The farther you turn it up, or down, the quicker the room will reach the desired temperature. Or you can't have two systems feeding a common area, and set one different from the other, and expect both to run the same amount.

Rod Sheridan
07-22-2021, 4:41 PM
Don’t worry, she doesn’t understand you either.

Wade Lippman
07-22-2021, 5:13 PM
Doesn't it work like a gas pedal? The farther you turn it up, or down, the quicker the room will reach the desired temperature. Or you can't have two systems feeding a common area, and set one different from the other, and expect both to run the same amount.

Ah, you have had the same discussion!

lowell holmes
07-22-2021, 6:03 PM
We have been married 56 years. My normal response is "Yes Dear".

Bruce Wrenn
07-22-2021, 9:19 PM
Ah, you have had the same discussion!

Yes dear, it's only an off / on switch, controlled by the temperature setting, not a gas pedal.

Rick Potter
07-26-2021, 2:12 AM
Let's have a show of hands from those who DO understand women. :confused:

Malcolm Schweizer
07-26-2021, 6:40 AM
Let's have a show of hands from those who DO understand women. :confused:

(crickets chirping)

michael langman
07-26-2021, 10:09 AM
Have you ever noticed that the more you try to help your wife the worse it gets?:confused:

Thomas Wilson
07-26-2021, 12:37 PM
My wife of 47 years actually likes that I know how things work and can fix them. She does not like for me to explain it to her.

Bruce Volden
07-26-2021, 6:15 PM
Give my wife of 35+ yrs. a hammer and she thinks everything is a nail!!

Bruce Wrenn
07-26-2021, 9:03 PM
Mine thinks if I'm not doing what she thinks I should be doing, then I'm wasting time. Had that discussion today, AGAIN!

Tim Elett
07-27-2021, 3:05 PM
Sounds like a good excuse for a new machine in the shop

Adam Herman
07-27-2021, 3:56 PM
Mine thinks if I'm not doing what she thinks I should be doing, then I'm wasting time. Had that discussion today, AGAIN!

but wont tell you what she thinks you should be doing... a classic. :D

Bruce Wrenn
07-27-2021, 9:10 PM
but wont tell you what she thinks you should be doing... A classic. :d


Bill Dufour
07-29-2021, 2:42 PM
FYI: relationship tip. Studies show women/girls can discern about 1000 colors. Men/boys about 200. So if you tell her they look the same to me both of you are correct. She can see a difference that you can not. No amount of training and experience can correct for this deficit.
Bill D

Rich Engelhardt
07-30-2021, 9:51 AM
Studies also show wives can smell/sense fear on their husbands.

Look at this poor fella. His wife told him to go fill up the water bucket & then handed this to him.

Knowing what was in store for him if he questioned anything, he just did his best..

Myk Rian
07-30-2021, 1:34 PM
I only do what the voices in my wife's head tells her to tell me what to do.

Richard Hart
07-30-2021, 2:19 PM
FYI: relationship tip. Studies show women/girls can discern about 1000 colors. Men/boys about 200. So if you tell her they look the same to me both of you are correct. She can see a difference that you can not. No amount of training and experience can correct for this deficit.
Bill D

Even more with my wife-she's an artist!

Richard Hart
07-30-2021, 2:20 PM
My wife of 47 years actually likes that I know how things work and can fix them. She does not like for me to explain it to her.

Same here, but if I talk tech, the eyes glaze over. 🙄

Wade Lippman
08-02-2021, 9:05 PM
I might have a winner. 20 years ago we went to a marriage counselor. My wife complained that she doesn't know anything about our finances. 10 minutes later she said it is so annoying when I try to tell her where our assets are. The counselor pointed out that it was unreasonable to attack me for both.

Sam Force
08-02-2021, 10:21 PM
After 47 years we have come to understand that if she tells me to drive north 10 miles, I will actually go east 4 miles and be at desired destination :o

Kev Williams
08-03-2021, 12:51 AM
Me & Vick have never had a fight.
We've only had one what could be called 'argument' but we kept it civil. (I forget what it was about)
We've had maybe 6 or 8 disagreements.
Neither of us are nags.
We'd both been thru 2 prior marriages.
We got married 6 weeks after we met.
Our 30th anniversary is next month.

--Understanding the wife has never been an issue.

--Understanding women in general, that's a whole nuther story ;)

Perry Hilbert Jr
08-03-2021, 6:49 AM
When we built our new house. Mrs. got a laundry room that is about 12 x 12. It is nicer than the kitchens in our last two houses. There are four upper oak cabinets, three lower oak cabinets, 7 ft of counter space and a huge finished deep sink and a spray head on the faucet so she can give her little shitzus baths. There is also a heavy duty clothes rack that can hold 20 shirts/blouses on hangers, and room for the ironing board, which is apparently is only used in her sewing room for quilting. Not a month goes by that she doesn't complain about the laundry room. And since I retired, I do 80% of the laundry.