View Full Version : Is it true?? Supernova 2 discontinued ????

Clarence Martinn
07-21-2021, 4:22 PM
Is it all of the Super Nova 2 's , or just certain models ??

Bernie Kopfer
07-29-2021, 11:53 AM
I don’t know if they are being fully discontinued but they appear to being replaced with a new model and of course a higher price.

tom lucas
07-29-2021, 8:12 PM
I think they've fixed the key's backward operating direction to be intuitive and in-line with how others work.

John K Jordan
07-29-2021, 10:38 PM
I think they've fixed the key's backward operating direction to be intuitive and in-line with how others work.

Oh No! I've grown rather fond of the tightening direction.

I'm glad I have a lifetime supply of the existing chucks.

Paul Williams
07-30-2021, 9:58 AM
I can always use one more chuck, but I can not imagine having three that turn one way and one that is reverse.

Kyle Iwamoto
07-30-2021, 11:09 AM
I think they've fixed the key's backward operating direction to be intuitive and in-line with how others work.

WHAT???? They operate backwards?????

John K Jordan
07-30-2021, 11:35 AM
I can always use one more chuck, but I can not imagine having three that turn one way and one that is reverse.

Same here. At last count I have 20 chucks and they all tighten the same way. BTW, the perception of right or wrong way may depend on one's use. Turning right to tighten in a recess, which I nearly always use on bowls and platters, feels natural....

One thing I've done for years which might help some: I use a vibrating engraver to draw a circular arrow around the socket for the key and write the word "OUT", then highlight that with a red sharpie. Might help a student, visitor, me during a senior moment (rare, of course. ha.).


tom lucas
07-30-2021, 12:01 PM
WHAT???? They operate backwards?????

Well.... yes, sorta. Most of us think turn CW to close (contracting of the jaws). It's a righty tighty kinda thing. And this is the way my Vicmarc chuck works (and I think most other brands too). But the Novas turn ccw to close the jaws. I have 3 novas and there is an arrow embossed on the keyholes to indicate which way to turn for contracting jaws. I'm not really complaining. It's just different and I've gotten used to it (mostly). I had read the new novas were the opposite (CW in) and that is why I surmised it was the reason for the discontinuation of the old style. Long term this move might devaluate the old style ones like many of us have because, as was said who wants a bunch of chucks working in opposite directions.

Edward Weber
07-30-2021, 12:19 PM
The operating direction is not the only change.
The new Pro-Tek models have other features that are an improvement over the originals.
I personally couldn't care less which direction you need to turn to operate them
I know some people can't grasp the concept and have problems, I don't get it.

John K Jordan
07-30-2021, 3:09 PM
The operating direction is not the only change.
The new Pro-Tek models have other features that are an improvement over the originals.

I see the new SN2 models have a red backing plate as an "additional safety measure." Yikes, I didn't know my non-red backing plates were a hazard.

Reinforcing the backing plate with "stranded glass fibers for extreme durability" might be new, don't know. I haven't seen an old one fail.

I see the screw design has changed from hex key to torx.

They apparently still have the ball end hex key for tightening jaws. This has been problematical for years. I cut off the ball end.

Where's my charge card? I see they include a branded "NOVA microfiber workshop towel (11.5″ x 10.5″) to help keep your chuck and jaws well maintained."



Ben Grefe
07-30-2021, 3:47 PM
I’ve got to admit, I don’t understand what the red backing plate does from a safety perspective. ‘If you can see this you’ve done something wrong!’? Otherwise I don’t get it.

Forrest Forschmiedt
07-30-2021, 10:11 PM
I have a couple of the new style Supernova IIs.
I had a couple of direct thread G3s for the smaller lathe I used to have. For whatever reason the G3s felt more solid to me in use.
I don't like the ball end hex wrench. It makes it harder to use with one hand while holding the work piece with the other hand. A longer one with no ball end is on my tool shopping list.
The red backing plate has index hole/marks on it but I'm not sure how I would take advantage of that feature. Is there some corresponding feature on Nova lathes that those indexing marks work with?
The backing plate may prevent fingers, tools or debris from inadvertently getting in there but that doesn't seem like a huge risk to me. Does the backing plate help reduce flex or vibration in the chuck?

tom lucas
07-31-2021, 9:05 AM
I like the t-handled hex wrench for changing jaws. Now it doesn't look like just another L-shaped hex key to get lost. But I hate Nova's worm screw. It's just too short and doesn't hold that well. So much so I won't use it. If I want to use a worm screw I turn to my Vicmarc.

Edward Weber
07-31-2021, 10:39 AM
I said there were more changes, I never said any of them made any sense.
Some days you really wonder who's running the show at Teknatool.
I also find it pretty funny that now the chucks have a more rust resistant finish you get a little towel to wipe them down. Raise your hand if you wipe down your chuck when you're done working for the day.

Robert Hayward
07-31-2021, 2:16 PM
At last count I have 20 chucks JKJ

Really?? You might want to have a look here: :) https://iocdf.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw6ZOIBhDdARIsAMf8YyFt-nPtJx6DuA3uhFOSa9pmxNpvN_u6bd-Td4If2KYOT4U0IweExg4aApRxEALw_wcB

I thought I was bad with my 10 or 11.

John K Jordan
07-31-2021, 10:21 PM
I like the t-handled hex wrench for changing jaws. Now it doesn't look like just another L-shaped hex key to get lost. But I hate Nova's worm screw. It's just too short and doesn't hold that well. So much so I won't use it. If I want to use a worm screw I turn to my Vicmarc.

I haven't used a Nova worm screw for years, I think it's crudely made. Now I do use a screw chuck oftem to hold. The Glaser screw chuck is amazing.

tom lucas
07-31-2021, 11:31 PM
I haven't used a Nova worm screw for years, I think it's crudely made. Now I do use a screw chuck oftem to hold. The Glaser screw chuck is amazing.

My Vicmarc worm screw works great and costs me nothing extra. It's probably 1/2" longer than the Nova. The Glaser looks real nice but I'd rather spend the $189 on something else, at least until I run out of tools to buy. If the Vicmarc is otherwise in-use where I can't use the worm screw, I just use a faceplate. That Nova worm screw is almost dangerous IMO. I've had wood come off of it more times than not. So, I won't use it anymore.

John K Jordan
08-01-2021, 7:10 PM
My Vicmarc worm screw works great and costs me nothing extra. It's probably 1/2" longer than the Nova. The Glaser looks real nice but I'd rather spend the $189 on something else, at least until I run out of tools to buy. If the Vicmarc is otherwise in-use where I can't use the worm screw, I just use a faceplate. That Nova worm screw is almost dangerous IMO. I've had wood come off of it more times than not. So, I won't use it anymore.

I like the Glaser SO much I'd hate to be without if something happened to it so I bought a spare. I didn't pay anything like $189 though. That seems high.
I do all small to medium bowls and platters with the Glaser - drill one 1/4" hole, screw on the chuck, and turn.

tom lucas
08-03-2021, 3:14 PM
$189 is the current price from Glaser. At half that price I might buy one.