View Full Version : No more MJ Splitter - time to make my own

Rich Engelhardt
07-16-2021, 9:03 AM
I lost the green splitter for my MJ Splitter so I went online to see where I could get a replacement.
It looks like MicroJig is the only place to get one.

They sell a two pack for - $8.95 plus $5.95 shipping.

I was all set to just order it - when - I thought about it.

$8.95 for a tiny piece of plastic is bad enough - but - $5.95 shipping? Really? Something that can fit easily in an envelope and be mailed for all of $.55?

I think it about time to make my own out of a scrap of wood.

Jim Becker
07-16-2021, 9:21 AM
Shipping isn't just the cost of postage...it's also the cost of labor to pick and pack and send. They are making next to nothing in the larger scope of things for those two little pieces of plastic, even if their cost is nil. Wages have to be paid.

That said, you have the capability of making replacements, to that's a great option over buying!

glenn bradley
07-16-2021, 10:16 AM
I look at total cost and value. How long did the easily removed and replaced little buggers last you. I am still using ones from 15 years ago or more. One leg actually snapped off on one of them finally. You can certainly make your own. The advantage of them for me is the removing for non-through cuts and the easy replacement when I want them back in the operation. Grizzly will ship them for $5 although it doubled if I wanted 3 pair just now. If the $5.95 is consistent for multiples you could buy a lifetime supply and maximize your shipping dollars ;-)

Bryan Sevier
07-16-2021, 10:51 AM
I just recently had to order some screws and send them to a customer in Maui. I only needed 8 screws, but they only came in 100's. They were only $9 for 100 - not that bad. But the shipping to Maui cost me over $50.

Bert McMahan
07-16-2021, 12:19 PM
I used to be in a business that shipped very small things that could fit in an envelope and would take maybe 2 stamps, but I always charged $3 or so to ship it, which covered the mailer envelope, the shipping label, and got me first class mail with tracking. The tracking was the big part- with a letter, you never know when it gets there and customers can complain "Hey where's my stuff?" or say it was never delivered. So I just decided to say you know what, I'm not shipping without tracking.

Rick Potter
07-16-2021, 2:00 PM
I think I saw replacement inserts at Rockler a while back.

Mark Bolton
07-16-2021, 2:12 PM
$8.95 for a tiny piece of plastic is bad enough - but - $5.95 shipping? Really? Something that can fit easily in an envelope and be mailed for all of $.55?

I think it about time to make my own out of a scrap of wood.

Hopefully you never have the joy of being in business because someone quibbling over a $15 purchase when there is a padded envelope, postage, labor, web portal, credit card processing fees, is a scenario that leads to white-hot-poker-in-the-eye.. We are screwed.

Kyle Iwamoto
07-16-2021, 2:20 PM
Have you tried Amazon? I just took a look and it was listed as shipped free. I did not press "buy", sometimes they add the shipping after. There's more than 1 seller. Re-seller I guess I should say.

Jerry Wright
07-16-2021, 3:13 PM
I'm retired and my hourly rate is too high to make these for what they charge. Ever been hit in the belly by a kickback?

Rich Engelhardt
07-16-2021, 4:03 PM
Have you tried Amazon? Amazon only has the thin kerf (yellow). I need the 1/8" full kerf (green).

If the $5.95 is consistent for multiples you could buy a lifetime supply and maximize your shipping dollars ;-)Thank you for the suggestion. That's exactly what I ended up doing. The $5.95 is for orders under $40. I bit the bullet and ordered 3 sets. It helped spread the cost - but - I'm still irked about the shipping.
Oh well....

Cary Falk
07-16-2021, 5:46 PM
Buy a 3D printer and print your own.:D I have one and it comes in handy.

glenn bradley
07-16-2021, 6:13 PM
Amazon only has the thin kerf (yellow). I need the 1/8" full kerf (green).

Thank you for the suggestion. That's exactly what I ended up doing. The $5.95 is for orders under $40. I bit the bullet and ordered 3 sets. It helped spread the cost - but - I'm still irked about the shipping.
Oh well....

I hear you. We have all been spoiled by Amazon. Even though I know the cost is rolled up in there somewhere my knee-jerk reaction to paying ANYTHING for shipping is . . . whaaaat!!! :D

Aaron Rosenthal
07-16-2021, 6:50 PM
Cary, what did the 3D printer and basic stock cost?

Cary Falk
07-16-2021, 6:57 PM
As they used to say
Prusa I3 MK3S - $750
1kg spool filliment - $19.99
Ability to print a MJ splitter(or anthing else I need) ------ Priceless!!!!!:D

Rich Engelhardt
07-16-2021, 7:25 PM
Buy a 3D printer and print your ownThat's really not a bad idea at all. I can see a point in the future where they may just sell the scan of a part & you print out the actual part on your 3D printer.

Myles Moran
07-16-2021, 10:55 PM
Ever been hit in the belly by a kickback?

I've only caught a small cutoff and it sure kicked my butt. I can't imagine having caught a proper kickback.

As far as the shipping cost, it sucks to see it added, but it's just the way things are. You can pay for it or spend enough that they're padding those costs across each item. A good seller that charges shipping has been a lot more valuable to me than a bad seller with free shipping.

Charles Lent
07-18-2021, 12:57 PM
My splitter is the Delta Pop-Up splitter that was sold as an option by Delta for their Unisaws and Contractor's saws. It is there under the table insert whenever I need it, and removing the insert and then pulling the splitter up into place, then replacing the table insert is all that is required to use it. Reversing the process puts it back out of the way when I'm finished using it. Ripping solid wood is the only time that I ever use it, because plywood and cross cutting never wants to close the kerf as it's being cut. Ripping is the only time that the stresses in the wood to close the saw kerf. I always use pushing devices that hold the work down well, as well as feeding it forward, and although I always position myself to be out of the way of a kickback, in almost 70 years of woodworking I have never suffered from a kickback. Holding the work down securely as you feed it forward, as well as using a good splitter, is the best way to avoid a kickback.


johnny means
07-18-2021, 7:48 PM
I'm retired and my hourly rate is too high to make these for what they charge. Ever been hit in the belly by a kickback?

Unfortunately, I'm on the tall side and kickbacks hit below the belt.

Jim Becker
07-18-2021, 7:59 PM
Unfortunately, I'm on the tall side and kickbacks hit below the belt.

You need a slider, dude...so you're out of the line of fire!! LOL Ouch...