View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
07-12-2021, 10:13 AM
12 Jul 2021

Came off of oncall duty this morning and I keep thinking to myself that this will only continue for another 4-5 years and then I'll retire.
Been working in the HOT and Humid shop to get some things done - Like this twin-sized porch swing for a customer of mine.


Still trying to sort things out with what I'm going to do woodworking business wise. I'm not a very good business man but I know how to design, build and work without issue. I'll just say that I'm in the learning mode at the moment.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
07-12-2021, 1:20 PM
I'm thinking you need to start planning to make your shop less hot and humid so you can work comfortably year 'round, Dennis. Wink...wink...nod...nod... :)

I had guests all week, so there was exactly zero done in my shop since the last report until I spent a couple hours on Saturday doing some more cleanup and organization. I ordered a few more components from Blastgate Company to complete my DC install and the inspector will be out Thursday morning to give his final blessing on the subpanel project...he passed it for rough, but silly me, I didn't have even one active circuits in it, so he requested to do the rest of the work. No biggie. He's a woodworker and should enjoy the final result.

Today, I'm working on the last "electrical fax pas" that the previous homeowner left me. The dude left splices inside a wall while moving (literally) an outlet. Unlike the other two which I could fix without removing drywall, this one required removing drywall so I can properly route wire to the behind-the-TV-over-the-mantle location as well as put an outlet back at the original wall location. Can't fish through solid wood, so stripping some 'rock gives access to properly drill through studs, etc., between points A and B. I sure wish that folks who don't actually understand electrical codes and safety wouldn't do stuff like this in their homes. Holy fire hazard, Batman!

Charles Coolidge
07-12-2021, 2:18 PM
I assembled the new Powermatic PM2820EVS 20" drill press then hauled all my new machine pallets and boxes to the dump and cleaned up the shop.

Lisa Starr
07-12-2021, 4:20 PM
Moved my Minimax sliding saw into the shop on Saturday and then started the setup on Sunday. Of course, no projects at the moment, as I've been without a table saw since early May.

Jim, I get what you're saying about people doing stupid/unsafe things with electrical wiring. We've found several splices in our son's house hidden in the walls. Not even in a box, let alone accessible.

Dennis, consider contacting the SBA. They offer help writing a business plan and can help you figure out insurances, business form (LLC, Sole Proprietor) and necessary registrations.

Jim Becker
07-12-2021, 7:48 PM
Jim, I get what you're saying about people doing stupid/unsafe things with electrical wiring. We've found several splices in our son's house hidden in the walls. Not even in a box, let alone accessible.

This was the third, and hopefully last, "in wall" splice I'll have to deal with here. No boxes. Darn scary. But it's fined and the outlet for the TV over the mantle s now installed correctly with the drywall buttoned up and taped. A few days for mud and I can call it complete. New disposal is next on the list of "indoor" projects for this week that features multiple days with 100º+ heat indexes!

Paul F Franklin
07-12-2021, 8:53 PM
Still plugging away on kitchen design work; plan to meet with a couple of designers this week. I took the time to build a full size mock-up of the island out of foam board so we could see how the kitchen would flow with the island in place. It was worth the small effort and cost as we made some tweaks to design of the island and placement as a result of living with the mock-up for a few days.

We spent a couple of days in western PA as my wife had a student site visit to do in Johnstown and I went along for the ride. It's the first time we've stayed in a hotel in close to two years and it felt both good and odd.

The only shop time was a little cleaning and organizing and coating 5 "pandemic puzzles" with modge-podge so I can mount them and hang them in our rec room. We pick puzzles that depict cities or countries we've traveled to, so they tell a little story in addition to being a kind of art.

Anuj Prateek
07-13-2021, 10:41 PM
Built a cabinet. Had left over thick plywood which finally got used. Shop along with extension work needs another 1.5 months for completion. Sawhorse turned out to be a good makeshift bench. Jigsaw and router did all the cutting. Happy that it came out square.

Will mount my bench grinder on top of this cabinet.