View Full Version : Cherry Pill Box....

Michael Stafford
01-11-2006, 11:50 AM
This is my first attempt at turning this shape popularized by Ray Key. I have the utmost respect for him or anyone else who turns this form well as I found it difficult to get the curves the same on both ends( I don't know if I was able to or not). Shoot I found it difficult to turn the rounded ends, period. As it is I missed the proper location for my join slightly and thus the lid portion looks too heavy.

I think this cherry came from Dick Parr. This is my version of a pill box. It is about 2 1/4" in diameter and 3 1/4" tall.

Mark Cothren
01-11-2006, 11:52 AM
Looks pretty sweet to me, Big Mike! Very nice piece of Cherry. Looks like you got it down pretty good.

Thanks for the pictures!

Keith Burns
01-11-2006, 12:02 PM
Hey Big Mike, Mr. turner, writer, teacher, boxmaster this is a FINE Box for sure. Have never see Ray Keys so I can't compare it. All I can say is you nailed it. Great form in my eyes.:) :) :)

Andy Hoyt
01-11-2006, 12:25 PM
Mike - Just watched an old video by Ray Keys on box making. Was a huge help and I'm gonna sacrifice a scraper to make one like he uses.

As always, your boxes rockses.

Bruce Shiverdecker
01-11-2006, 12:35 PM
That is a PILL!

NAW, just funnin'! Great lookin' box, Mike! Great grain match, with that big an overlap.


Michael Stafford
01-11-2006, 12:55 PM
Mike - Just watched an old video by Ray Keys on box making. Was a huge help and I'm gonna sacrifice a scraper to make one like he uses.

Andy, I have never seen a Ray Key video nor have I seen the scraper you are referring to. Would you mind shooting a picture of the one you are going to make when you do? I would love to see how some of the box turners modify their tools for specific applications. I have just begun to learn to modify my grinds on my spindle gouges for different points in the hollowing process. I use scrapers but I depend on my gouges for most of the work.

Thanks for the nice comments.:o

Andy Hoyt
01-11-2006, 1:09 PM
I shall endeavor to please the Box Meister

Robert Mickley
01-11-2006, 1:16 PM
Nice stuff Michael, I've only made a couple boxes and none of them looked that good

Jim Ketron
01-11-2006, 5:01 PM
looks good from here Mike!
Nice Job Buddy

Dick Parr
01-11-2006, 5:11 PM
Very nice Mike, you made wonderful use of that Cherry. Even though the top is way to heavy..........:D ;)

John Hart
01-11-2006, 6:11 PM
Very cool Mike!! I sure hope I can make it to your class next Fall. I'll try some boxes in the mean time by just watching all the pieces you put out...But we just don't know how that's gonna turn out just yet.

Andy...I'd like to see some of those pics m'self sir!!

Andy Hoyt
01-11-2006, 6:46 PM
Andy...I'd like to see some of those pics m'self sir!!

Patience! Gotta get a new scraper for the Sacrifice to the Grinder Gods

Glenn Hodges
01-11-2006, 7:14 PM
Wow, what a box.

Andy Hoyt
01-12-2006, 11:49 AM
Andy, I have never seen a Ray Key video nor have I seen the scraper you are referring to. Would you mind shooting a picture of the one you are going to make when you do? I would love to see how some of the box turners modify their tools for specific applications. I have just begun to learn to modify my grinds on my spindle gouges for different points in the hollowing process. I use scrapers but I depend on my gouges for most of the work.

Thanks for the nice comments.:o

Mike – Here’s the info on the Ray Key stuff. Turns out that all is available from Craft Supplies in Utah. All on Page 13 in the Spring/Summer 2005 catalog. These part numbers also work on their website.

The video is The Basic Box for $19 ---- #197-0100 (and there are others, too).

The scraper is a ¾” square end side scraping tool with one long side swept back. In the video it is more swept than on the website photo # 088-6105 for $30 unhandled.

And the spindle gouge (which also seems very cool) is #088-6107 for $24 unhandled. The side grind is for clearance but also makes a very good sheer scraper. Other sizes also available.

I was gonna try to make them but for these prices, just might as well just get 'em and have at it. Hope this helps.

Michael Stafford
01-12-2006, 12:20 PM
Andy, you da man! Thank you for going to all that trouble. I do appreciate it.:D

Joe Tonich
01-12-2006, 12:42 PM
Now that's a hoss pill!!! :eek: :p :D

(and a pretty one at that! :D )

Nice, BM!! :D :D
