View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-27-2021, 8:11 PM
28 Jun 2021

It's been a busy week here. Working at the day job, working on the yard, garden, and I did get the island top finished for a customer of mine but I am unable to deliver it until they have an "all clear" due to a covid exposure. This coming week I start a porch swing that will be a twin size bed porch swing for a repeat customer of mine. Saturday, I picked up a full trailer load of air dried lumber from a local guy for $440 and my estimate is that I got about 700 Bd Ft of lumber, all hardwood, white oak, red oak, chestnut, cherry, maple, and walnut. So...I say I got a good deal on the wood. He got it from his grandfather who had it in his shop for several years, then he had it all stacked in his garage for 2 years. So it's dry and ready for use.
It's hot, humid and the time of year that I greatly dislike because it's crazy hot in my shop this time of year! This week, my #2 son will close on his 1st home and he already has a few things that he wants me to help him with on repairs on this house he's buying....I'm happy that he asked me to help him and I love doing that type of work in wood but I just don't do so well in the heat any more. :)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all!!

Charles Coolidge
06-27-2021, 9:28 PM
It hit 115 degrees today in Washington state so I retreated from the garage shop leaving the new PM1500 bandsaw unassembled. :( I did come up with a whole new method of rigging this week...


Lisa Starr
06-28-2021, 10:54 AM
Minimal shop time for me this weekend. My mother and two of her friends wanted to attend an out-of-town funeral for another mutual friend. Since they're all in their 80's, I offered to drive them there and back. It took the whole day, but it was way better than being concerned for their safety. Sunday we helped our son install new soffit on his house/

Paul F Franklin
06-28-2021, 11:36 AM
Got all the molding for my office built-ins pre-finished and cut, and I'm about half-way through installation. I made templates of the tops of the cabinets using ram board and they have let me do most of the finicky work in the shop and saved a bunch of trips up and down the stairs. I'll be happy to wrap up the built-ins and will post a few pics in the projects forum when done.

We are having an actual house guest next weekend, so there has been some cleaning happening :eek: My wife and I are fairly neat, but not company neat.... especially after a year+ of covid isolation. Part of the cleaning was taking the now-unused filing cabinets that were stashed in the guest bedroom up to the Habitat restore. Before doing that I cleaned out two more filing cabinets that were still in the office. Most of what was in there is headed for shredding, what needs to be saved now fits in the desk file drawers. I did save one two-drawer file and moved it to the shop and spent most of an afternoon sorting the stacks of tool manuals and the like into reasonable categories and filing them in the cabinet.

Getting pretty close on finalizing our kitchen design; I'm anxious to get stuff on order knowing lead times can be long. Before I go any further I want to mock up the kitchen island using foam and cardboard and whatever to make sure the aisles and placement will work in the space.

Our HVAC contractor is supposed to be here Thursday and Friday to install new furnace and AC, so I have to move some stuff out of their way. Fortunately the forecast is calling for cooler weather the end of the week so being without AC for a couple of days shouldn't be too bad.

Mike Stelts
06-28-2021, 12:03 PM
I replaced a gutter on the house and discovered a problem at the end of the day. I forgot to wear sunscreen.

Jim Becker
06-28-2021, 1:22 PM
Sounds like you're business with a lot of nice things, Dennis!

This past week's major milestone was getting the electrical work completed for my temporary shop...'just need the final approval from the inspector in the next few days. I need to remember to message him to come back which he'll enjoy doing because he's also a woodworker. (and former contractor) Air lines are also in and I'm bringing work on necessary dust collection. For the latter, I'm getting a good test of what it's going to be like for a bit to be "table-saw-less". Between the Bandsaw and Festool, I should be fine and if I truly need to use a table saw, I think I can bribe someone locally. :) I do wish we'd get a buyer for the old property because that will make it possible to start down the road of a new shop building out back. Unique properties don't sell quite as quickly as the more mainstream properties in this hot market.