View Full Version : 2006 Contributions - Reminder

John Bailey
01-11-2006, 5:07 AM
2006 Contributions
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As many recall, we had a little fund drive back a bit. I got involved because I was upset with myself for sitting on my hindquarters too long until there was an emergency. Those of you who read my posts back then may recall that I said I would be reminding folks when it came time to think about yearly operating costs. That time is approaching.
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Our yearly operating costs will be in the neighborhood of $1,300 to $1,400. We had just over 250 Creekers respond to the emergency fundraiser. If we set our goal at $1,500 for the year, and we have 250 Creekers contribute, we would have to contribute $6 each. This should easily cover the yearly operating costs. Because of the great response we had with the emergency fundraiser, there is no need to contribute extra. We have plenty in the coffers for special projects and emergencies. Also, I can guarantee there will be more than 250 respond, so we will probably add a bit to the special funds account. By the way, $6 is 50 cents a month.
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I think this is important so that we never get in the situation we had when it looked like the site may close. We can insure the future of this site with a very small contribution if we all take part. I’ve PM’d Keith and we have a little different attitude towards a fundraiser. I (the fun loving guy who is looking for a way to combat cabin fever) would like a little “event.” Keith (who is much too hard working – notice how long it took him to go out on the town) thinks we ought to just let it trickle in. He says we’re getting 2 – 5 contributions a week now. Well, it’s my thread and the last PM from Keith said do what I think is best. He doesn’t know what he’s in for.
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Keith and I both agreed we shouldn’t be doing a fundraiser during Christmas. Then we all have to regroup after Christmas and New Year’s. So, here’s the plan. On February 1<sup>st</sup>, at 1 second after midnight EST,of January 31<sup>st</sup>, I’m going to contribute my $6. Then I’m going to start a thread saying I did (2006 Contributions, [I]NOW!!!)[I]. The goal will be to get 250 contributions of $6 in the shortest amount of time and to be one of the first 250 contributors. (The first 250 will get the prize of bragging rights) When you contribute, whether it be with the donate button, PayPal, snail-mail, or any other way, post that you did. That way, all we have to do is look at the number of posts, and we’ll know approximately how much money was contributed. I say approximately because many of you can’t help yourself and will contribute more. Then, when the goal is reached, we can all sit back and toast ourselves with our favourite brew (or carrot juice in my case, eh Frank). What a way to combat cabin fever!! (Not that you in the southern climes know what I’m talking about) Of course, if you want to contribute earlier, or later, or not at all, that’s fine.
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I’ll put out a couple of reminders till then. (This is the first reminder)

What: Contributions
When: February 1st, 12:01 EST

[I] Remember, $6 is plenty. No need for more!!

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This is a great site, and ya’ll are great. Let’s make sure the site has a steady, stable source for funding so there are no more emergencies.
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Thanks, John
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Frank Pellow
01-11-2006, 6:08 AM
Thanks for the reminder John :) , and I will see if I can find carrot juice somewhwre for the 1st of February :D

Marty Walsh
01-11-2006, 8:10 AM

Hopefully you'll include details on how to donate via snail-mail in one of your reminders...

- Marty -

Jeff Sudmeier
01-11-2006, 8:26 AM
John, thanks for keeping this alive! :)

Bill Simmeth
01-11-2006, 8:42 AM
Hopefully you'll include details on how to donate via snail-mail in one of your reminders...Hi Marty... Click on the "DONATE" button at the top of the screen and you will see snail mail instructions.

Shiraz Balolia
01-11-2006, 10:14 AM
Ahead of you on this one, John!

Marty Walsh
01-11-2006, 10:19 AM
Hi Marty... Click on the "DONATE" button at the top of the screen and you will see snail mail instructions.

Thanks Bill...got it.

John Bailey
01-11-2006, 10:58 AM
Nice one Shiraz, however, the Game doesn't start till February 1st, and by definition you can't be ahead of the guy that starts it - me!! That being said, I'd love to see a lot of those "2006 Contributor" monikers ahead of me.


Marvin Keys
01-11-2006, 11:01 AM
Been there. Done that. Contribute if you can folks. Let's keep this place going... By the way, did we ever have a final tally of what was donated in 2005?

Lee DeRaud
01-11-2006, 11:33 AM
Been there. Done that.False start, offense, number 29. Five yard penalty, repeat first down.:cool:

Ya jumped the gun, bubba...looks like you'll just have to donate twice.:eek:

John Bailey
01-11-2006, 12:02 PM
Martin, if you want all the details, check this thread.


We collected over $7,000. I can't remember the exact total. This was to save the web-sight and set up an emergency fund. Now that we have that, we only need a small portion of that to operate for the year. That's why there's no need to contribute more than the suggested $6. I notice you got in on the "2006 Contributor" also. Don't forget that you can take part in the February 1st shindig. Whether you've already paid, pay right at the moment, or are "pledging," everyone that stays up till midnight can take part. It's all in good fun. Actually I just needed a way to combat cabin fever up here in the North Country.


Mark Rios
01-11-2006, 12:59 PM
Do I get to donate at 9:00 p.m. PST, Jan. 1, living out here on the West coast? I seem to remember someone mentioning this for the Creekers out here but I don't remember what became of it.

John Bailey
01-11-2006, 2:16 PM
Almost Mark, because you get to go 3 hrs. early, you have to wait till 9:10 to give the rest a chance.;)

Seriously, it'll be 12:01 EST when I post. So where ever you are, you gotta' wait till I post. Then, it'll be Katie bar the door.


Ed Breen
01-11-2006, 2:52 PM
Sorry about this, but I have to donate now. On January 30 or 31 I enter St. John's in Tulsa for a knee replacement. I don't know which day, but by midnight of Feb. 1 I'll be on a morphine drip (they truly believe in painless recovery here in Oklahoma.)
Sorry to break out ahead but I can't wait. Maybe we could visualize you as thge center of the normalk curve, and some of us who can't wait as being two or three standards away from the mean.
Ed :confused: :confused:

Paul Downes
01-11-2006, 6:00 PM
John, I was a little curious when I noticed the 'contributer' under your name. You see, I've been away from the creek for a while and did'nt hear about the fiscal moras the creek was in danger of. I thought perhaps that you had contributed some special wisdom or something.:eek: I guess I will have to correct my deficiency. In fact I may have to, as a matter of conscience, contribute a double portion to make up for my lack in the previous year. At any rate, I thank you for standing in for all of us and stepping up to get this task done. The reminder is much appreciated. Not that I would equate you with a tax collector or some other such half-stepping animal that tends to be a bother to honest woodworkers like those that inhabit this fine site. :D

John Bailey
01-11-2006, 7:29 PM

Don't worry about a double contribution. We needed about $1,350 and got about $7,100. There just isn't a need for any more in the savings/emergency account. However, I do think we need to set-up a way to have ongoing yearly expenses covered so that we'll never have another emergency. That's what the February 1st gig is about. We need about $1,350 and if 250 Creekers give $6, we'll be just fine. The contest to be one of the first 250 posters is just for fun, bragging rights and just to see how fast we can do it.

To those of you who have already contributed, you still can join the fun. You just have to wait to post after I've started the thread. Anybody who wants to contribute now and post on February 1st, are welcome to do it that way.

As far as having any special wisdom, I most definitely resemble the half-stepping animal more.


Rob Will
01-11-2006, 9:59 PM
Count me in!


John Miliunas
01-11-2006, 10:04 PM
Eeeeek!!! That's a week night!!! :eek: Well, maybe when I get to the factory, I'll still be early enough to get in under the wire!:) :cool:

scott spencer
01-12-2006, 5:21 AM
It's official, I'm in....now I can have my new title! :D

John Bailey
01-12-2006, 5:35 AM
Hey John,

If it were easy, everybody could do it. This is only for the tough guys.


Tom Pritchard
01-12-2006, 5:57 AM
This is a great site, and ya’ll are great. Let’s make sure the site has a steady, stable source for funding so there are no more emergencies.

John, I couldn't agree more!

I finally opened a PayPal account, and my donation is on it's way! I appreciate the time you took to put this together John!

Now, back to sawdust......

Jeff Cybulski
01-15-2006, 11:34 AM
Sent mine in yesterday via PayPal. Like others say this site is a veritable goldmine of information and a lot of great people. I missed the 2005 drive but not this time.
