View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-21-2021, 7:21 AM
21 Jun 2021

It's been a busy past week but a good one none-the-less. Got some work done in the shop despite the heat and humidity and my student is continuing to learn and build skills. Had a nice Father's Day weekend with family and we have out of state guests arriving today. This week will be filled with family time and some woodworking tossed in there as well as working at the day job. I also had a nice birthday meal with the family.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Charles Taylor
06-21-2021, 8:46 AM
Prior to leaving on vacation week before last, I had glued together the doors for the buffet half of my kitchen buffet/hutch project. (Hutch isn't even started yet.) This past weekend I did a trial installation and then adjusted the doors for a proper fit. The cabinet is now heavy enough that I won't try to lift it up onto my work table, so the door installation involved a lot of work on my hands and knees, crouched down, bent over, and in other contortions the effects of which I tend to feel for a lot longer now than I did when I was younger.

That was Saturday. On Sunday I opted for a less torturous job. A few weeks ago I showed a box I had made for my router plane. It was a practice piece for my beginner dovetailing skills and a much needed container for the plane and its cutters and accessories. As that was a diversion from the ongoing kitchen hutch project, I stopped at that time without making a lid for the box. Sunday afternoon I made a lid, a walnut frame surrounding a small piece of figured cherry. It's now ready for fitting to the box, sanding, and finishing.

Received some Father's Day appreciation from the kids and gave some to my dad via telephone. Hope all of the other dads had a great day and weekend.

Charles Coolidge
06-21-2021, 8:53 AM
Finished the crooked lumber ripping jig


Jim Becker
06-21-2021, 10:20 AM
Dennis, 'glad you had a great week and weekend, including both your birthday and Father's Day!!!

Charles, nicely done. You will appreciate having that fixture for sure. It's not just for "crooked" lumber, either. You can also use it to create an edge that's parallel to the actual grain of the lumber for visual appeal when that counts on a project. With a little extra bit of optioning, you can also add what you need for tapering, too.

My week was pleasant, given almost all the machinery is moved into the gara...err...."temporary shop" at our new property. The sub-panel was installed a few minutes ago and the inspector will be here tomorrow morning. That means I can get things working again once I finalize my machine positions and some other things. I still have more stuff to move out of the upstairs of the old shop (material, donations, some music equipment and, um...junk...as well as to move the lath which I've reduced to components. I may do the latter coincident with moving the Kubota because I can load the heaviest piece onto my trailer using the Big Orange Power Tool (BOPT) at the old property, move the BOPT with a 6x12" UHaul trailer to the new property, and then unload the lathe components at the new property using the BOPT. There's no hurry for this since it's taking time to sell the old property due to its nature and price and in the meantime, the lathe isn't in the way of the work I need to do.

Meanwhile, Professor Dr. SWMBO and I continue to get things better organized here at the new place now that she's done teaching until the end of the summer. She unfortunately had a heavy teaching load this spring term with 40 students in an online (non-real-time) course plus one of the regular courses she teaches...with no TA. She can now step away from the computer and get to some of the things that need done without worrying about that next email or pointless meeting.

I will leave you with this photo of a positively magnificent pine tree in our neighbor's back yard. That sucker is about 4.5 feet in diameter down near the ground and must have been here for a very, very long time. iIt appears to be very healthy, too, unlike two of the three in our yard that are, um...deceased.


Paul F Franklin
06-21-2021, 8:47 PM
Made progress on the crown molding for my office built-ins and on the kitchen remodel planning. Did a bunch of yard work. More of the same ahead....

Bruce Wrenn
06-21-2021, 8:54 PM
Did a lot more gardening things, including taking and rooting more cuttings. Son (50+) cracked a couple ribs on his day job. Happened to be at dumpsters last week when he came in with trash can. Never in my life would I have thought I would have to help him with trash can. There WAS A REASON for me being at the dumpsters at that time. He is adding a roof to is front deck, so spent Saturday over there installing rafters. Thankful for Swanson Speed Square, and the little blue book that comes with it. Snagged a bunch of almost empty paint buckets to use for self wicking buckets. Got most of them cleaned out. Started power washing house. With temps in the nineties, and dew points in the seventies, it's a PERFECT time to be doing power washing. Went to dinner with our small group from SS on Wednesday night. Attended church on Sunday, and due to rain rested and watched a bunch of YouTubes. Fixed a friend, who lost her brother last week an Orange cake. Her motto when it comes to desserts is "anything orange.) Funeral is tomorrow