View Full Version : Delta 23-710 Sharpener

Jason Sanko
01-10-2006, 10:32 PM
So I know most of you guys hand hone your stuff. But has anyone have any experience with this machine? Wood Mag. did a sharpening system review a while back and this was the next best to the Tormek. It is 1/4 or so the price and can do my jointer and planer blades also as well as hand plane and chisels. Have tried the hand honeing thing and can not get it right. Scarey sharp works great but I dread doing it so I wind up hating it and as a result I put it off till my chisels are really dead. So looking for something I won't mind touching up when I first need to not when all my chisels are dead and I have to. Did not get any responses over on one of the other boards so figured I would try here. Amazon reviews were not good at all (Noticed this after I nought it).

Andy Hoyt
01-10-2006, 10:45 PM
I've got one and rarely use it. It's too cumbersome and finicky to adjust; and the horizontal stone is incredibly soft. The other stone does work fairly well but runs a bit slow for my approach.

Think I paid about $150 about five years ago. First $30 takes it today.