View Full Version : Dealing with the leftovers, again...

steven c newman
06-02-2021, 9:37 PM
Table project is done, posted, whatever.....Boss seemed to like it..
However...there is a stack of 3/4" thick pieces in the shop....some 6" wide....but, not very long. too thick to make small, fancy boxes from...too small for any larger projects....maybe I can resaw them all down....say about 3/8" thick? Bandsaw more or less refuses to do such work. However, IF I use the tablesaw to cut a kerf all the way around these 6 planks....I might use that kerf to resaw with a handsaw.....and get a Cardio Workout to boot?

Tablesaw uses an 8-1/4" blade, and that is about all the bigger it can handle. Set up the rip fence...
And, run the boards through...
Select a handsaw...
Stick a plank in the vise...
Disston D8, 5-1/5 ppi, 28" Rip saw....have to watch out...
These short planks tend to "pop" open....on the longer boards....I wanted a bit more elbow room....might as well use the entire blade on each stroke..
Saw almost, but not quite all the way down....flip the board over, and complete the cuts...
Stay tuned.....:D

steven c newman
06-03-2021, 8:27 PM
Well, I tried at least.....until the toes of my feet went into CRAMP MODE...
A look at #2....as a "Before & After"....
Plane in use might have been a little too big? Millers Falls No.15......
Compared to the Millers Falls No. 14 Jack plane...
Tried a book match...
Hmmmm....maybe a fancy-schmansy lid? :confused: We'll see. 2 boards done, 10 more to do...

Stay tuned :D

Meryl Logue
06-03-2021, 11:24 PM
I need to find my PayPal password and do my donation so I can view these.

steven c newman
06-07-2021, 10:40 AM
Set #2 is done...had to joint the edges...better match..
Fancy Jointer Plane..
2nd set was also 4-squared. And, ripped to match the the 3rd set...it needed a little more work though..
Ya think?
Squared up...then planed flat, and jointed..
All 3 of the longer sets are now, ...done.

They didn't want to sit flat on my bench though....turned out, it was the bench's fault...we have ways
Same plane was also flattening the sets...going at a diagonal to avoid the usual tear-out it does in Ash...

Then hauled the laundry upstairs...done for a Monday morning...

steven c newman
06-08-2021, 6:32 PM
Ran the tablesaw a little bit, today...part of a 2 hour shop time Tuesday...ripped a few edges to match some other edges...
Wound up with two boards @ 8" long, and the other two were 12" long. Re-squared the ends, jointed all the edges...got rid of a slight taper in the 12" ones.
Yeah, more of this...the rounded up all the usual suspects..
Plan was to join the corners with box/finger joints...
Started with the marking gauge, and the shorter "ends"....marked out how thick the sides are...
Made sure both of the "Ends" matched up...and laid out the spacing of the fingers, with the handy-dandy spacer gauge,,
Square to help carry the marks around....then went with a single board..with the saw..
About 8 full strokes to reach the baseline...had to turn the board around,,,so the vise could get a better grip where I was sawing..
One end done...almost. Set up a chopping block....and marked the "inside" of the board..
Stay tuned, BRB

steven c newman
06-08-2021, 6:46 PM
Useful Info...
Helps to keep track of what goes where...then the chopping could begin..
Make a knife wall/line, to give the chisel a starting point..
Then start on the outside/show side first....chop about 1/2 way down...then flip over, do the knife wall...and finish the chops..
Then used this to lay out the side's corner...as soon as I figured out which that was to be....then repeat the above steps...with one difference..
2 little squares need a second saw cut....beyond that..
All chopped....1st dry fit when I do this sort of joint..usually the worst of the 4 corners...so, IF this one is tight and close too..
I would rather the fingers stick out a bit proud....better than being too short. Inside of the corner?
Even sit there nice and square, too

2 hours was just about enough "fun" for one day in the shop...area right between the shoulder blades started hurting, time to quit. Always tomorrow, eh?
Will try to get a wee bit better with corner #2...Stay tuned :D

Thomas Wilson
06-08-2021, 7:37 PM
I spent 6 hours in the shop today. I don’t think I got as much done as you, and I was using power tools. I am sure I did not have as much fun.

steven c newman
06-09-2021, 10:15 PM
Second corner had "issues" today,,,,
When half of a finger flew off. Grain was at fault...went ahead and chopped the rest of the finger off....Oooops.
made the adjustment to the matching fingers.....Corner #4 was a bit better....Corner #3 will be tomorrow..

Changed the fat center fingers a bit..Had an issue with the marking knife..
One, just barely nicked the knuckle, two, didn't feel a thing....didn't leak too much, though...
And #4 dry fitted. Will try to get the last corner chopped tomorrow....had issues as to which corner went where for the last corners.....trying to get the grain to wrap around the box...

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
06-11-2021, 6:32 PM
I suppose I should get back to work? Garage Sales are taking too much time.....still have one more corner to mill....chop....cuss....we'll see....

steven c newman
06-11-2021, 7:47 PM
1 hr 10minutes later....last corner is done...full dry fit, with 8 Harbor Freight clamps ( 4@12", 4 @ 18")....will let it sit until tomorrow....then see about a glue up?

Film @ 2300hrs;)

Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
06-11-2021, 10:02 PM
And...we..have a few pictures....
Saw cuts for the last corner....and..
After those had been chopped out. Use these to mark out the fingers that will match up into the last corner.....saw, chop, cuss, chop....and...
Dry fit all four corners...
Even sits there nice and square....I might just get the hang of these...someday?
Dry run with the clamps....to pre-set them, and see where I will need any blocking..
8 clamps MIGHT be enough...we'll see..

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
06-12-2021, 8:59 PM
Nope, 8 clamps was not going to be enough...wound up with 12....Had a supply of brushes on hand..
Came from the local Harbor Freight Tools....
Figure one to spread the glue, one to clean up any squeeze outs..first clamps are on..
used the bench vise as a clamp stand...center stays to prevent too much bowing in...
Added a pair across the center...and a extra pair of stays, due to the long sides wanting to bow in. Box is checked for square...
Then ran this around a bit...that knot was causing problems...

Let this sit overnight...and see how it turns out tomorrow....afternoonish?
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
06-13-2021, 9:14 PM
Clamps came off slowly, tonight..
First 8...out of 12...once the last 4 were removed...
beltsander AND this plane to clean things up...Then, set to work getting a lid formed up..
Trimmed down a bit, needed the edges jointed for the glue up..so...
Then off to the clamps and cauls...and glue..
Cauls to keep things flat....these are double cauls, two on each end...

Ripped a blank for the slips, that the bottom panel get rest on...took two rips..
First split...note the push stick..
Second split...again, note the push stick. These will get mitered on the ends, and glued in place around the bottom of the box....Mitersaw?
Already set up and ready to go...(where does this plug in at?)

Back to waiting on glue to dry, again....stay tuned :D

steven c newman
06-15-2021, 12:05 PM
Slips were mitered..
And glued into place..
The lid was planed flat and smooth..and two corners shaped..
Plane of choice?
Simply because it never chatters. Burn marks on the curves were removed with the spokeshave. A Stanley No. 9-1/2 was used to trim the end grain smooth..
And, between the spokeshave and this block plane...edges were rounded over..
Even on the end grain.

Plywood panel was cut to fit....finessed a bit with the block plane...once the clamps for the slips could come off, this morning. A bead of glue was brushed off onto the slips, and cauls were used to press the panel down into the glue...
So...back to waiting on glue to dry..
Need to smooth out the round-overs....a few facets remain. Look up a set of hinges, and maybe a latch. Decide on what tray(s) to place inside...and maybe some Brass feet on the corners?

Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
06-16-2021, 9:48 AM
Hardware has been bought...hinges were at Hobby Lobby, a small magnetic latch was at Menard's...same place that I bought the Brass corner trim pieces. Uncle Charles has been an issue last few days....going up and down the stairs to the shop gets to be a might painful to the backs of the legs. Maybe this evening, after all the bill paying errands, and grocery shopping is done...I can try the shop, again...we'll see..
Choice of hinges?
Brass for the feet, and a latch to keep the lid shut..
I do have some black chain to keep the lid from flopping all the way over...

Stay tuned....

steven c newman
06-17-2021, 6:46 PM
Level the playing fields...
Ends were a tad higher than the sides were...one corner really high...Lid sits better, now
Same with the bottom of the box...slips were showing, so...
Same Millers Falls No. 9 plane to level things...had to mind the direction of the grain,,,,
Seems there was a couple shavings on the bench, under the box...
But....it do sit flat, without any rocking going on...may either sand and fill tomorrow, or....add some hardware. Need to rip some parts to build a try, or two..

Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
06-18-2021, 7:40 PM
Decided the lid needed to be shaped a little differently....was too wide ( trimmed a bit from each end) and wanted a finger lift...
Something more along these lines...
Had a bit of glue line, that needed removed...Stanley No. 80 did the trick...Sanded, spokeshaved, planed....and sanded some more...to get all the edges rounded over...then seen how it fit the box...

Got out some tools..
Cut the head off of a small nail, to make a pilot hole drill bit...
There is a candle to wax the threads, and a phillips screwdriver to drive them TINY screws. Square to make sure both hinges are the same distance in from the edge. Pencil to mark where to drill the holes..
Even tried to "clock" the screws....

Entire box and lid have been sanded to 220 grit.....wiped down....about time for a coat of stain?
Almost time for a PIP?:confused:

Stay tuned..:D

Stew Denton
06-18-2021, 9:11 PM

The grain in that last photo is amazing. Beautiful.


Jerry Olexa
06-19-2021, 5:32 PM
Good work, Steve as always....

steven c newman
06-20-2021, 6:28 PM
Brass for the corners?
All 4 corners.
First coat of clear gloss poly....
Piece of metal stuck to the underside of the lid.....must be a magnet around?
Keeps the lid shut, while the first coat goes on....waiting to see how it dries..

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
06-20-2021, 11:34 PM
Box is now sitting with the lid opened....the insides have their first coat, as does the underside of the box's bottom.....and the underside of the lid.....will let dry overnight....

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
06-21-2021, 10:31 PM
Needs rubbed out, lightly sanded, BEFORE coat #2 can even be started....

Re-thinking.....have this "thing" hanging on a wall..
If you even look at it wrong, it will drop to the floor. So....theory being, IF I make a rack for inside the case, and run a router bit..
To cut a pair of slots for screws to hang this case on the wall....and call it a Key Safe.....Handle options? Stay with just the finger lift,,or
Maybe fire up the old scroll saw, and cut out a key, to attach to the front of the door...
We'll see....stay tuned...

steven c newman
06-22-2021, 12:10 PM
Going with just the finger lift as the handle...for now....Have installed a 1 x 1 for a few hooks...
Room for 4 hooks....can always add a second bar below this one.

A small tray is sitting in a bunch of clamps at the moment...need to add the back panel....need to go out and buy a few small "Cup" hooks to hang the key rings on.

Installation will be just a pair of screws through the back of the case, and into the wall.....washers to keep the heads from pulling right on through.

May lightly sand the case later today...and see about a second coat of varnish....

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
06-22-2021, 10:31 PM
4 hooks should have been easy to do...drill a pilot hole, wax the threads..
Good thing I bought 8 hooks....broke off 4 trying to get 4 in place...
Make a little 3 sided tray.....for all those keys that one forgets what they go to.....they can sit in here, until I figure them out...
2 screws, with a washer each....
Attached to the front of the door...
A silver key? Not exactly...a chrome painted piece of 1/4" thick Ash...
3 screws to hold it in place....key was cut out on a scrollsaw..
Key Safe is now open for business....

steven c newman
06-23-2021, 11:48 AM
Posted as a project....I'm done for a while...