View Full Version : Cactus Rings

Bobby McCarley
05-30-2021, 7:16 PM
A couple of rings I made this weekend using some of the internal skeleton of a prickly pear cactus pad that I had gotten from Curtis Seabeck several years ago. I took the ring blanks, inserted the cactus into the groove and then filled in with UV resin and cured with a UV light. One ring was painted lack, the other blue. With the use of UV resin, the possibilities are endless of what you can do.


David Walser
05-30-2021, 7:28 PM
Very cool. I bought a bunch of metal rings several years ago. Still haven't gotten around to actually turning any. It's on my increasingly long list of things to try.

Dave Mount
06-01-2021, 12:30 PM
Those are really nice. The cactus skeleton has a very other worldly look to it; pleasing but unfamiliar.



John K Jordan
06-01-2021, 2:59 PM
Thanks for posting. Beautiful! I love small turnings. I admit to getting a little "ho hum" at times with another big bowl with a coring shape.

I haven't tried one like that. Where do you get the hardware? Or do you machine it yourself?


Bobby McCarley
06-13-2021, 3:54 PM
John, these are the two places I use, there are a lot of suppliers out there, but I've had good service from these.

