View Full Version : First Flea Market in a Long Time

Jim Koepke
05-23-2021, 3:54 PM
One of my favorite second hand stores 'Unlimited Treasures' held a parking lot flea market. They have asked Candy and me to set up a table. It was a surprise when they told us we were one of the best tables last time we set up. Mike retired from his regular job so they are now usually open six days a week and Mike is out buying more often.

Anyway, we were going into town to pick up our daughter and son-in-law for him to help with the landscaping work. We stopped at the flea market with them on the way out of town to our house to see what was there.

Something about clamps and dividers that is hard for me to pass by:


This was from three different vendors and it all set me back a whole five bucks. Can one have too many 8" dividers? The dividers are Stanley #57. Looks like they were only made in 6-8" sizes for ten years ending in 1964.

A quick hit with a wire wheel knocked off most of the rust:


A little oil helped make everything work smoothly.

The foresner bit is a Freud. Most of mine have a sawtooth rim. Overtime some of them and a set in odd sixteenths have been accumulating of the slicing rim variety.
