View Full Version : Tell me what you know/do on Etsy

dennis thompson
05-15-2021, 10:39 AM
I make a lot of small stuff and honestly don't know what to do with it.

Anybody doing anything on Etsy?
I'm not looking to make a lot of money, just someplace to sell it.
Please tell me what you know.

Zachary Hoyt
05-15-2021, 11:10 AM
I used to sell a fair amount on Etsy but they keep pushing the fees higher, so now I have stopped listing new instruments there except for dulcimers. I still sell sumac tree slice coasters there, and I intend to keep the shop open because I have a lot of positive reviews there and don't want to lose them. Now I mostly sell through my website and Banjo Hangout. If you sell on Etsy just set your prices higher than you think they need to be, so that all of their random fees will be covered.

Roger Feeley
05-15-2021, 12:43 PM
When I want something custom, I look on Etsy for a similar item. Then I contact the seller and we work it out. I got some custom made bench legs that way. My point here is that it wouldn’t hurt to list a few things showcasing your skills.