View Full Version : Upgrade, refurbish, buy new or do nothing?

Richard Link
05-14-2021, 8:35 AM
I have a 2004-2007 vintage epilog Legend 36EXT 45 watt machine that I purchased second hand in 2009. It has worked flawlessly with relatively low demand on the same tube for the past 11 years. I am not a production shop but dearly love having the laser for general woodworking tasks. As the age of the tube continues to increase, I worry that one day the machine will be terribly under powered or stop working. I’d like to get in front of this but I can’t really justify dropping 25k for a modern machine like a 24x24 epilog.

Any sage advice? Should I just wait till it’s not functioning? Try to get the gas refilled? I’ve also looked at the cost to upgrade to 100 watts from Bell Laser and this would be about $7k. This seems very attractive both from a cost and capability standpoint. Any thoughts from those in the know on that option? Clearly this machine is long out of warranty....


Bruce Volden
05-14-2021, 9:34 AM
I'll be watching this thread as I too am in a similar situation with my 2005 TT.
I know there are Chinese machines to be had very cheap-but I won't buy Chinese anything if it can be helped.
Nowdays most everything made is disposable, you are forced to upgrade as parts are no longer available.
Try to buy new Delta parts for vintage machines!


Mike Null
05-14-2021, 11:12 AM
First, don't consider replacing a tube that is still working. Tubes are peculiar and unpredictable. Tubes tend to degrade rather slowly, not all at once. Some have been known to last 20 years. Domestic machines and Trotec, which is a hybrid (tubes are USA) carry a good re-sale value. Something that can't be said for Chinese machines.

Before you attempt an upgrade consult with Epilog tech support to find out what you'll need to do. It may turn out that it is not feasible.

John Lifer
05-14-2021, 11:35 AM
I would think an issue with the software will probably be an issue first. But I'm pretty sure the Legend is totally obsolete and no control boards or other parts are available new. Tube, no leave until it drops power a lot.
It can be recharged. If you are comfortable with this machine, I'd almost be looking for another identical with maybe just depleted tube for other parts..... A few thousand might get one and yep keep you going a lot longer.

Kev Williams
05-14-2021, 1:13 PM
I have a bought-new 2004 model 40w Synrad Gravograph LS900, last summer out of the blue the tube went bad, worked fine that night, next day it could barely set TP on fire... I sent it to Evergreen to be rebuilt, price quoted was $800 for a recharge plus any electronics/labor if needed. Turned out that electronics caused the sudden problem. $400 to fix the Electronics... Once recharged, the tube was only putting out 30 watts. They opened it up and determined the laser's mirrors were the likely cuprit. Mirror change is another $1600, but they advised me against it because, they were dealing with issues concerning bad new mirrors from their supplier. So they recharged it again, it put out a solid but low 31 watts. They only charged me the $400 electronics fix. Aside from the power loss, which I haven't really noticed, the tube is working great! And even considering a full-blown tube rebuild would be $3200, that's still a far sight less than a new tube and waaayy less than a new machine...

AND, I have a bought-used 2005 model 30w Synrad GCC (aka Pinnacle) Explorer-- last winter while cleaning the bottom mirror (this thing has the tube mounted in the bottom so there's FOUR mirrors) I accidentally broke the red LED. Bought a new one, and decided to re-align the mirrors. Since then I've gained power, the mirrors were definitely off a bit :)

I'm even getting good service out of my 80w glass RECI tube in my Chinese Triumph, took delivery in November 2013, my 8 year old cut & engrave settings have never needed adjusting...

My advice-- these machines fix, relatively cheaply in many cases... I'd worry about what to do when it stops working, with any luck that day is still way off! ;)

Joe Chritz
05-15-2021, 10:26 PM
Epilog tech is amazing but it takes a buttload of time to get through. Once you do they will walk you through whatever ails ya.

A new machine is expensive but they are amazing and the camera systems are a huge value in themselves. If you don't think you need a positioning camera and are just worried about it dying, run it until it does. Sock away a bit every month to replace it when it finally does. The tech people can tell you all about what may or could go wrong.
