View Full Version : Laser engrave logo on bowl bottom

Tom Hoffman
05-10-2021, 12:02 AM
Hi all: Did some searches and couldn't find any discussions about laser engraving my logo on the bottom of my bowls. I want to get an inexpensive machine that will do this, but all the inexpensive machines Z axis travel is limited to about 10-15 mm which wouldn't work on a bowl bottom. Anyone with some recommendations?

Tom Hoffman

Bert Kemp
05-10-2021, 1:21 AM
you could alway cut out the bottom of a cheap laser and set it uo on blocks to get the correct focus. by a cheap k40 and just cut out the bottom.

Tom Hoffman
05-10-2021, 3:07 AM
Thanks. Good idea. What is a k40?

Bert Kemp
05-10-2021, 3:35 AM
Its a cheap 40 watt co2 laser engraver . should be ok for what you want to do.

Mike Null
05-10-2021, 9:03 AM
why does it have to be a laser. A lot of people have mold made of the logo and then burn the logo onto the bowl or whatever. Similar to woodburning.

Keith Outten
05-10-2021, 11:23 AM
Do a search here on Wooden Medallions.

Bert Kemp
05-10-2021, 12:12 PM
Thats another idea and theres lots of use here that can make them for you:D

Kev Williams
05-10-2021, 6:28 PM
Google "Ortur laser"-- they're dinky lasers, come in many configurations, the basic square frame can be propped up on soup cans or whatever's handy to fit over your bowls, etc... I've talked to a couple of people who say they work pretty good for wood engraving. There's other brands that look similar...


Tom Hoffman
05-11-2021, 12:05 AM
Thanks Kev. Funny that you should mention Ortur. I just discovered them while poking around on Amazon. This looks like exactly what I want.

Bert Kemp
05-12-2021, 1:34 AM
just out of curiosity whats the power and speed like of these type lasers if compared to say a 40 co2 laser. anyone got an idea?

Bill George
05-12-2021, 9:14 AM
Bert they are diode lasers, 5 maybe 10-12 watts but very effective compared to co2. Slow and the one I had a couple years ago had a POS control system hacked from another source. Today I am sure they are much improved. So the machine can use Lightburn, BUT the stated output on the most expensive machine says 20 watts, but that is the Input power to the diode, the output is more like 6 watts. It will be slow but looks like it could do the job.

Bert Kemp
05-12-2021, 10:29 AM
Thanks Bill.
I thought they were slow. I still think a cheap co2 would be a better option, but if slow is OK then the diode might be ok

vince mastrosimone
05-12-2021, 10:38 AM
Co2 lasers are pretty good. But they need to have an exhaust system and a water cooling system for the tube. The mirrors may need to be adjusted as well, even when new. A lot more complicated than the Ortur. I have the Ortur and it does a good job for the price point. A Co2 laser is a step up in both performance and operationally though.

Bill George
05-13-2021, 8:55 AM
Reading the reviews for the Ortur reminds me about having the same issues with mine diode laser machine two years ago. Random stops, hard to get it to Home correctly and on. The GRBL control Gcode was one the the things causing problems. It was just not a reliable system the entire package.

Bert Kemp
05-13-2021, 2:23 PM
also the system is not enclosed so you have to wear special safety glass's and anyone else in the room too including pets that might look at the thing running

Joe Chritz
05-15-2021, 10:13 PM
I love my laser and use it daily but if I was looking to put my logo on something I would use a medallion. Either anodized or wood. Get them made to fit a forstner bit and go to town.

If you want a laser to use for other options as well they are excellent. I don't have any experience with any machines except the epilog line but you can have a truck load of logos made on 1/8 material for less than the start up on even a cheap machine.


Keith Outten
05-17-2021, 11:39 AM
I made these for Dennis. There are plenty of laser engravers here, visit the Laser Forums.

Kev Williams
05-17-2021, 7:28 PM
carving a boss into a bowl for a medallion seems a bit much, and would take away from the bowl (IMO) ;)

-the bowl itself should be the medallion :)

Bert Kemp
05-17-2021, 8:04 PM
does seem like a lot of extra work, I would just engrave the bottom of the bowl.:)