View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
04-25-2021, 8:54 PM
26 Apr 2021

Been a busy week at the day job and I'm still trying to learn how to get along with the new boss-man.
The LOML's kitchen pantry expansion should be completed this week....I hope.
The LOML and I went and worked at the annual Fishing For A Mission fishing tournament where we help the organization to raise money to donate to 2 local charities that help take care of people by providing clothes and food to the families in need as well as another organization that helps children with special needs. We had 56 registered boaters and we gave away a total of $7,000 in prize money for the top 10 boaters by the weight of 5 qualifying bass. We had a great time but it was a long day. We enjoy helping others and give where we can in time, effort, and money. No other real woodworking this week.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Paul F Franklin
04-26-2021, 10:00 PM
Dennis, the fishing tournament sounds like a worthy cause; good of you and your wife to support it! But sounds like an exhausting day too.

I spent most of a day cleaning the shop after the last few projects, including a more thorough than usual cleaning of the dust collector cartridge filter. I added dust collection to the drill press table I built last week; nothing fancy, just one of those stay put hoses clamped to the edge of the table. Should do the job OK. After that I got started on rough sizing and milling stock for the 8 doors and 4 drawer fronts I need to finish the office built-ins.

We had a late (for NE Ohio) snowstorm, but it warmed up quickly and tomorrow it should be in the 80's. Mowed the lawn again and did all the trimming. Next outdoor chore will be removing a whole lot of overgrown brush. It's gotten so bad I can't even get the tractor between the brush and the ditch by the road to mow the narrow strip of grass there.

Also spent some time on early planning of our kitchen remodel. Still don't know whether we will do it this year or wait, but I want to nail down the design and pick all the major materials so I'm ready either way.

Jim Becker
04-27-2021, 9:40 AM
This past week was "prepare to move", "move a lot of stuff" and then yesterday, entertain the actual movers. So we are in the new property now and spent our first night here...restless from the fatigue. LOL The birds move in a day ahead of us which was less stressful for them. So now at the new place it's unpack and try to find places to put "all the stuff" and continuing on the punch list for getting the "old" property ready for real estate listing in the next two weeks. Meanwhile, my ZTR cracked a blade which caused some future damage due to the unbalanced situation for a few seconds until I was able to whack the blade off button and is in the shop...for at least four weeks. 'Gotta find someone to cut about two acres of grass at the old place without breaking the bank.

And then I have to figure out the shop move...lots of heavy stuff and likely a storage unit for materials until I can get a building up.

Bruce Wrenn
04-27-2021, 9:00 PM
Got a lot of garden items done. Made a bunch of potting mix, transplanted veggies into larger containers. Had to cover plants, as we had two nights of below freezing temperatures. Made some self wicking pots, and transplanted tomatoes into them, Chitted some potatoes and got them into pots. Cleaned up a bunch of debris from where we had trees taken down. As usual, made biscuits on Saturday morning. Because it rained a little (very little) on Saturday, was able to burn debris pile on Sunday morning. By Sunday afternoon, it was to dry too be burning an open fire.

Tom Hyde
04-28-2021, 12:03 PM
A solid week.
