View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
04-18-2021, 8:54 PM
19 Apr 2021

I get to go back to being a free man again in about 12 hours from now. I have gotten to where I truly dislike oncall duty every month. I get no extra pay, no extra benefits, zero, nothing....for working oncall. We don't have pagers any more...we have to use our personal cell phones as company pagers and we don't get a cell phone allowance either. All that has been taken away.
Any way.....I got the LOML's kitchen pantry expansion installed and most all the trim made, primed and painted. I did the trim install for what I have made and finished. I have one more curved piece of trim to make, prime and paint before I can install the last piece of trim.
My woodworking student is going really well, he's learning, gaining skills, and gaining more and more woodworking knowledge. I'm excited for him as he seems to be passionate about woodworking and wanting to learn woodworking.
My #2 son's tv stand is working out really well for him. He really likes it and I think he did a good job on his first furniture piece. So as to not confuse anyone, my son is not my woodworking student. My son has helped me in the shop over the last several years and gaining enough knowledge and experience to not be a total newbie in the shop.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Bruce Wrenn
04-18-2021, 9:40 PM
Garden club finished up Azalea sale yesterday. Served them hot dogs for lunch on both Saturdays. Today retrieved tent, tables, chairs , sign boards, and stored them away. Attended in person worship service for first time in over a year. Hauled a load of azaleas for the sale Monday, then went to recycle and bought a yard of compost. Sifted a large portion of it, using a milk crate, and musclene. Arms were sore for two days. Got to build me a rotating, powered sifter. Watched a lot of you tubes on how to build one. Had seven trees (six pines, and one elm) removed. Pines were almost eighty feet to lowest limb, and about 16" in diameter at that point. Some were over 36" at the base. Built, and planted a couple of self wicking tubs. Cut a bunch of water tubes for self wicking tubs, to be given away at garden club picnic next month. Planted some tomatoes in garden. Started some cukes in seed flats. Friday celebrated with a get together and a meal, a friend's birthday (number 82.) Baked great grand daughter a GIANT Chocolate cookie. Her birthday is tomorrow. Burned up some brain cells trying to figure a gate to keep dog (16 years old) on back porch during thunder storms. We know she can't hear normal sounds, but thunder is different. For some reason, she goes and hides under large Azalea in yard, thus getting soaked. Ms Bluebird laid five eggs in one box last week. Need to check others this week. Went to flea market (first time in over a year) and bought some socks. Picked up material for first round of Toys for Tot's car bodies. Only need to cut a thousand this year.

Paul F Franklin
04-19-2021, 7:05 PM
Had a few nice days so did some more outside work, including first lawn mow of the season and spreading 7 yards or so of compost on the landscape beds.

Made a lumberyard run to pick up some baltic birch for a drill press table (man, I hate those 5x5 sheets of 3/4!) and while there I picked up another sheet of cherry plywood. Made 4 more shelves for the office built in's from the cherry since we found we wanted a few more shelves in the closet cabinets of the built-ins. Finished those up and installed them. Got the drill press table mostly finished. Just need to add support blocks for the bushings that will support the extension shafts for the table crank and lock. Decided to extend them out the sides of the table to allow a larger table top. Once that's finished I'll get back to the doors and drawer fronts for the built-ins. I did take a couple hours to rotate the cutter inserts in the j/p. They were still on the original cutting edges and cut quality was getting a little rough. Tedious job, but fortunately no issues with stuck screws or the like.

Jim Becker
04-21-2021, 1:09 PM
I completely forgot to post on this thread...this past week was...awesome...and, of course, busy. :D


Yup...we closed on our "downsize" property on Friday. So now I own two houses and am also an apartment tenant. LOL (the latter because I'm on our older daughter's lease and it gets me keys) I'm so busy, my head is spinning, getting the "must do" stuff done at the new house before we physically move on this coming Monday (a week earlier than planned) as well as packing and working the punch list on this "old" property so we can get it listed by 1 May, if at all possible. Oh, and while all that is going on, I'm refinishing our dining table top since it will be our main, and only, eating table in the new house. 54" diameter, teak from Vietnam that dates to the early 1960s. The previous finish didn't hold up...but it's lookin' pretty so far with sanding back, mahogany leather dye and two coats of Varathane (oil based "poly") applied. One more slightly thinned coat to go.


Meanwhile, at the new house, the Internet is in, the alarm is installed, minor wall repairs where anchors used to live are done and one of two "scary" electrical things the previous owner did are fixed. 'Seems that gentleman didn't understand you can't just splice romex in the wall or run it surface mount on top of the baseboard...oh, and not have boxes actually secured to the wall. (Both in TV locations...)