View Full Version : Delta vs Jet

Rick Dean
04-11-2021, 6:47 PM
I am a beginning woodworker and and have decided to get my second drill press. First one was a Wen benchtop cheapie but now I decided to get something that actually works. Wondering if I should purchase a Delta 18-900L 18-Inch Laser Drill Press or theJET JDP-20MF 20" Drill Press, 115/230V 1Ph (354170). Anyone have thse machines. As a new woodworker, I am not sure where my journey will lead but I think either of these machines would work. Botha re around $1300. I have seen alot of people recommending the Nova Voyager.
Thx in Advance.

Jim Becker
04-11-2021, 7:19 PM
If I were buying a new DP these days, the NOVA would get my money, no question. Of the two you mention, I'd probably settle on the Jet. It's larger capacity and Delta isn't the company they used to be.

Andrew Seemann
04-11-2021, 8:20 PM
I'd go with the larger capacity Jet or Grizzly/Shop Fox equivalent. Both are currently better and more established companies with much better support, which is sad to us old fans of Delta. Personally, I've never found laser sights particularly useful. They always seem too wide and fuzzy for what I am doing.

The 20" Grizzly and Shop Fox models are worth looking at.

Richard Coers
04-11-2021, 10:25 PM
I have no confidence in anything from Delta since the latest owner took over. Jet would be the answer to your question with me.

Ed Edwards
04-11-2021, 11:40 PM
To Rich and to others viewing this thread,
the following post does not represent an indorsement, nor as a critique of the following brands. Ed
Home - NOVA (https://www.teknatool.com/)
The company that is now Teknatool was first founded in Auckland, New Zealand in 1956 and its NOVA brand of woodturning equipment was first developed in the late 1970s. As woodturners began to expand and diversify their designs, NOVA debuted its first chuck product in the 1980s to meet the customer demand among skilled turners who needed a solution to hold their work more securely.

Teknatool For Sale - Make Wood Work For You - (https://r.search.yahoo.com/cbclk2/dWU9Qzc0QkY2NzA4QUM4NDZFQyZ1dD0xNjE4MTk2NDY1MjI1Jn VvPTc5NTA4NTQ2MjE2ODU3Jmx0PTImcz0xJmVzPVBfNUhjRklH UFMuY3ZGZFVhZFVqZ1FwZWJMV3lHMjNKZ0xFdlVYY3JwamlwV0 lrLQ--/RV=2/RE=1618225265/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.bing.com%2faclick%3fld%3de86o mZQ8FtYNXL1jtoAeGIvTVUCUxDlkEGhdND2C897PLAcXxe662s 2P8VlkuZSPq9W7XkyTd2v5EiRQnOeMwwLWSUvdnpHw8ntpaJg5 FRxqiPaiLmVK_2pTbhGpUuLWXDGht1d2kARoUmi4r76DdyAdmO GniYZ2M7J3k9mCTHJrqnl6cgwIvADK4-HJLOE_ueQQ75_g%26u%3daHR0cHMlM2ElMmYlMmZ0cmFja2luZ y5kZWVwc2VhcmNoLmFkbHVjZW50LmNvbSUyZmFkbHVjZW50JTJ mUmVkaXJlY3RvciUzZmt3aWQlM2Rrd2QtMjEwMDk0MzQ4MzglM 2Fsb2MtMTkweDM2ODk4NzY4NDN4NjE2NjY2MDklMjZhZGlkJTN kNzk1MDg1NDYyMTY4NTclMjZkZXZpY2UlM2RjJTI2bG9jYXRpb 24lM2Q2MjUwNyUyNnJldGFpbGVyJTNkd29vZGNyYWZ0JTI2dXJ sJTNkaHR0cHMlM2ElMmYlMmZ3d3cud29vZGNyYWZ0LmNvbSUyZ nNlYXJjaCUzZnV0ZjglM2QlMjVFMiUyNTlDJTI1OTMlMjZxJTN kdGVrbmF0b29sJTI2YnV0dG9uJTNkc2VhcmNoJTI2YWRsY2xpZ CUzZGE5NTVjZjA1MmE3ZDFiZWQzMWFmYWY3NjlkOGMyZTJlJTI 2bXNjbGtpZCUzZGE5NTVjZjA1MmE3ZDFiZWQzMWFmYWY3NjlkO GMyZTJlJTI2dXRtX3NvdXJjZSUzZGJpbmclMjZ1dG1fbWVkaXV tJTNkY3BjJTI2dXRtX2NhbXBhaWduJTNkJTI1NUJBREwlMjU1R CUyNTIwJTI1NUJOb24tQnJhbmQlMjU1RCUyNTIwTWFudWZhY3R 1cmVyJTI1MjAtJTI1MjBUZWtuYXRvb2wlMjUyMChCcm9hZCklM jZ1dG1fdGVybSUzZCUyNTJCdGVrbmF0b29sJTI2dXRtX2NvbnR lbnQlM2RUZWtuYXRvb2w%26rlid%3da955cf052a7d1bed31af af769d8c2e2e/RK=2/RS=aoBHql1b6bycu1hxtnsjUgqpEkQ-;_ylt=AwrEeOLxt3NgFFMAaRQPxQt.;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG 9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA292LXRvcA--;_ylc=X3IDMgRydAMw?IG=0ac478e2903e443a8f000000000c 37dd)

www.woodcraft.com (https://tracking.deepsearch.adlucent.com/adlucent/Redirector?kwid=kwd-21009434838:loc-190x3689876843x61666609&adid=79508546216857&device=c&location=62507&retailer=woodcraft&url=https://www.woodcraft.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=teknatool&button=search&adlclid=a955cf052a7d1bed31afaf769d8c2e2e&msclkid=a955cf052a7d1bed31afaf769d8c2e2e&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5BADL%5D%20%5BNon-Brand%5D%20Manufacturer%20-%20Teknatool%20(Broad)&utm_term=%2Bteknatool&utm_content=Teknatool)
Get Same Day Shipping And A 90-Day Guarantee. Shop Top Woodworking Products Now! (https://tracking.deepsearch.adlucent.com/adlucent/Redirector?kwid=kwd-21009434838:loc-190x3689876843x61666609&adid=79508546216857&device=c&location=62507&retailer=woodcraft&url=https://www.woodcraft.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=teknatool&button=search&adlclid=a955cf052a7d1bed31afaf769d8c2e2e&msclkid=a955cf052a7d1bed31afaf769d8c2e2e&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5BADL%5D%20%5BNon-Brand%5D%20Manufacturer%20-%20Teknatool%20(Broad)&utm_term=%2Bteknatool&utm_content=Teknatool)

Teknatool is ready for the next step further development of the NOVA brand and has an ...

www.walmart.com › Teknatool (http://www.walmart.com ›%20Teknatool)

About Us - NOVA (https://www.teknatool.com/about/)

www.teknatool.com › about
Teknatool® International has been a global manufacturing exporter since 1980 with facilities in New Zealand, China and the US. We are a Kiwi (New Zealand) family owned and operated company. We’re passionate about the development of emerging technology and ‘Next Generation’ export ideas. In each of our global locations, we’ve invested in the country; providing jobs, buying from local providers and paying tax dollars that contribute to the local economies.

People also ask

When was teknatool invented?

The company that is now Teknatool was first founded in Auckland, New Zealand in 1956 and its NOVA brand of woodturning equipment was first developed in the late 1970s.