View Full Version : is there a cure for pattern-itis?

Bill Carey
04-11-2021, 11:39 AM
Like most others at SMC, at least once a day in the shop I say to myself "that's a cool little piece of wood - think I'll save it." And we all know how that turns out. Boxes, buckets and piles of random bits and pieces, and should you ever remember you have it when you need it, finding it is a real chore. I seem to be afflicted with the pattern variant of this disease. Can't ever get rid of a pattern or jig. Fortunately I have a 4' wide stair to the second floor and can use that space, because the walls of the shop are full of flotsam and jetsam as it is. Anyone else similarly afflicted? Storage solutions??


Rob Luter
04-11-2021, 1:10 PM
I have the same issues. I hang jigs and patterns on pegboard hooks and store short offcuts in buckets. I have them separated by species with White Oak in one and Cherry in another. It has paid off occasionally. I have all kinds of short chunks of highly figured stuff. I need to find a guy or gal that makes small craft items or carvings and gift them a pail full. There was a time I'd have made some Keychain Fobs but keys are becoming a thing of the past.

Lee Schierer
04-11-2021, 3:06 PM
Just be sure to label your jigs so you can remember what they are used for. I have a couple that I have no clue why they were made.

Bill Carey
04-11-2021, 4:38 PM
Just be sure to label your jigs so you can remember what they are used for. I have a couple that I have no clue why they were made.

I have a few of those "what the hell was I thinking??" jigs myself. And I probably won't figure them out until after I make them again when I need one. So it goes....