View Full Version : A short Rust Hunt for Saturday

steven c newman
04-10-2021, 4:55 PM
Was worn out, anyway....#2jab thing......so, a quick trip to the nearby Antique Mall....trudge upstairs...and...
Calipers is locked up tight, need to loosen it up a bit....compass will need a little clean up.....Square is good to go...

Then this thing followed me home..
Hmmm, might need a new deck?
Wonder what colour this USED to be....
Pointer, or locking lever?
$19 and change, counting tax, today.....

Something to rehab, next month, while I am "grounded" with that hole in me leg.....:rolleyes:

steven c newman
04-10-2021, 7:45 PM
Ok..Square is good as is. That caliper needs to soak a day, haven't found any way to loosen or unlock it....2 hands ( and then some) are needed to even move things a tiny bit..

Compass? Have fitted a pencil to it....not too sure about that pointy bolt thingy...Has a Starrett logo, with a Patent date of Sept. 24,1889. Quadrant is a rod, no graduations. Am trying to further clean it up..

Haven't started on that Stanley Mitre Box...yet..

Stew Denton
04-10-2021, 9:53 PM

I like the square and caliper best, hope you can get the caliper loosened up a bit. The rust hunts you and others list are fun to read about. Maybe someday for me, but rust hunting around here is almost futility, and right now I have too many irons in the fire anyway, but maybe someday.......


steven c newman
04-11-2021, 4:02 AM
Have the Mitre Box down in the Rehab Shop....all bolts have been removed and cleaned up, screws removed. Parts will need to be well cleaned, then primered....Mitre Box is a Stanley No. 116.......

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
04-11-2021, 12:01 PM
The Compass..
May replace that "pointer" thingy....doubt if that is a Starrett OEM part...

It takes both hands, and then some, to get the calipers to budge....Letting it soak in a bit of oil...

Bolts and screws..
I thought about just flipping the wood base over, and re-using it....They had drilled a screw hole on each end, and now there are splits there....board measures 0.957" thick. Hmmm.
Parts is parts..
Found the degree scale, and a "pointer"...need to paint the indentions white/silver....and the rest black....after a primer coat....
Same goes with the Stanley logo. I did have a backsaw on hand, though..
Looks like I have a bit of work, to do..

Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
04-11-2021, 5:19 PM
Rusty & krusty, no more..
All ready for...
A decent coat of primer...
Just waiting on this to dry a day...

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
04-12-2021, 6:11 PM
Waiting on the paint to cure...

Decided to just replace the old deck....question being...
These Stanley No. 116 boxes also had a pair of clips on the front edge of the deck....HAD. Since mine are MIA, and long gone....may try to make 2 new clips....Hmmm, paint them black, or Gun Blue them?

Shop is closed on account of it being a Monday....
Stay tuned, I hear Tuesday will be here, soon...:D

steven c newman
04-14-2021, 4:26 PM
Cardio today...involved a Mitre Box..
To make 2 cuts...to get a new deck for the Stanley 116...
Then rip for width, to match the old deck..
Install the hardware..
Then a test drive..
With a D-8 Panel saw 20", 10 ppi. then a coat of stain, for now..

Then back outside, haul 10 bags of gravel and spread same level in the shed's floor....then spread 20 pounds of grass seed out where the old shed used to be....and do the Laundry Detail..

I'm plum worn out....

Still can get those calipers to budge..
May just hang them up somewhere, as a wall decoration..

steven c newman
04-16-2021, 1:06 PM
As for that compass..Starrett Pat. Sept 26, 1889...that metal "point" was in need to be redone...until I can find the OEM point..so
The "before" shot of the metal pointer. and..
Reground to a better point...the old nut got a rounding over....the threaded part at the top was removed. Decided to keep the brass as contrast..
To the thumbwheel....not sure which to keep...as for that patent date..
I can just barely make out the Starrett name above it....quadrant is a rod rod, no markings on it..

Look a bit better, now?

steven c newman
04-22-2021, 10:40 PM
Today's little excursion....wasn't that great, even for a Thursday..

Spent $23.50, total....with $18 of it for that Stanley No. 923-8in brace...

Hammer is a 20oz Estwing Curved claw.....from Rockford, ILL.....says so right on the plate at the bottom of the leather washered handle...

Not too sure about the $1.50 screwdriver...

steven c newman
04-23-2021, 2:01 PM
Day #2 of the Weekend Rust Hunt...was a bit..skimpy, but..
$12.00 + tax for the spokeshave.....$2 for the vise..
Seymore Smith & Son..stamped into both cutters...

Talk to me about this $2 vise...

Haven' found any name/logo on it..yet...:confused:

Seller had covered the spokeshave with a nice heavy coat of ClearCoat :mad: Why?