View Full Version : Can anyone ID this car?

Kev Williams
03-30-2021, 1:57 AM






I'm hoping to nip this problem in the bud before getting authorities involved. Already got the bank involved... :(

Rob Luter
03-30-2021, 6:35 AM
I'm pretty sure it's a Saab 9-3


Frederick Skelly
03-30-2021, 7:35 AM
Looked like a Saab 9-3 to me too.

Adam Herman
03-30-2021, 11:44 AM
stealing your mail?

Jim Matthews
03-30-2021, 12:04 PM
I'm hoping to nip this problem in the bud before getting authorities involved. Already got the bank involved... :

If they're stealing from you, you're probably not alone.

I *believe* this a Federal offense.

Kev Williams
03-30-2021, 1:21 PM
Oh, it's a federal offense all right. Which is why I don't want to involve the authorities, I'm pretty sure I know who's in passenger seat and if I'm right he needs help rather than more prison time. That car being a not-as-popular-as-a-Honda-or-Subaru around here helps, thanks :)

Ronald Blue
03-30-2021, 5:37 PM
Unfortunately people who've made bad decisions in the past tend to continue to make them. I applaud you for trying to give them a chance. I hope it's successful.

Frank Pratt
03-30-2021, 6:29 PM
I agree with what your trying to accomplish Kev and good on ya. If he goes to prison there's really no chance he'll get rehabilitated.

Bryan Lisowski
03-30-2021, 6:36 PM
I can appreciate your desire not to call the police, but unless you find a way to confront him you may have no choice. If this is happening on a regular basis, accidentally dropping a box of nails regularly may be the best to stop them.

Frederick Skelly
03-30-2021, 7:03 PM
Kev, you're a real smart guy and there's obviously things we don't know here. I respect you trying to help him. I really do.

He is committing a federal crime. If he stops stealing from you, it seems like he may start stealing from someone else - if he isnt already. What if he steals from an old lady who cannot afford it? What if someone confronts him, and he hurts them? There's a lot to consider here in addition to rehabilitating him.

Just another point of view to think about. Good luck.

Jim Koepke
03-30-2021, 7:07 PM
What if someone confronts him, and he hurts them?

What if he steals from someone laying in wait with a shotgun? They would likely have preferred some jail time to that.


Bill Dufour
03-30-2021, 7:29 PM
expensive car with expensive custom wheels. Stealing must pay pretty well in your town.
Bill D

Stephen Rosenthal
03-30-2021, 11:27 PM
More prison time? Fat chance at rehabbing this punk. My heart wouldn’t be bleeding for him, for all the reasons cited above.

Jim Matthews
03-31-2021, 6:44 AM
Oh, it's a federal offense all right. Which is why I don't want to involve the authorities, I'm pretty sure I know who's in passenger seat and if I'm right he needs help rather than more prison time. That car being a not-as-popular-as-a-Honda-or-Subaru around here helps, thanks :)

You're showing real compassion, there.

Repeat offenders with an untreated addiction are given alternate sentences involving rehab, "uppa heya".

If you know who it is, and choose not to alert the authorities (perhaps start with a local judge) the next victim may not be so forgiving.

Tough call, if you know the kid.

Lee DeRaud
04-01-2021, 6:01 PM
Unfortunately people who've made bad decisions in the past tend to continue to make them.You mean buying a Saab? <duck and run>

Bill Dufour
04-01-2021, 7:45 PM
Well at least he is supporting an orphan.

Bill McNiel
04-01-2021, 8:25 PM
Oh, it's a federal offense all right. Which is why I don't want to involve the authorities, I'm pretty sure I know who's in passenger seat and if I'm right he needs help rather than more prison time. That car being a not-as-popular-as-a-Honda-or-Subaru around here helps, thanks :)

I totally "grok" your approach here and applaud you and your values. Only you know the whole story, so you are the only one qualified to make your decision.
Proud of you sir!

Kev Williams
04-01-2021, 11:27 PM
This "kid" is roughly 58-60 years old... I spoke with his brother today, who ironically works for the post office-- I explained the situation, he fully understands our thoughts and concerns.

Got some good and bad news... The good news, he knows nothing of a friend of his brother with even a car, let alone a Saab. And he was able to alibi his brother. The bad news, his brother was in the hospital all that day (last Friday) going thru a battery of tests; doctors found he has cancer in his stomach and liver :( - So now I feel like a **** for blaming him.

So now that I know who DIDN'T steal our mail, I'm going to get the authorities involved. Almost every night I leave engraving jobs in an old milkbox by the front door, or just on the porch itself if the parts are too big for the box. In over 40 years we've never had a porch pirate take anything. Maybe my Saab guys were testing out the waters?

Jim Koepke
04-02-2021, 1:02 AM
Maybe my Saab guys were testing out the waters?

Hopefully you can get them a failing grade.


Rick Potter
04-02-2021, 2:14 AM
Sorry, I don't see a Saab, I see a Nissan.

Ronald Blue
04-02-2021, 9:40 AM
You mean buying a Saab? <duck and run>

Could be....lol. Or not realizing Kev is on this forum where advice is free and plentiful and even useful at times.

Frank Pratt
04-02-2021, 10:59 AM
Sorry, I don't see a Saab, I see a Nissan.

Definitely a Saab.

Kev Williams
04-02-2021, 11:45 AM
I've scrutinized the car, it's definitely a Saab 9-3, probably a 2003 or 2004 as those most closely match, but up to 2008 they're very similar.
Here's a side-by-side screenshot, I grabbed a pic of a 2003 online, it's pic name is in the title bar
-- note the front of both cars are virtually identical down to the round hood emblem--

Bill Dufour
04-02-2021, 3:15 PM
not older then 2012 if it is a Saab.
Bill D

Lee DeRaud
04-02-2021, 4:18 PM
not older then 2012 if it is a Saab.ITYM not newer than 2012...

Bill Dufour
04-02-2021, 10:00 PM
ITYM not newer than 2012...

Thanks for the fix! I suppose it could be a Nevs But every picture I have seen has the brand name spelled out on the doors in letters one foot high.
Bill D

Rick Potter
04-03-2021, 2:10 AM
OK, I will bow to the pressure. Just that the window on the rear door looks funny to me.

Darn furrin cars.

Lee DeRaud
04-03-2021, 12:00 PM
OK, I will bow to the pressure. Just that the window on the rear door looks funny to me.Low-res pic and super-dark tint on the window makes the divider bar almost invisible.

Kev Williams
04-03-2021, 2:52 PM
Yeah, the pics are taken by phone from the computer monitor, not the highest quality ;)

-I need to read the instructions and see what I have to do to offload the video--

In the meantime, using my trusty ancient Sony F707 and some editing, these are a wee bit better maybe--





We were trying to figure out if this car is white or silver, that's a white pickup at neighbors, so we've decided the car is silver...
Also, the top is all black with a sunroof, and the spoiler is different than any I've seen in other pics--- will be very easy to pick this car out of a lineup...

Lee DeRaud
04-03-2021, 4:18 PM
I suppose it could be a Nevs But every picture I have seen has the brand name spelled out on the doors in letters one foot high.
Bill DAFAICT none of the 200 or so Saab-based NEVS cars were made it out of Sweden.
In any case, Kev's guy doesn't sound like the type to own an electric car. :)

Bill Dufour
04-06-2021, 11:20 AM
My dad made us an electric go cart when we were kids. We only had 50 feet of extension cord so it never got to far out of hand.
Bill D

Brett Luna
04-06-2021, 1:13 PM
Our community has had problems with mail theft over the past few years. Since we have "gang boxes" with a couple dozen mailboxes in one spot, it's a target-rich environment. The police even busted an organized ring once. When we found pieces of our own mail open and on the ground, we bought a locking mailbox (https://www.lowes.com/pd/Architectural-Mailboxes-Oasis-TriBolt-12-in-W-x-18-1-in-H-Metal-Black-Post-Mount-Lockable-Mailbox/999918502) at Lowe's. No issues since.

Kev Williams
04-06-2021, 2:01 PM
We have a locking mailbox for incoming mail. We got it back when my dad's dementia got bad, he was taking the mail and hiding it. I put some rather expensive items in the outgoing box at times, I feel fortunate they only got a couple of our checks.

Had a cop come by yesterday, took phone vids off my monitor and searched the neighborhood for more cameras, not much to go on without a plate number. I was told mailbox theft is really rampant right now, stimulus checks and all...

Bill Dufour
04-06-2021, 10:54 PM
Let the post office police department know. That is all they do, protect the mail. It is not really local jurisdiction since it is a federal crime. Same reason that railroad scrap theft is not a big thing. get caught with railroad scrap and you must prove it is legally yours or your scrap business is taken to pay for thefts.
Bil lD