View Full Version : Bridge City Pencil Turning Kit

Keith Outten
03-26-2021, 11:56 AM

Here is the link to the page:

Before you scroll down to the bottom of the page and look at the price take a deep breath :)

Julie Moriarty
03-26-2021, 12:04 PM
Bridge City and Harvey Woodworking have "flash sales", for those signed onto their email notices, where they temporarily drop the advertised price. I think the last one for the pencil kit was about $100 less. Still pretty pricey, though.

David Walser
03-26-2021, 1:17 PM
I find most of Bridge City's tools attractive. I don't own any mind you. They aren't that attractive. However, when I first saw their pencil turning kit, it was one of the few tools that held no attraction for me. Handmade chopsticks? I can see that being an heirloom item that someone might want. But, handmade pencils -- that, if used, are going to be sharpened down to nubs -- what's the point of that? I just don't see it.

Adam Herman
03-26-2021, 2:12 PM
i mean, its fun. but damn 700 for a made in china pencil making kit? i think ill wait for the wish.com version.

Robert D Evans
03-26-2021, 7:12 PM
Walmart has 48 pre-sharpened #2 pencils for less than $2.00. This pencil maker is just one of those things that just makes you go hmmm.

Keith Outten
03-26-2021, 10:36 PM
It's not like you can produce something custom that is impressive, this kit just makes common pencils. The quality of the kit is impressive and the engineering is top shelf the problem is that what you can produce is just another pencil.

What were they thinking to spend so much money to design and produce a product that seems to offer so little for such an extravagant price :)

Mel Fulks
03-26-2021, 10:55 PM
it’s possible that the inventor over heard a guy say : “I need to get some lead in my pencil”.

Frederick Skelly
03-27-2021, 9:04 AM
Ouch! For $700, this isnt a toy for most regular guys, certainly not me. Maybe I'll show the vid to the doctor for his kids.

But I'd still love to hear the story behind this. It really IS cleverly engineered. After watching the vid, I wanted to just pick it up and try it, just to see if it really does work as smoothly as it looks. I found it a cool exercise in how to break down a job into simple, repeatable steps. It's almost as if Economaki got bored one Saturday afternoon and started puttering, doing this just to flex his skills a bit. (I wonder if that's what happened, and he said "Heck, for another couple hours of work, I could sell this? Most of the work is done!")

Jeffrey J Smith
03-27-2021, 4:43 PM
That's got to be the silliest excuse to send someone $700 I've ever seen - and I spent over 40 years in industrial marketing. Right up there with the nose picker...