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View Full Version : Just for fun

Peter Blair
03-19-2021, 10:00 AM
There was a dark line on the wood when I started turning it which turned out to be a bark inclusion that in ran past the center. Once discovered I nearly tossed it in the burn pile. It was sitting on my bench when I thought what the heck this is a good piece to have fun with. The leather stitching is not holding anything together it is just decoration. The Bandaid is pyrography on a crack that developed when I left the piece sitting on my bench. I titled the piece "Owie".


The next piece is a first for me. I decided I wanted to to a collaboration with Mother Nature and took a couple of branches from a small decorative Maple tree in our back yard, glued them to the vase then added pyro flowers and humming birds.


Hope they make you smile.

Patrick Morris IV
03-19-2021, 10:16 AM
Really like the imagination and vision.

Bill Carey
03-19-2021, 10:27 AM
did indeed make me smile Pete - I really like the Owie - very creative.

Dave Mount
03-19-2021, 10:39 AM
Both are very fun and well executed. Little makes me as aware of my own lack of creativity as seeing what you and others come up with. Well done.


Thomas Wilson80
03-19-2021, 10:45 AM
Love them! You're a great artist. What do you use for the color around the pyrography?

Tim Elett
03-19-2021, 11:19 AM
Very cool, I haven't seen the branch on a bowl, or a band aid!

tom lucas
03-19-2021, 12:49 PM
Neat! I love them both. Do you think the tree branches will stay once they are fully dried out, or will they crumble?

Mel Fulks
03-19-2021, 1:15 PM
You are onto something good ! Like the band-aid,there is something charming about seeing a real object and knowing ...it’s fake. Kinda like
an exceptionally beautiful “girl-a-kin”. So many drawn hummingbirds are too fat, yours is just right . But could be greener.

Peter Blair
03-20-2021, 9:10 AM
Neat! I love them both. Do you think the tree branches will stay once they are fully dried out, or will they crumble?

tom I have no idea . . . I do know that they will remain where they are glued but in some places they stand off a bit?

Peter Blair
03-20-2021, 9:11 AM
Thomas, the color of the flowers was added with water-colour pencils and the iridescent color on the Hummers is Jo-Sonia Iridescent red and green.

Peter Blair
03-20-2021, 9:13 AM
Hey Mel. Thanks for the comments. The Jo-Sonia iridescent paint really only shows up well on black. The hummers are slightly green all over and iridescent on the head and red on the throat. Shows up a little better in person. This is one of those times that I wish I were a better photographer!

tom lucas
03-20-2021, 9:31 AM
Depending on the look you are after, if you pre-coat the painted areas with gesso (clear recommended), then water colors will be brilliant and "solid". It will also greatly control grain-bleed. It's an amazing difference. I do like the pastel, semi-transparent effects on this piece though. Gives it a more subtle appearance, and the burning is quite effective at controlling grain-bleed too. Gesso would probably work well under the iridescents, and have a similar effect.

Peter Blair
03-20-2021, 11:36 AM
Thanks Tom all great ideas. I was intent on keeping the colors on this piece a little 'muted' but I sure will consider these suggestions as I move to my next piece.

tom lucas
03-20-2021, 8:46 PM
Thanks Tom all great ideas. I was intent on keeping the colors on this piece a little 'muted' but I sure will consider these suggestions as I move to my next piece.
Here is water color pencils over Gesso. The dark brown is pyrography.

Peter Blair
03-21-2021, 9:12 AM
Looks pretty neat. Thanks for the idea!