View Full Version : corel contour

Bert Kemp
03-18-2021, 8:24 PM
I can't seem to change from outside contour to inside. I read help and tried what it said, then I looked at a couple videos tried that no matter what I try I can't get it to change to an inside contour. WShat am I missing:( x5

Kev Williams
03-19-2021, 11:43 AM

it's the double-curved arrow icon shown, comes up when editing nodes--

Bert Kemp
03-19-2021, 7:41 PM
not sure what your doin here Kev. All i want to do is change the outside couture icon to inside icon so can do inside contour454658

Mike Null
03-20-2021, 3:49 PM
Try using the drop down menu from the "effects" tab.


Kev Williams
03-20-2021, 5:39 PM
I now know what Bert's getting at, only one of the contour options is available... That happens to me all the time, and I don't know why either...

What I did was show how to change the direction of contour-- in my pic, the contour was clockwise, clicking the tool I showed would make it counter-clockwise. This is important when working with objects with holes, because hole outlines are always CCW, and 'normal' outlines are always CW. This is how graphics programs know if a closed object inside another closed object is a hole border, or if it's just an object inside another object which can be painted separately...

Bert Kemp
03-20-2021, 11:50 PM
Right the only option is an outside. I tried what Mike said still didn't work
I think what happens is once you make changes to the original pattern then you can't make changes to the contour.
I went and deleted that whole program, started from scratch and did my contour before doing anything else. That was the only way I could get all 3 contour option to not be greyed out.

Monten Pierre
04-08-2021, 4:02 AM
Right the only option is an outside. I tried what Mike said still didn't work
I think what happens is once you make changes to the original pattern then you can't make changes to the contour.
I went and deleted that whole program, started from scratch and did my contour before doing anything else. That was the only way I could get all 3 contour option to not be greyed out.

Hello Bert e.o.,
i think that you must select your contour, then go to the "outline pen" (on the right side under) there you have an option "position".
Now you can choose for outside , center, inside.

Hope that this is what you are seeking.

Succes, Pierre

Bert Kemp
04-08-2021, 12:51 PM
Thanks I'll try that next time I run into this problem.

Hello Bert e.o.,
i think that you must select your contour, then go to the "outline pen" (on the right side under) there you have an option "position".
Now you can choose for outside , center, inside.

Hope that this is what you are seeking.

Succes, Pierre