View Full Version : Fun day!

Carole Valentine
01-07-2006, 8:46 PM
Got to Dick's about 10 AM. Fiddled with the Mustard Monster...he showed me how he makes his birdhouse ornaments and I showed him how I do the mini hollow forms by making one for his wife. I had to stand on a milk carton because Dick has his PM jacked up so high. Then Barry Irby came down from Chester and brought some wood (a chunk of walnut and some hurricane wood from FL that we couldn't identify) Ruth went and got some of that great Pierce's BBQ that I used to love so much when I lived in Richmond. After a great lunch it was back to the shop and Dick demonstrated his Kelton Hollowing Rig with Laser and I tried it out. Sure does make things easier on the bigger forms! For right now though, I think I will settle for a tool gate. The PM is smooth as silk! Traded lots of goodies. I left some fresh Black Gum and a big chunk of spalted maple, some HSS drill rod and key stock for making mini tools and some of the 6/0 steel wool cloth I like. Took home all sorts of goodies: English Walnut, Big Leaf Maple burl, Purple Heart, etc. I think Dick came out on the short end of the stick! LOL It sure is fun to spend the day in another turner's shop just messing around. This was a first for me and I loved it. Well worth the 4 hr round trip! Anyway, I know that here at SMC, if there are no pics it didn't happen so here are a few. Don't remember what Dick was hunting for in the shavings! :D Oh I almost forgot! I got actually hold in my own two hands a Wally Dickerman piece! Whoa!

John Hart
01-07-2006, 9:09 PM
Sounds fun Carole! Nice Itty Bitty too! Fun day all around on my end as well. All is right with the world. :)

Bill Stevener
01-07-2006, 9:30 PM
Hi Carole, glad you had a nice day, always nice to visit with another turner. I had a day like you had several weeks ago, not quite as bad though. Went to turn on the computer this morning and nothing. Some investigation revealed the power supply was wiped. After all attempts to revive it, and even a Paw Kettle slap, yep it was ded. So yanked it out and off to Best Buy. Secured a new unit, twice the power, jacked everything in, and off and running again. Guess all in all I had a good day, this old thing is still running, the computer that is.


Ernie Nyvall
01-07-2006, 10:32 PM
Sounds like a great day Carole, and you came away with some loot!!!:cool:


Bernie Weishapl
01-07-2006, 11:28 PM
Sounds like a good day all the way around Carole. Also came away with some nice goodies.

Andy Hoyt
01-07-2006, 11:30 PM
Sorry Carole. Where is the photo that proves you were there?