View Full Version : Baltimore WW show

Keith Christopher
01-07-2006, 6:36 PM
Well craft USA was there (I was so hoping !!!! ) and I picked up a few euro pen kits.


I HAD to turn one tonight.

The show was kinda lame, no 'deal' at all to speak of. Lots of vendors (but not as many as last year) all selling at retail prices. TONS of router bits though. Jointech was there which was cool, some interesting demos and one of someone cutting a 1"x1" square stock with no fence or push stick. Was scary to watch. I picked up a LN (really Glen-Drake) marking gauge and a LN hat.


I'll be back tomorrow, maybe pick up the PC 685 router.


Keith Christopher
01-07-2006, 10:03 PM
anyone else go ?

John Hart
01-08-2006, 7:50 AM
Nice work Keith! The wood is great but I like most how you shaped it to flow with the end cap. The whole thing has a nice "feel" to it. :)

Mike Vore
01-08-2006, 9:45 AM
Yes, I was there with the same impression - it was smaller than usual. But the interest at the Chesapeake Woodturners demo was about as usual. I was turning and talking most of the day. What a day, I didn't see anything I needed or even remotely wanted, so I saved myself a bunch of money (without switching to Geico :) )
