View Full Version : More chairs

Mark Rainey
03-09-2021, 6:34 PM
The snow is melting in Northeastern Pennsylvania and spring cannot be far off. Making some additional deck chairs to bring outside.


Jim Becker
03-09-2021, 8:53 PM
Those are really nice, Mark. 'Should present many relaxing hours!

David Lageman
03-09-2021, 10:17 PM
No snow here in SW Florida, so they can sit out all year round. :) Beautiful work!!!

Mel Fulks
03-09-2021, 11:22 PM
Always liked that style , and your all of your fine projects. Remember...even though you are in PA there is no law against using the “traditional” Art Deco
paint colors ....”they’re not just for Florida anymore !”

Dave Seng
03-10-2021, 9:33 AM
Those are very nice looking chairs, Mark. Are they your own design? How do you make those curved arms?

Mark Rainey
03-10-2021, 9:58 AM
Thanks for the comments guys. Dave, this is a design of Michael Fortune, a well know woodworker/designer. The curved arms are made through bent laminations, resawing 8/4 cherry into 1/8 inch thick boards, applying glue, and clamping them over a form. Dry after 24 hours.

Mike Henderson
03-10-2021, 11:57 AM
Very nice work. The seat and back appear to be bent lamination also. That was a lot of work to do all that.


Mark Rainey
03-10-2021, 12:16 PM
Very nice work. The seat and back appear to be bent lamination also. That was a lot of work to do all that.


Thanks Mike. Yes, it is a lot of resawing & a lot of glue ups. About 56 1/8 inch laminates per chair.

Ed Gibbons
03-11-2021, 8:42 PM
Great job!

Mark Rainey
03-11-2021, 9:03 PM
Great job!

Thanks Ed!

Charlie Jones
03-11-2021, 9:43 PM
Great job. They look very comfortable.

Bill Carey
03-12-2021, 12:02 AM
Nicely done Mark. All that resawing really paid off. Did you get plans for them somewhere?

Jim Matthews
03-12-2021, 7:39 AM


Phil Mueller
03-12-2021, 7:40 AM
Well done, Mark. You’re going to enjoy those a lot. I often find it hard to make multiples of anything. Takes a lot of motivation. On the other hand, once the forms are made and the saw is running it’s sort of like why not make four or more. Hopefully, we’ll all be vaccinated soon and you can have a proper get together to break in those chairs.

Mark Rainey
03-12-2021, 8:53 AM
Nicely done Mark. All that resawing really paid off. Did you get plans for them somewhere?

Thanks Bill. Yes, the plans are in Fine Woodworking in two different editions of the monthly magazine several years ago. Additionally they have a video workshop which you can purchase on DVD or you can access if you subscribe to the digital magazine. I found it helpful to use both. If you need a copy of the magazine articles PM me.

Mark Rainey
03-12-2021, 8:59 AM
Well done, Mark. You’re going to enjoy those a lot. I often find it hard to make multiples of anything. Takes a lot of motivation. On the other hand, once the forms are made and the saw is running it’s sort of like why not make four or more. Hopefully, we’ll all be vaccinated soon and you can have a proper get together to break in those chairs.

Thanks Phil. You are insightful. After resawing and planing a few hundred board feet of cherry, "the thrill is gone". The hobby can hint of drudgery. I suppose I have to engage in delayed gratification - people seem to really like the chair and because I do have the forms and method down I think it might be a good gift idea. Yes, as far as COVID we are eager to get outside this spring and see people again around our fire pit, sitting in our chairs.

Mark Rainey
03-12-2021, 9:03 AM


Thanks Jim. I see some enthusiastic Neanders playing around with the Blackburn monster resaw frame saw. Shall we try to get together and do one of these chairs by hand? We need 56 4 feet strips 1/8 thick and 5 to 6 inches wide.

glenn bradley
03-12-2021, 9:45 AM
Thanks Mike. Yes, it is a lot of resawing & a lot of glue ups. About 56 1/8 inch laminates per chair.

Wow. Kudos! A nice execution of a Fortune-esque neo-classic. The extra effort and attention to detail garner the great responses you've gotten here. It's the willingness to put in that extra effort that elevates our work.

Jack Frederick
03-12-2021, 10:01 AM
Those are fabulous, Mark. Would you mind posting a few more pics of the undercarriage and different views...please.

Zac Martin
03-12-2021, 10:21 AM
wow, beautiful chairs Mark! I really love that design.

Jim Matthews
03-13-2021, 7:08 AM
Thanks Jim. I see some enthusiastic Neanders playing around with the Blackburn monster resaw frame saw. Shall we try to get together and do one of these chairs by hand? We need 56 4 feet strips 1/8 thick and 5 to 6 inches wide.

I'll check my schedule.

I hear my Momma calling.

Once I get through my "Honey Do" list.

After I go to Disneyland, in Japan....

(That's what, 300 bored feet?)


Mark Rainey
03-13-2021, 7:54 AM
Wow. Kudos! A nice execution of a Fortune-esque neo-classic. The extra effort and attention to detail garner the great responses you've gotten here. It's the willingness to put in that extra effort that elevates our work.

Thanks Glenn!

Mark Rainey
03-13-2021, 8:02 AM
Those are fabulous, Mark. Would you mind posting a few more pics of the undercarriage and different views...please.

Thanks Jack. I will post some more detailed pics.

Mark Rainey
03-13-2021, 8:17 AM
wow, beautiful chairs Mark! I really love that design.

Thanks Zac!

Mark Rainey
03-13-2021, 12:03 PM
Those are fabulous, Mark. Would you mind posting a few more pics of the undercarriage and different views...please.

some more pics 454349454350454351